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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@ Ether

I don't cast, I just raise my temperature and start throwing fire everywhere until things start to burn to the ground.

On that note, have you ever tried to rape the exhaust of a shuttle engine?

@ Psychout

I don't remember what yaoi is :/

Cuddles is more of a humility challenge than a fetish <_<

@ Ixion

He talks to Headmaster ONE time and there's a sex scandal in the works? :blink:

Edited by Phoenix
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Building falling: I might have a building falling on you, but I can't kill or permanantly maim them, so it's not exactly hard to think of a counter solution on the spot

Politics: Hmm, well tough, I love politics, division, and arguing, as well as fire, chaos and Amari Jerky

Piss off: It would make me happier knowing I'm accomplishing something?

RP Collaboration: I'm not lying, I personally don't care whether I rip your idea to shreds in a PM, or if I rip it to shreds in the RP. The only person that can make your plans Cuddleproof, is Cuddles herself. I'm targetting you, sure, but that's because the situation of going to Ilyphina was ridiculous and the idea of getting Viveka/Conrad was stupid the moment we killed Percy's wyverns and tried to blackmail a hero. A scenario I foresaw and argued against (Not necessarily Percy, but soldiers were an inevitable encounter)

@Collab Pt2: Tell me that again once you've actually tried, your assumptions might not necessarily be correct, As for leaving you alone, I admit, I'm not willing to leave you alone, and that's because you're a rather entertaining scratching post XD I tried to switch to Kai and Lightning, but they just weren't interesting or active enough (on my timezone).

@Set Ablaze, Nady doesn't take well to people who use others to argue their point, she has a little sister, who couldn't tell me it hurts even if I punched her face in (Haven't done it, but considered it a few times) But is willing to tell everyone that I sexually harass her to family and friends, fortunately she lies so often that no one takes her seriously... other then mother dearest. If you have a problem with me, addressing it with me, with more then "I don't like what you're doing" might be a better idea, "Stop causing shit" doesn't make any difference either. Again, I'm going to screw up anything I disagree with, or anything I'm not made aware of and don't like.

@Sabotage: Two/Three days was meant to mean it takes me that long to put anything into motion. Cause you all have a cow when if I just did something out of nowhere, and I personally don't enjoy doing that either unless it's a reaction post.

@Quitting: Working with other Rp'ers? I was under the impression that I was your only problem :/ Or at least that's how it seems according your pleas to Cynthia to do something about the destructive Cuddles:/

@Kiryn: I assume that's Lacuna, she seems to have more sense, and I haven't noticed anything she does that's irked me. Planning things out with her might actually do you alot of good :/

@I don't hate you: That's punishment, relationships are more fun when there's hate flying across the room.

@Selizara/escape: What were these numerous situations? With Chase outside, pretty much in enemy hands I don't see much way around it, and the forest seemed like a trap to me :/ (Unless Viveka is incompetent) Surrender never seemed like a good idea, should have done that with Percy.

@Depressed; I hate you! Go hang yourself! Shoot yourself in the head!....... Did that help? If you do anything emo like, just think. If I do this, Nady gets her way. Do I really want that? And you should be fine unless you're some sort of Masochist.

@Cause trouble: And that's probably the main reason we never get along XD I have enough order and peace in my life to not want it in fiction. If we've never talked about it, chances are it's a reaction to an idiot move, something the group seems to like to do "I'm a wanted criminal, don't kill me!" If you're blaming RP'er idiocy as the ingredients to my chaos making, it's not my fault.

@Cobalt Caves-> Selizara

No idea, but when I'm assured there'll be something interesting happening in these caves and find out the most interesting thing that happened was Tessa or Katie floorin a soldier, Nady is not impressed. Ethers stupidity is not my fault, he made no sense, and I reacted accordingly (To my Nady doesn't agree ideology)

@Working together: You're not listening because you're not reading posts like you say you are, and are either still skimming posts, or ignoring them outright. The reason I don't PM you is because the problem usually don't just involve you. I don't provide a resolution because 1:I don't have to, and 2: Because things have already been set into motion, and the only way to solve it is through conflict. Furthermore, if I voice a complaint and someone has a solution, they might put it into practice.

