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... So, um, we just raised threat level unintentionally. Can I go proc the soldiers now?

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@Snowy, you're the one who pretty much solidified it by having wyverns attack the group without warning pre-Percy, if it was just arson, the group could probably pay their way out.

Solution: Leave Elysimma?


Why are you all acting like I have a whole army?

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OK, if someone can handle the armor, Eric's going to get plot Wrath + Resolve, if that's OK with you people.

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@ Wanted status(freak out incoming)


But nooooooo ... I gotta cut my way out of every problem! Argh!!

Okay I'm calm now.

@ Cuddles


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Don't worry, I've already got enough ammo to shoot the lot of you up to Elysimma's most wanted, a situation that Conrad and even the King won't be able to do anything about. (Well the latter could solve it, if he's prepared for open rebellion).

Though..... you're probably already most wanted. XD Ah well, doesn't hurt to be safe.

As for being alive to GTFO, you people seem to be taking advantage of the "can't die" rule just as often as I am :/

Should have headed somewhere other then the enemy main base (capitol)

Could have headed away from captiol after being captured, but went to TISME.

Could have headed out of Elysimma, but you wanted to go Mesh hunting.

Even if Kiev hadn't attacked the inn, I was going to have the innkeeper recognize you (Hard to ignore a group of mercenaries who stink and look like they've just crawled out of a swamp). But Cess secretly prevented that by making himself go in.

If you people decide, "Hey, we're tired lets head back to Ilyphina." I seriously will have to kill someone, if not in the RP, RL is fine too.

Edited by Kanami
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@ Cuddles

DAMMIT!!! ... beat me at my own game -_-

@ Psychout

Dude, there's enough women to go around. In fact :o -*shot*

@ Kiev

I hope no archers show up -_-


@ Killing someone


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Doubt it. He's already pining for Morgan. If it DOES happen, there's still Kelas or Irina.

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Eh, it's nerves are still alive, I'll keep beating it until it dies completely.

@Snike, you can hijack the soldiers you know? I honestly don't care what happens to them anymore, they've served their purpose.

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Naddy, I'm gonna give you a warning now. But if this pesists, I'm going to ban you from partaking in anything involving any nation's political and/or military and/or police forces for the rest of the RP.

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Aww, but that means less Eric being Nade's punching/stabbing/injuring bag.... OK, here goes.

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@ Snowy

I knew you had it in you.

@ Cuddles

You're like a Salarian. You always have something prepared.

@ Cynthia

I know she's not predestined, and you did a good thing by giving Eric a friend, and giving Tessa better ration. What else was I gonna say? Ah screw it.

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Sorry Snike, my attention needs to be divided to others as well. If you want to further your character development via set course, it involves planning, and this attack involved no planning, it was just an idea that came when Kelas successfully sold the horses.

Though, now I can link it to my main screw over plot. Which.... will happen as soon as everyone goes to sleep. (RP-wise)

Motion to GTFO granted, Shoo! XD

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