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Shanice really did not do the research. If he wanted an easy girl, Katie is the obvious choice.

Can it, Hive Mind -_-

@ Damian

I wonder how Kelas will view Damian after this :/

I wonder how Ether will view me after this :/


Before anyone complains about stuff getting frozen like that. The shot Shanice fired was a fully powered blast. That was probably 95% power draw, and it likely won't be able to immediately follow up with another.

Edited by Phoenix
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The spell is absolutely useless by the way (it's the same one mentioned under his aptitudes for magic) It just shows that Chase has the ability to use attacking magic and stuff if he was trained. Which he isn't and he won't be.

No, just no.

Name: Chase

Class: Hunter (Archer with certain knives)

Stats: HP:3 STR:3 MAG:0 SKL:3 SPD:4 Luck:2 Def:1 Res:1

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Actually I agree with Bal there, you're not going to have a bow wielder, who's proficient with knives who also can cast magic. If you're telling me it's not supposed to develop into anything then it doesn't need to be there. If it's a plot device, make a new character who can cast magic, (Hopefully not) If it's for a support..... well I'm sure there are better way to build supports, and being able to cast magic won't aid you in your quest to bed Morgan.

@Conrad: It might even be an idea to scrap Conrad and have his CW be fake if you're not too attached to him. (You don't need to CW's do you?) XD

@Lacuna/Phoenix Duo

You two botched the job <_< This is why Nady needs to control the chaos, what's the fun in it now, now that Kelas actually knows that it's a shapeshifter we're on to Shanice and there's no "DAMIAN!" scene with Kelas and Damian <_< You two blow. *Goes to plan some trouble*

@Kelas being Shanice's choice.

Shanice must be stupid like the rest of Phoenix's characters or as said, really have lacked any research.

Aiya: Easy lay

Esphyr: Bit of persuading, but easy lay.

Katie: Dumb mute

Kelas: Your choice.

Irina: See Kamilla, either that or she'd just lay there not really knowing what was going on *Shanice finishes* "Huh, oh hi Damian, whatcha doin?"

Viveka: If she respects Ivanko, maybe persuasion wouldn't be too hard.

Tessa: Respects Damian according to what I've read.

Morgan: Acknowledges as equal and discusses stuff with? (But has value due to having a CW)

Kamilla: XD She'd notice something was wrong when her candy pole didn't taste very nice.

Helios: Easiest lay of the list.

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It's not going off of who it has a chance with I think, it's going off of "hey, it's alone, it's got something to do with those Crimson wielders so I should get rid of it, and it looks interesting (read: androgynous)."

And don't think there's not going to be an issue with the real Damian, given Kelas is currently scared out of her mind. (For all she knows, it's not Shanice, but Damian has been a friggin' demon all along.)

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Actually I agree with Bal there, you're not going to have a bow wielder, who's proficient with knives who also can cast magic. If you're telling me it's not supposed to develop into anything then it doesn't need to be there. If it's a plot device, make a new character who can cast magic, (Hopefully not) If it's for a support..... well I'm sure there are better way to build supports, and being able to cast magic won't aid you in your quest to bed Morgan.

Meh, if it doesn't give him any actual abilities it seems harmless to me. It's arguably pointless then, but Rein said he had some sort of plan for it so I'd let it go.

@Lacuna/Phoenix Duo

You two botched the job <_< This is why Nady needs to control the chaos, what's the fun in it now, now that Kelas actually knows that it's a shapeshifter we're on to Shanice and there's no "DAMIAN!" scene with Kelas and Damian <_< You two blow. *Goes to plan some trouble*

Shanice was an interesting idea, but I would have handled it differently. Instead of having you control it (and make it extremely obvious OOC that it's him and thus allow people to have their characters conveniently figure it out), have the character you're impersonating make the Shanice posts, thereby seperating in and out of character knowledge. It's kind of too late now since the cover was blown at the first encounter.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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^Hm. That's a good idea, something to consider if we have another impersonation at some point. I don't think there's a way to completely prevent OOC knowledge of it (there will at least be a discrepancy between the location of the real character and Shanice) but it's certainly an idea.

Even though cover has been blown, this likely is just the first in a string of events; we already knew Shanice was abroad, and sort of what it was (from the purple wyvern incident/Ixion's exposition), this just introduces the characters better to what it can and will try to do. Sure, they're now aware that it's nearby and could be any of them, but all it has to do is lay low for a bit so that some of the party gets a false sense of security again. (And get better at impersonating people.) (Or pick dumb targets targets that don't really know the others well.)

~goes off to run Kelas into walls~

Speaking of which: All Kelas knows at this point:

-Damian was acting really weird, then started to turn purple, throw ice, and try to kill her. Logical conclusion: Damian's a frickin' demon.