Also, by posting here, I don't have to deal with specific people whining "I got no warning" and if things go (Nady right)wrong I can reference the post. I already have to run some of the stuff past Snowy/Cynthia thanks to your whining, I'm not going to send out half a dozen PM's each time I'm going to do something.

@Npc's: Statted bosses, sure. But we don't need extra support options, we have more then enough characters in the RP to cater for everyone, if you can't find a few people you can interact with in the group, your character is really shallow, or you NEED to change your character somehow, Helios is doing that now. If you need to look to Lev/Ivan etc who aren't going to be part of the group for 90% of the time, then your character has issues that need to be addressed. This rings true for everyone, not just you.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to be saying I'm willing to review your ideas, and you seem to be saying "no one'll cooperate, no I don't want you to communicate with me" Is Phoenix being a hypocrite?


If you paid me, I'd take the money and not change, if you actually were that desperate you deserved to be conned XD


@Psych, You prefer I abuse you? I would but you're probably not as interesting to play with :P

@Ether: Deal, What should we do about distribution rights? I know a few people who could turn it into a short 30 minute anime skit if you'll let me XD Or should we just go with good old ebay?

@Snowy: "He" and "His" are clear indications :/

Edited by Kanami
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I don't get it. I've gone through pains to keep the details of what the headmaster's gender is hidden, and you deduce that the headmaster is male?

We deduce that Phoenix wants to get it in bed...

That's all we need.

Edited by psychout50
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I'm going to agree with Phoenix's post. Nady, the problem isn't that nobody's cooperating. It's that you don't want to cooperate. And it's a pain. This is an RP. RP's are supposed to be fun. Not only are you only amusing yourself, you're ruining it for others. This isn't a pie where if you get a piece, someone else misses out. It's supposed to be a big enough pie so that everyone can get a slice. And if you want your slice to be bigger, that means our slices will be smaller, and dammit, that's when we're going to get angry at you.

Wait... you're saying Kanami is the one who wants a larger slice of the pie? :lol:

And, for the record, while I think she can occasionally take things too far (e.g. antagonising the secretary just a bit more than was probably necessary), I do find much of what she does entertaining, and in certain cases actual propels the story forward in interesting and unexpected directions.

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I'm going to agree with Phoenix's post. Nady, the problem isn't that nobody's cooperating. It's that you don't want to cooperate. And it's a pain. This is an RP. RP's are supposed to be fun. Not only are you only amusing yourself, you're ruining it for others.


Ruin ideas of others/Cause general chaos/Plan to create chaos/Pretend to cooperate


Try to cooperate with Nady/Make a well-deserved complaint/Try to work things out/Contribute productive ideas

Hmm,who dares interupt my fun with Phoenix with senseless blabber? Oh you :/ Ah well might as well respond to pass the time while I wait for the next post. Firstly and foremostly, I'm not the one complaining about lack of cooperation, Phoenix is, so you're already disagreeing with him in line 1 :/

I don't want to cooperate, Hmmm, I don't want to, that is true, but why the hell should I cooperate with people who intentionally ignore my Feedback warning until it's too late? Again, I have no intentions of cooperating, but if you people want to prevent me from screwing things up then your best bet is to answer my questions when I ask them instead of ignoring me and thinking if you ignore me, I'll go away.

On one hand you're saying I refuse to cooperate, and then you're telling me to stop meddling :/ Well if I'm big bad Nady that doesn't cooperate I don't see why I have to stop meddling.

Pie reference was removed since it wasn't really required, I understood you the first time. I'm a greedy bitch, and if I can't have the pie at the exact temperature I want, I'm going to do all in my power to prevent anyone taking a slice until it's the right temperature.

I'm not even sure how to respond to the rest, but next time you hurl accusations please provide supporting text, or at least describe your accusations better. Cause this just looks like biased "I'm butt hurt you screwed over my plan" Cuddles is the alpha male? So if you're going to give me short accusations, I'll give you short replies


Ruin ideas of others: Come up with better ideas

Cause general chaos: If you don't like it, then think of a way to defuse it.

