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I'm not sure everyone (save Kamilla) is necessarily gathered at this point, I'm a little unclear on character positionings.

If we decide everyone's together, someone should make a 'movement' post.

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Current estimation:

Isotov, Irina, Kelas, Morgan, Esphyr, Cess, Katie: With horses

Arrin, Tessa: By wagon, about to head back

Damian, Aiya, Heinz, Eric, Helios, Chase: ???

There's enough unaccounted for that I don't think we can timeskip til tomorrow.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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I kind of assumed they would have retreated(Helios,Chase and Heinz did for sure) and we would have ended up in same general area.

Up to you, but I find it unlikely that any of them would have charged into the swamp.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I kind of assumed they would have retreated(Helios,Chase and Heinz did for sure) and we would have ended up in same general area.

Up to you, but I find it unlikely that any of them would have charged into the swamp.

You're thinking logically, bad stuff happens when you do that!

Helios running deeper into the swamp actually wouldn't surprise me though XD

I don't think there's much of a point in a timeskip though, mainly since you won't get much done before you all decided to head out.

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Isn't her defense still 5 (7-2), not 1? I don't get your numbers in the Irina attack, Phoenix?

Also, these are raw stats? So there's a +2 when converted to simple??? I'm confused, and still of the opinion that GTFO discretion is the better part of valor here. Zombies weighing her down is simply plot-hax to allow us to escape.

@ Zombies

Snowy haxed Helenos so we could win, not so we'd run.

@ Bal

Irina's DEF is 3 :sob:

Helenos: Stats: HP: 40 (30/120), STR: 15 (-11), MAG: 15(-11), SKL: 5, SPD: 8 (-3). Luck: -4 DEF: 7(-2), Res: 7(-2).

I meant Helenos' defenses were still at 5, or perhaps 6 after simple. Irina couldn't have even scratched her with her roll. Even after plothax, those stats are still unbeatable. Especially considering with 5 speed still she doubles: Isotov, Irina, Arrin, Kelas, Esphyr, and maybe more. And nobody likes being doubled by a boss.

Holy shit. Arrin did it. I... wasn't expecting that.

Your math is fishy.

Mag: 3

Crimson: 1

Roll: 5

Helenos' Res: 5 or 6

Damange: 4 or 3 x 2 = 8 or 6, not 12.

But whatever, nobody else notices and plot happened. I'm just saying...

Even with near max damage crits, we'd have needed 5 of them to take down Helenos.

I would rather not get into a fight over this. What I will say is that if you had at least tried when she was being swarmed to help out, I wouldn't have had Katie blow up the cart.

Fighting was absolute suicide, both in-character, and out-of character. Expecting it was ridiculous. Those stats, even nerfed, were still TPK material. I'm sorry.

Edit: For the record, I'm not concerned that badly about what Katie did, though if it becomes a habit, it will be troublesome. Even after that though, I still think it would have been extremely perilous to engage in actual combat. I guess we could have, but, sheesh.

Edited by Balcerzak
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...Gah. So apparently I'd got it into my head that criticals were triple, and have been doing that for the entire RP. D'oh. >_<

~goes back to see what else I screwed up~

(Though IIRC the other times I roflcritted anything were when the target was at laughably low HP anyway...)

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Caught up. I have thoughts, on both recent events and the class dilemna. But those will have to wait, as I have 2 exams today. Be back in 5-6 hours. >.<

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@ Bal

I could have sworn that Helenos' DEF was 0 after the zombie attack. I wouldn't have even attacked otherwise. Were the stats mixed around or something cause it said DEF: 0 when I checked before rolling Irina's attack.

@ Everybody else



@ Kiryn

Why did you ninja me? ;_;

Edited by Phoenix
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...I'm totally not writing up a damage calculator and pretending it's legitimate hacking practice right now...

...That actually sounds like fun. If I had any skill at user interface, I would totally do that in C++ as well.

@ Bal

I could have sworn that Helenos' DEF was 0 after the zombie attack. I wouldn't have even attacked otherwise. Were the stats mixed around or something cause it said DEF: 0 when I checked before rolling Irina's attack.

"This post has been edited by Snowy_One: Today, 03:00 AM"


I dunno. Anyways, I'm pretty confident the two of you have no malicious intents, which is why I'm not going to really raise any sort of fuss, but I just find it confusing, and when I get confused...

In other news, Tessa is indulging in a wee bit of hypocrisy. :whee:

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Oh boy. I just realized ... well not really this has been obvious for awhile now. Ether's not on often enough to truly influence the course of the group as a whole. That means the actual leader of the group is either Morgan or Helios(don't even know why I posted that name XD ) Kelas! :o

In other news.

Current spriting queue:

Cess (first come first served unless Kiryn cashes in on my offer)

Eric (no idea :/ )

Miranda (for Kai's comment about Iso and Irina)

In even otherer news.

The Phoenix would like to know if we will still be attacking the mesh this chapter.

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In reverse order:

@Mesh: I highly doubt it.

@Sprites: I thought I was on there... somewhere. I don't really care where though.

@Leadership: I dunno, Kelas'd probably be the first to deny it. "I'm not the leader, I just come up with ideas," or something.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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@ Leader

Morgan it is -_- (... aaand heeere weee ... GO )

@ Sprites

Kelas or Arrin? And where on list should I put you?

@ Mesh

I'd highly recommend it at some point. Otherwise Katie will try to leave again, and the Elyisimians will catch up to us or something, and I'm sure a plethora of other bad things will happen :/ (not saying that going after the mesh won't yield the exact same results, I'm just bored :sob: )

Argh! We gotta get in some support building this chapter.

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Eh, we don't have a leader. Morgan talks the most and tries to boss people around, but she doesn't have much charisma so people don't listen to her. She's like the worst FE lord ever.

I doubt Katie will leave even if we don't go after the mesh. Going back to the capital seems silly though. Would kind of like to go to Halton or Septimus at some point, but don't actually have a reason as of right now.

Don't force the support building. Take it nice and easy.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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