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@I'm not Nadeisco but I'm answering this anyway: Means "beyond the door"/"beyond the gate". Was the name of one of the endings of the first FMA anime.


Yeah ... it is from FMA ... it's in my iTunes library so I asked because of all the Japanese translating going on lately.

I love that song! Especially the violin(or which ever string instrument that is) :P


It is now the theme song for the epilogues of my characters :)

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Ah, Tobira no Mukou he I'm guessing, best to translate that as door, not really going to be reading much of the OoC anymore so best to ask questions via PM, though if you google the title+ english, anime music sites should have the english lyrics and english title.

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@ Kiryn

I'm so happy I know you :)

@ Kai

Did you just pull an Ether style move just to get Helios laid?! What the f*ck was that?! :wtf:

Furthermore, you wait about eight chapters to do so?

@ Cuddles

Yeah, I'm lazy but I guess that would be better than bugging the people that are readily available.

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*looks @ FMA*

*Gets hooked*


Side note, has anyone heard of JAM Project?

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I love that song! Especially the violin(or which ever string instrument that is) :P

I'm a such a sucker for good violin it's not even funny. Other classical stringed instruments are fine too.


Also, I'm sort of braindead for content at the moment, forgive the tiny post, Clockwork.

Edit: A Muvluv fan, eh? No kidding... I've only played a bit of Extra so far.

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Edit: A Muvluv fan, eh? No kidding... I've only played a bit of Extra so far.

Nyeh, haven't actually played the game, just have read a few articles concerning it, and a few fan-published works (the non-erotic kind), so I don't know how good it actually is XD

Also, is Tania a cheap whore? Cause we don't need her in the party if she is, we already have Aiya, Esphyr and Katie, and most likely the girl Argon's bringing along, don't need another one.

Edited by Kanami
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Yeah, uh, getting SRWOG1 led to OG2,to getting hooked on the series, and before I knew it, my iTunes is loaded with the band's songs... Yeah, I'm pathetic. -.-;

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*Has everything since SRWF* :P

Should probably get the old ones out sometime and play them, though not having the battle scene skip is a pain :/


Right, I'm sorry for asking you to do something everyone else is doing, and by asking someone else aren't you expecting others to read and comprehend it?..... Lazy :/

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@ Bal

Damn that was pretty good (is pretty good ... still listening XD )

@ Snowy

Umm ... yeah I get your point. I get lost reading sometimes :/

@ Cuddles and her dislike of whores

Chris Rock would like to say hi

But seriously, I don't know what Kai's up to, but it reminds me of the romance between two characters controlled by the same person thing.

Side note: Default endings. Irina defaults to Lev, who's actually just waiting for Ivanko to die so XD

Iso defaults to no one actually because that's how I wanted it.

Viveka defaults to some NPC I'll invent later :P

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She is an NPC

And fuck off Phoenix. If talking to an opposite gender means to you that they are going to have sex then i must wonder how fucked up your lives are

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She is an NPC

And fuck off Phoenix. If talking to an opposite gender means to you that they are going to have sex then i must wonder how fucked up your lives are

Whooops! Did not mean to offend.

Anywho, this Tania person. What are your plans? :mellow:

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@ Nade: >________< I want those. Oh well, just have to watch vids.

@ Kai: That was a joke. If you can't understand that, then, as Interceptor once famously said, Go directly to Fail, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

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I find it hilarious how every sex joke is countered with a slur against the personal life of whoever made the joke...

I do tend to focus on gfs more than platonic friends. A platonic friend to a man is reminder of how badly he messed up. A platonic friend to a woman is a reminder of how well she can do in the future :/

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No im serious. Its not you only. Helios talks to Ixion for a second and Nady is yelling "Oh Helios is trying to get him in bed". They were just talking for a second. My god if you were to blind to realize that i was using it as an excuse to post then god help me. That goes for anyone here. If you talk to your mother or father does that mean your going to have sex with them?

That felt good

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