Plan to create chaos: It's up to me what I plan, and I can only plan once you people give me a block of cheese which isn't full of holes.

Pretend to cooperate: I don't believe I do this, I am openly hostile, and refuse to cooperate remember?


Try to cooperate with Nady: I refuse to see evidence of this.

Make a well-deserved complaint: A complaint seldom supported by anyone other then involved parties

Try to work things out: Try to work things out, and fails.

Contribute productive ideas: Again Ideas full of holes

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You know, despite me saying that we really have enough characters, Tessa getting swarmed after every battle is getting kind of awkward. I may have to make a Cleric or something.

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@Bal: <3 I have semi-support XD Will you marry me? I promise to set the chapel and the rest of the world on fire to celebrate XD

Nyeh, as for the secretary antagonising, it carried on for longer then I anticipated due to the secretary calling her a hag XD I'll keep randomly antagonising random NPC's in mind from now on, but I refuse to give up my right to call Helios the "Dumb wind mage" I have confirmation from "The Lady" XD

@Cynthia: A second cleric has been mentioned more then once, and eventually I might have Kamilla learn to heal (low tier) something that's a lot slower and effective then Tessa's that I can only use in terms of plot. But that'll take awhile IMO, so a second healer might be a good idea. We're at a city now, but out in the wilds, it's going to be impossible for Tessa to handle the entire group.

Edited by Kanami
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@Bal: <3 I have semi-support XD Will you marry me? I promise to set the chapel and the rest of the world on fire to celebrate XD@Cynthia: A second cleric has been mentioned more then once, and eventually I might have Kamilla learn to heal (low tier) something that's a lot slower and effective then Tessa's that I can only use in terms of plot. But that'll take awhile IMO, so a second healer might be a good idea. We're at a city now, but out in the wilds, it's going to be impossible for Tessa to handle the entire group.

I say if she does, it should be somewhat like Sacrifice.

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Priest or Cleric generally depends on gender in the FE universe (Priests male, Clerics female). Except for Laura, but I wouldn't be surprised if she had a penis anyway. Not sure on M/F yet, they probably won't be joining immediately anyway.

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Building falling: I might have a building falling on you, but I can't kill or permanantly maim them, so it's not exactly hard to think of a counter solution on the spot Noted.

Politics: Hmm, well tough, I love politics, division, and arguing, as well as fire, chaos and Amari Jerky I love support building but you don't see much of that going on now do we, what with Katie getting nabbed, and Mark getting deleted.

Piss off: It would make me happier knowing I'm accomplishing something? ... ... ....

RP Collaboration: I'm not lying, I personally don't care whether I rip your idea to shreds in a PM, or if I rip it to shreds in the RP. The only person that can make your plans Cuddleproof, is Cuddles herself. I'm targetting you, sure, but that's because the situation of going to Ilyphina was ridiculous and the idea of getting Viveka/Conrad was stupid the moment we killed Percy's wyverns and tried to blackmail a hero. A scenario I foresaw and argued against (Not necessarily Percy, but soldiers were an inevitable encounter) Well congratz cause we're back to square one anyway.

@Collab Pt2: Tell me that again once you've actually tried, your assumptions might not necessarily be correct, As for leaving you alone, I admit, I'm not willing to leave you alone, and that's because you're a rather entertaining scratching post XD I tried to switch to Kai and Lightning, but they just weren't interesting or active enough (on my timezone). This long distance relationship isn't working out -_-

@Set Ablaze, Nady doesn't take well to people who use others to argue their point, she has a little sister, who couldn't tell me it hurts even if I punched her face in (Haven't done it, but considered it a few times) But is willing to tell everyone that I sexually harass her to family and friends, fortunately she lies so often that no one takes her seriously... other then mother dearest. If you have a problem with me, addressing it with me, with more then "I don't like what you're doing" might be a better idea, "Stop causing shit" doesn't make any difference either. Again, I'm going to screw up anything I disagree with, or anything I'm not made aware of and don't like. Bringing things to your attention is a wasted exercise. As you said, you don't help. And also as you said, you'll tear it to shreds.

