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afk, walking. I'll try to post when I get back. BTW, Eric's still walking.

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Isotov can't control Proxima because it makes him more angsty, but he can control it when it would inconvenient not to. That's how I'm interpreting it anyway.

Let me break it down:

Normal mood = 100% Control

Anxious mood = 75% Control

Bewilderment = 25% Control (if Iso means to attack someone(even just with a punch, Proxima will overpower him and force him to launch an all out attack even if he changes his mind a split second later)

Panic = ... boom ... :mellow:

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I am assuming "this time" at least someone heard about the memory wipe, and Kamilla trying to kill them part. as Morgan had to have been speaking to someone there. And think that instead of Kamilla explaining things, it'd be better to shift the conversation towards Morgan.

Then you can all be "Kamilla was trying to kill us OMG! Let's stop talking to her and refuse to acknowledge her existence again"

@Snowy: Katie and Esphyr are understandable, but I don't see how she's slowing the group down. Everyone's in a cart, and Kamilla's riding along beside the cart on a warhorse which most likely travels faster then your cart pulling pony.

So I am forced to address the question, is this Snowy animosity being directed my way? Since Esphyr doesn't have a reason to hate Kamilla as far as I recall. And Helen's complaint makes no sense

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@ Cuddles

Snowy was probably having Helenos refer to the initial slow down. The group stopped to argue over the cavalry, remember? That could count as a slowing down thing.

@ Kai

Please don't.

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Nyeh, I've been doing that since Ch1 Kai :P This is the first time there's been open hostility that's so obvious, I personally don't mind since I find Katie and Esphyr as dull as rocks (not dumb, dull, though the former is also dumb). And I doubt Esphyr or Katie's opinion will influence me much anyway.

@Kai: I'm wondering what counts as "interesting" for you :/ I mean Katie tried to hex Morgan, (You were accused of hexing the group earlier) and got off a lot easier then Helios did, followed by Morgan pointing the demon finger at everyone, and then the possibility that Morgan might be mind tampering some of you. (It's a possibility, not one the stupid group could think of on their own, but a possibility nonetheless)


And Esphyr and Heinz fighting didn't slow the group down?

I could understand the hatred towards Morgan earlier in the Iso/Morgan fight due to Morgan initially putting Helenos's plans in danger. But I seem to be sensing a uniform emotion wave from all characters at the same time. Not too much of an issue, you people seldom have your own PC's disagreeing with eachother. (With the exception of Phoenix lately)

And Snowy and Kai are apparently annoyed by Kamilla's new attitude, while I personally am loving it XD

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@ Cuddles

That fight did slow the group down. I won't disagree with that. As for our characters ... I'm seriously considering mastering my own separation technique, and then teaching everyone else the technique (except for Bal who doesn't need it)for some jacked up fee.

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He could shed more insight onto his thoughts on the issue?

No one cares about Helios enough to care about his past. You'd do a lot better if you actually interacted with others instead of have Helios moping in the corner reading a book. Hoping someone will notice him minding his own business. Since Helios's value is his Crimson weapon, everything else about him is dislikable. And you're not doing anything to rectify that.

If you want to keep Helios as "the kid no one likes" that's fine, your choice. But looking at past posts, It's clear that that's not your intentions. Even Isotov has friends (or things that resemble friends). And Morgan (even Kamilla :blink: ) Have a group of people they interact with.

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Iso/Katie ... not sure what to do about this :unsure:

If I do more interactions people will gag ... God forbid ... if I don't ... people won't allow a B level support when the time comes ... ... ... what to do >_<

@ Kai

Try talking to Kiev ... that would be hilarious XD

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He'll talk to himself? <_<

I messed up his character pretty bad. If he were to interact with anyone who would it be? He cant speak to anyone. I just figured letting him be is the best idea.

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Helios options:

Go find Ixion

Go find Stephanie

Go find Kiev

Go find LoAF

Go find Helenos

Go find Ivan?

Or say he's sorry to everyone a thousand times

@ Book

Is that really going to make him change? :/

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@Kai, Well as long as you're having fun posting random stuff no one cares about :/

I personally figured, that he'd be willing to try out his newly found "How to make friends" knowledge on someone. And while it was funny, was kind of hoping you didn't have Helios do that just to get a few quick laughs in.

Kanami: Who would he be? I don't know, but who is he now?

Kamilla: "Kamilla knows, Kamilla knows! A nobody!"


If you're not doing anything, I suppose you could interact with Katie, anything to keep the dumb mute quiet at this stage You shouldn't hesitate to communicate with Katie, but you shouldn't exactly be obsessed over Katie and refusing to acknowledge she's the only other being in the world besides Isotov. Otherwise I'll have Reika kill Katie, Ixion can revive her and we can play out the Orson+Zombie scene, though it'd have to be a three way with Zombie Miranda

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With the magic of Plot twists...Yeah...its not happening.Still,Cess doesn't have a reason to hate him directly yet...

Actually me and Kanami figured out I hate him cause his affinity sucks, so.... he has no friends.

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Affinity is a small factor Dear Psych, there are things which are much more important that stats, and Helios fails in all categories XD


XD Okay, now that was hilarious XD Now to think of a response,

PS: The rest of you are boring dull anti-dramatist and you'll get divine/Nady wrath called upon you soon enough :P

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@ Psychout


@ Cuddles

Acknowledged XD (Still aughing about Cess XD )

EDIT: Fun facts


Ixion: Light (No really)

Ivanko: Dark

Stephanie: Thunder

Lev: Anima

Ivan: Light

Isotov: Fire

Irina: Wind

Viveka: Thunder

Shamus: Ice

Shanice: ... ... ... Ice? XD

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