-There is a shapeshifting demon abroad. (No knowledge of how good a shapeshifter it is though; has not seen it.)

-These two things may or may not be the same demon. Probably leaning towards "not" as she doesn't really remember most of point two, having been exhausted during that exposition.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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I guess Kelas could think Damian is a demon, especially if she forgot the whole shapeshifter thing due to fatigue. The person she tells might be able to make the proper connection though.

From Shanice's original description I wasn't thinking there was so much purple glowiness, more that his eyes just went funky once in a while, which is a less obvious sign of wrongness.

@Kai I'm not sure we've reached an actual consensus on the reclassing issue, so I wouldn't make any changes yet.

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Hm. Might fix the purple... lemme check what Phoenix did there then.

And yeah, Ether needs to get his characters moving around so that hilarity can ensue...

(I'm guessing that a few characters will put two and two together. Ixion, for instance, though whether he tells us or not is another story.)

Edit: Phoenix seems to have ignored the purple, so I just fixed that.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Meh, if it doesn't give him any actual abilities it seems harmless to me. It's arguably pointless then, but Rein said he had some sort of plan for it so I'd let it go.

And Tessa can benchpress a horse. Don't let that 1 in strength fool you, guys.

Seriously. If Rein intended on having Magic be a vital part of Chase, he should have at least put a stat point into it. A 0 in magic tells me "This person is completely unsuited to magical endeavors. Either they have poor magic circuits, or maybe they've just been left completely untrained."

I didn't say anything earlier because the only other time it came up, was when Chase was narrating events to Morgan, and could easily have been lying. This time is the first (I believe) instance where it's happening in the third person where we no longer have the fallback of unreliable narrator.

Rein also said he had a plan for the Cobalt Caves. Rein also promised that he would do something with the poison/antidote that he stole from Kamilla.

I can't trust Rein to deliver on his promises.

Maybe this is just me being a killjoy, and maybe it really is okay for him to disregard the way things work because it might lead to something eventually. But it feels wrong to me, and if I didn't say anything about it, I would regret it.

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I'm back from morning chores *afternoon ones soon*. Sounds like everyone is in favor of changing class caps. Hmmm... Alright. How's this?

For one time and one time only, you may freely redistribute your stats with the following limits.

1) You may not gain/lose any skills.

2) All stat changes must be posted in the sign-up *give me a bit. I will edit the post after lunch* with both the old and new stats in the post.

Edit: Just to be sure, these are the new caps. Right?


Cap 6: Bandits, Fighters

Cap 5 Armor Knights, Cavaliers

Cap 4: Mercenaries, Myrmidons, Archers, Nomads, Wyvern Knights, Pegasus Knights, Rogues, Soldiers

Cap 3: Wind Mages, Fire Mages, Thunder Mages, Shamans, Clerics, Troubadours


Cap 6: Bandits, Fighters

Cap 5: Armor Knights, Wyvern Knights

Cap 4: Mercenaries, Archers, Soldiers

Cap 3: Myrmidons, Rogues, Nomads, Pegasus Knights

Cap 2: All magic users


Cap 6: Shamans

Cap 5: Thunder Mages

Cap 4: Fire Mages, Clerics

Cap 3: Troubadours, Wind Mages,

Cap 2: Non-magic users.


Cap 6: Pegasus Knights, Myrmidons, Archers, Wind Mages, Clerics, Troubadours

Cap 5: Mercenaries, Nomads, Rogues, Fire Mages

Cap 4: Thunder Mages, Soldiers, Cavaliers, Armor Knights

Cap 3: Fighters, Bandits, Wyvern Knights, Shamans


Cap 6: Myrmidons, Nomads, Rogues

Cap 5: Troubadours, Pegasus Knights, Mercenaries

Cap 4: Clerics, Wind Mages, Fire Mages, Thunder Mages, Shamans, Fighters, Bandits, Archers, Cavaliers, Soldiers, Wyvern Knights

Cap 3: Armor Knights


Cap 4: All classes


Cap 6: Armor Knights

Cap 5: Wyvern Knights, Soldiers, Cavaliers

Cap 4: Mercenaries, Archers, Fighters, Pegasus Knights

Cap 3: Myrmidons, Nomads, Bandits

Cap 2: Wind Mages, Fire Mages, Thunder Mages, Clerics, Troubadours, Shamans, Rogues


Cap 6: Clerics, Troubadours, Wind Mages, Fire Mages, Thunder Mages, Shamans

Cap 5: Pegasus Knights

Cap 4: Soldiers, Archers, Cavaliers, Fighters

Cap 3: Bandits, Myrmidons, Mercenaries, Nomads, Rogues

Cap 2: Wyvern Knights, Armor Knights

Edited by Snowy_One
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