@Sabotage: Two/Three days was meant to mean it takes me that long to put anything into motion. Cause you all have a cow when if I just did something out of nowhere, and I personally don't enjoy doing that either unless it's a reaction post. It only takes me a few hours to get a new angle set up for subplots, but why bother?

@Quitting: Working with other Rp'ers? I was under the impression that I was your only problem :/ Or at least that's how it seems according your pleas to Cynthia to do something about the destructive Cuddles:/ Cynthia's not going to do anything I assume. I wasn't pleading with her. I was just pointing out that she was in fact doing nothing. We're Americans, that's how we role.

@Kiryn: I assume that's Lacuna, she seems to have more sense, and I haven't noticed anything she does that's irked me. Planning things out with her might actually do you alot of good :/ Yeah she's cool.

@I don't hate you: That's punishment, relationships are more fun when there's hate flying across the room. No, relationships are more fun when legs are suspended in the air and moans are echoing off the walls, but I won't press the issue -_-

@Selizara/escape: What were these numerous situations? With Chase outside, pretty much in enemy hands I don't see much way around it, and the forest seemed like a trap to me :/ (Unless Viveka is incompetent) Surrender never seemed like a good idea, should have done that with Percy. Ether knows how to f*ck his way out of a problem. The group could have left behind the fortress before Viv arrived and taken the long route to the city though going there at all with so many people was stupid I'll admit.

@Depressed; I hate you! Go hang yourself! Shoot yourself in the head!....... Did that help? If you do anything emo like, just think. If I do this, Nady gets her way. Do I really want that? And you should be fine unless you're some sort of Masochist. What?

@Cause trouble: And that's probably the main reason we never get along XD I have enough order and peace in my life to not want it in fiction. If we've never talked about it, chances are it's a reaction to an idiot move, something the group seems to like to do "I'm a wanted criminal, don't kill me!" If you're blaming RP'er idiocy as the ingredients to my chaos making, it's not my fault. Don't pin your sadism on cause and effect. You don't let me pin my in character sh*t to cause and effect so don't you start.

@Cobalt Caves-> Selizara

No idea, but when I'm assured there'll be something interesting happening in these caves and find out the most interesting thing that happened was Tessa or Katie floorin a soldier, Nady is not impressed. Ethers stupidity is not my fault, he made no sense, and I reacted accordingly (To my Nady doesn't agree ideology) The caves were just context, and since Istample is gone there's little chance we'll ever see them again anyway.

@Working together: You're not listening because you're not reading posts like you say you are, and are either still skimming posts, or ignoring them outright. The reason I don't PM you is because the problem usually don't just involve you. I don't provide a resolution because 1:I don't have to, and 2: Because things have already been set into motion, and the only way to solve it is through conflict. Furthermore, if I voice a complaint and someone has a solution, they might put it into practice. I've actually been trying to avoid posting a bit since yesterday as a whole. Was still deciding what to do rp-wise. Once I'm sure I'll remain in the rp throughout, you won't have to worry about skimmed posts. Right now, I'm still on the fence.

Also, by posting here, I don't have to deal with specific people whining "I got no warning" and if things go (Nady right)wrong I can reference the post. I already have to run some of the stuff past Snowy/Cynthia thanks to your whining, I'm not going to send out half a dozen PM's each time I'm going to do something. Then stop? Oh wait, then you wouldn't be enjoying yourself and you'd be in my shoes. Can't have that. Here's your flamethrower back. Go burn something to the ground, dearest Cuddles <_<

@Npc's: Statted bosses, sure. But we don't need extra support options, we have more then enough characters in the RP to cater for everyone, if you can't find a few people you can interact with in the group, your character is really shallow, or you NEED to change your character somehow, Helios is doing that now. If you need to look to Lev/Ivan etc who aren't going to be part of the group for 90% of the time, then your character has issues that need to be addressed. This rings true for everyone, not just you. It's not finding people for supports that causes my high npc count. I've got many reasons for them other than random supports.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to be saying I'm willing to review your ideas, and you seem to be saying "no one'll cooperate, no I don't want you to communicate with me" Is Phoenix being a hypocrite? Phoenix is being realistic. You have admitted in countless posts that you have no desire to work with me on anything. I have no logical/sane reason for running ideas by you if your only purpose is to turn them into conflicts. I would be willing to if I thought you would actually assist me in having a plot make sense, but that's not your forte.


If you paid me, I'd take the money and not change, if you actually were that desperate you deserved to be conned XD Exactly, now drop it.

We deduce that Phoenix wants to get it in bed...

That's all we need.

Boy are you going to be disappointed -_-

Edited by Phoenix
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@Bal: <3 I have semi-support XD Will you marry me? I promise to set the chapel and the rest of the world on fire to celebrate XD

Nyeh, as for the secretary antagonising, it carried on for longer then I anticipated due to the secretary calling her a hag XD I'll keep randomly antagonising random NPC's in mind from now on, but I refuse to give up my right to call Helios the "Dumb wind mage" I have confirmation from "The Lady" XD

I don't really believe in marriage... Sorry to let you down.

And I completely understood why you did it, and it made sense. It's just, a part of me was inwardly groaning and going "Oh man, we just got to a safe haven, and it's going to get ruined."

As far as sharing the healing workload goes... I can say with absolute honesty that it would probably be a Good ThingTM. Otherwise someone's going to burn out from both ends, and that won't be pretty.

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I am almost wishing I didn't have to use Katie's capture(btw isn't Harold supposed to be a possessive jerk?) to get us out of trouble, because these last two posts are making me gag a whole bunch. It's the Snowy end that's getting me this time actually.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I love support building but you don't see much of that going on now do we, what with Katie getting nabbed, and Mark getting deleted: I see enough conflict regarding supports though, and I'm not the one causing it :/

... ... ....: Thanks I knew you'd see it my way XD

Well congratz cause we're back to square one anyway: Square one is good, where I wanted to be. Well square two for me since I'm enjoying Kamilla's brain wipe.

This long distance relationship isn't working out: They never do.

It only takes me a few hours to get a new angle set up for subplots, but why bother?: Maybe if you gave them more thought then wouldn't be so easy to rip to shreds?

We're Americans, that's how we role: Don't toss your heavy american weight at me Mister! XD assume you mean roll..... *Pun intended*

No, relationships are more fun when legs are suspended in the air and moans are echoing off the walls, but I won't press the issue: Kai's over there *Points you towards lonely Kai*

Ether knows how to f*ck his way out of a problem. The group could have left behind the fortress before Viv arrived and taken the long route to the city though going there at all with so many people was stupid I'll admit: After someone revealed Haltons hostile nature I'm in doubt whether "I am Halton soldier with famous father" is going to work henceforth, it'll work in Halton. But I don't exactly agree with the way Ether gets out of trouble, even if it makes perfect sense.

Don't pin your sadism on cause and effect: Why the hell would I do that? I'm keeping all the credit for myself thank you. I might be saying it's a reaction but it's my chaotic nature that is making it a hostile reaction :/

Caves: Hopefully, though Lightning has indicated there's several entrances <_<

RP Leave/Stay: Your choice, be sure to say "bye" if you leave though. Nady will actually miss you... or rather your subplots XD

@Flamethrower: I'm glad you're not stupid enough to confiscate my flamethrower. If I wanted a peaceful RP, I'd go join a Barbie and Ken RP. Though they sometimes get more chaotic and violent at times

@NPC's: I know you're tryig to illustrate a story with them, but 9 is enough isn't it? I know Shamus was scrapped, but you honestly don't need any more NPC's. If you do stay, I get the feeling we'll get another half dozen in Septimus, and a further half dozen in Halton.

@Teamwork/Communication: If you haven't noticed I've also been saying I'm going to only destroy things I disagree with or don't think possible. I admit I enjoy tearing your ideas to shreds. But that's because their so poorly planned or executed it feels like you're begging me to rip it to shreds.

I have not said I will not work with you. I said I will not cooperate with you. My goals and your goals are different and I'm not going to make a compromise in plausibility just for the sake of another flick from Isotov's past. If your objective is to make a plot that's interesting, and I can work in chaos seperately to that things would work better IMO.

As you keep saying, you want to make your subplots "Cuddle Proof" and I've told you, that's not possible without addressing the issue "Cuddles"

I'm not going to assist you, I'm not your servant, and don't see any reason to help you do your little thing. However even Nady acknowledges that her chaos sometimes goes too far, but also thinks that you're tendency to solve problems quickly are also boring.

I'm not going to help you with your plots, but I can raise any issues I have with it. Viveka arresting Isotov and Chase only was ridiculous from any sane persons perspective. Viveka not realizing Damian nearby also didn't make sense, she specifically notified Conrad of Damian, and where group is = where Damian is should be common sense.

Further incorperating Cynthia's remarks of the group saying "Yeah you can take the two crimson weapons with you" was stupid, since it's not going to happen. That was a ticking time bomb in itself, unless you wanted the group to attack Viveka and make recruitment personally impossible. (It's already impossible, but whatever)

Viveka doesn't have the right, and I doubt Conrad does either with dead soldiers everywhere to say "Oh you don't use fire magic, innocent"

And again your clearing your arsonist status didn't do anything. The group as a whole is still wanted for killing soldiers.


That would be Cuddleproofing your plot, it's up to you if you want to make adjustments or play it as is. If you revise, I'm willing to re-cuddleproof it over and over again. That's my offer, you're saying you won't take it. Hence I'm not sure you should be preaching Cooperation

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I am almost wishing I didn't have to use Katie's capture(btw isn't Harold supposed to be a possessive jerk?) to get us out ofn trouble, because these last two posts are making me gag a whole bunch. It's the Snowy end that's getting me this time actually.

I liked it actually. This relationship might actually be mutual attraction or something. Wasn't sure til just then.

I love support building but you don't see much of that going on now do we, what with Katie getting nabbed, and Mark getting deleted: I see enough conflict regarding supports though, and I'm not the one causing it :/ And you're not helping either, but don't worry, I'm not asking you to anymore. That would be disastrous.

... ... ....: Thanks I knew you'd see it my way XD ... ... ....

Well congratz cause we're back to square one anyway: Square one is good, where I wanted to be. Well square two for me since I'm enjoying Kamilla's brain wipe. I'm fine with it too, aside from the prolonged Viveka scene.

This long distance relationship isn't working out: They never do. I think we should see other people -_-

It only takes me a few hours to get a new angle set up for subplots, but why bother?: Maybe if you gave them more thought then wouldn't be so easy to rip to shreds? Yeah, I should try harder.

We're Americans, that's how we role: Don't toss your heavy american weight at me Mister! XD assume you mean roll..... *Pun intended* I'm actually in pretty good shape despite the amount soda I drink. I've only got four more inches til I can do the splits too. Then I'll be a kicking adonis :awesome:

No, relationships are more fun when legs are suspended in the air and moans are echoing off the walls, but I won't press the issue: Kai's over there *Points you towards lonely Kai* Good. Hey, Ether!

Ether knows how to f*ck his way out of a problem. The group could have left behind the fortress before Viv arrived and taken the long route to the city though going there at all with so many people was stupid I'll admit: After someone revealed Haltons hostile nature I'm in doubt whether "I am Halton soldier with famous father" is going to work henceforth, it'll work in Halton. But I don't exactly agree with the way Ether gets out of trouble, even if it makes perfect sense. Me neither but you haven't done much to stop him except for that one time :lol:

Don't pin your sadism on cause and effect: Why the hell would I do that? I'm keeping all the credit for myself thank you. I might be saying it's a reaction but it's my chaotic nature that is making it a hostile reaction :/ Get help.

Caves: Hopefully, though Lightning has indicated there's several entrances <_< Yep, several entrances ... several ways to f*ck his day up.

RP Leave/Stay: Your choice, be sure to say "bye" if you leave though. Nady will actually miss you... or rather your subplots XD SuppressedRage.gif

@Flamethrower: I'm glad you're not stupid enough to confiscate my flamethrower. If I wanted a peaceful RP, I'd go join a Barbie and Ken RP. Though they sometimes get more chaotic and violent at times Domestic abuse ... everybody's doing it.

@NPC's: I know you're tryig to illustrate a story with them, but 9 is enough isn't it? I know Shamus was scrapped, but you honestly don't need any more NPC's. If you do stay, I get the feeling we'll get another half dozen in Septimus, and a further half dozen in Halton. Believe it or not, that batch was meant to last most of the story, unless otherwise noted. I hadn't planned on making any other characters that weren't directly mentioned in the rp prior. That's how I do things. Shamus would have been the only exception.

@Teamwork/Communication: If you haven't noticed I've also been saying I'm going to only destroy things I disagree with or don't think possible. I admit I enjoy tearing your ideas to shreds. But that's because their so poorly planned or executed it feels like you're begging me to rip it to shreds. I've noticed. I'm too stressed to spot and plug up every hole in this sinking ship. I need help.

I have not said I will not work with you. I said I will not cooperate with you. My goals and your goals are different and I'm not going to make a compromise in plausibility just for the sake of another flick from Isotov's past. If your objective is to make a plot that's interesting, and I can work in chaos seperately to that things would work better IMO. I don't believe a word of what I just read, and would like an example of how that could possibly work. You're the one pushing plausibility now as I can not comprehend us putting together anything that works out "better".

As you keep saying, you want to make your subplots "Cuddle Proof" and I've told you, that's not possible without addressing the issue "Cuddles" Telling you about it in advance won't solve the problem if you don't offer any solutions/alternatives. I can't pull that many ideas out of my hat on the fly.

I'm not going to assist you, I'm not your servant, and don't see any reason to help you do your little thing. However even Nady acknowledges that her chaos sometimes goes too far, but also thinks that you're tendency to solve problems quickly are also boring. Try this, smaller problems, fewer rushes to fix it.

I'm not going to help you with your plots, but I can raise any issues I have with it. Viveka arresting Isotov and Chase only was ridiculous from any sane persons perspective. Viveka not realizing Damian nearby also didn't make sense, she specifically notified Conrad of Damian, and where group is = where Damian is should be common sense. Viveka not noticing Damian was a context issue. When picturing the group, Morgan had already threatened to attack them. Viveka was flanked by two peggies and I don't know if anyone was standing between Viveka and Damian. If there was someone, she wouldn't notice him, if there wasn't then she should have, and that was a mistake I'll chalk up to lack of clarity, and Ether being offline at the time(and therefore unable to have Damian go "Hey! Remember me, sweetcheeks?!".

Further incorperating Cynthia's remarks of the group saying "Yeah you can take the two crimson weapons with you" was stupid, since it's not going to happen. That was a ticking time bomb in itself, unless you wanted the group to attack Viveka and make recruitment personally impossible. (It's already impossible, but whatever) She was going to quickly grab who she could and leave, but got bogged down in dialogue again. She had no intention of facing the whole group with three units, but she had no guarantee that the group would still be there(in Ilyphina) by the time she'd gathered reinforcements.

Viveka doesn't have the right, and I doubt Conrad does either with dead soldiers everywhere to say "Oh you don't use fire magic, innocent" She wasn't going to declare him innocent, she was going to do what she initially planned, instead of putting them straight in jail, she would have brought them directly to Conrad.

And again your clearing your arsonist status didn't do anything. The group as a whole is still wanted for killing soldiers. Like Ixion said "wandering fools"


That would be Cuddleproofing your plot, it's up to you if you want to make adjustments or play it as is. If you revise, I'm willing to re-cuddleproof it over and over again. That's my offer, you're saying you won't take it. Hence I'm not sure you should be preaching Cooperation No solutions, just rhetoric. Fine if that's all I can get out of are super arsonist I'll just make the best of it ... which isn't much.

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Meh, for me it came off as wayyy too strong. "I'm reunited with the group. The first thing I'm going to do is seduce the fire mage with food and take my clothes off if that doesn't work!" Especially since Katie really didn't show any mutual attraction towards Isotov in previous conversations (well actually just that one, before that it was just GTFO my sandwiches!), and his attitude was more just friendly than anything.

Perhaps I just don't like the pairing or this is my personal bias, but the character's thought processes seem to moving way too quickly for my tastes. I excused it for Damian/Aiya since they knew each other for like 20 years previous, but for essentially strangers it strikes me as very odd.

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I think we should see other people: What? You mean you weren't seeing other people? I've been seeing this cute little girl for the last 14 years :/

Me neither but you haven't done much to stop him except for that one time: Believe me on this if nothing else, I want to, and I doubt anyone would doubt that for a second. However Ether covers his tracks up pretty well, or rather, he got a high status when making a character and isn't afraid to use it. "Halton this, Halton that" and if Damian has such power back in Halton then I can't exactly do much since we're not in Halton, and I don't have a grasp of what it's like there. I would have stolen soldiers during Viveka/Damian making peace terms. (Which didn't make sense, they're clearly out numbered and easy to force) But you, Lightning were already having a cow about how I'd screwed everything up and decided if I didn't let it slide, I'd have to deal with more idiocy then I could handle.

Get help: They've tried that, it didn't work.

Believe it or not, that batch was meant to last most of the story: Unfortunately I don't believe this, as you said earlier, all I have to do is grab what's lying around and build weapons of mass destruction. While your plots seem to require introducing new characters to address every segment of Isotov's past and current state.

While it would have led to different results I don't see why it couldn't have been Lev/Ivan in Ilyphina doing some mercenary research for Ivanko. Stephanie's a healer, and all but that's not really relevant barring healing Kiev and Isotov (which Tess could have done) and while Ixions fleshing out rather well, I wish it was Irina being fleshed out (Though you're making a good job with her at the moment, OMG Irina posts!)

@Case Study XD

I can't provide solutions for a scenario which is that hopeless, if you objective was to swipe Iso/Chase it should have been done as soon as they Viveka arrived, instead of forming a protective shell around them.

The whole idea of only arresting two people should have been scrapped, call for reinforcements, or something and have the group lead away. But again that's likely going to lead to a scuffle. The problem there is you're trying to get Viveka to be on good terms with the group, by arresting them :/

If you urgently wanted Viveka, I don't see why Ixion couldn't have done a Morgan and said "These are your friends."

Taking them to Conrad would do what? They'd be thrown in jail to lure the rest of the group, which will equate to a jail break which you've admitted is a ridiculous concept.

~If you wanted a jail scenario~

If she didn't want a confrontation, then she should have left quietly and brought back reinforcements at the gate. Even Nady can't stop the military in Ilyphina if the group get cornered. Best I could do is a coup'de'tat, and we all know making that plausible at this stage is near impossible.

~If you wanted an escape scenario~

Well that's not what you seemed to want to do, but letting the group slip past the gates and away wouldn't be too hard. Nady could spring soldiers on you, but my only Ilyphinan figure is Upson and he's dead. I suppose I could conjure up another platoon, but having just finished a battle with bandits I really doubt Cynthia/Snowy would have allowed another battle right after.

EDIT: To emphasize my Viveka hostile/friend thing. She saw the group, automatically figures they're not with the bandits (good) then after the bandits wants to arrest the group (hostile). She's torn between two things, most likely your want to keep her in character (hostile) and your want to make her join the group(friendly)


@Headmaster: Really not happy with the way the Headmaster is acting, he wants to keep it secret but reveals it to a complete stranger? He doesn't even know Ixions intentions :/ *Shakes head*

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You know Phoenix, if you took less posts to do things you would have less of a chance to be interrupted.

For example, after Katie's "making food" post, your next post could have involved him coming to her. All these transitionary posts make Nady bored and people more likely to make something happen, because we're not going to just sit on our hands while you putter around. I've been tempted to interrupt this dreaded scene about a dozen times now.

Just saying.

@below Considerably less epic now, since Harold was willing to just let her go, which I didn't expect and found kind of lame.

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