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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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No idea, a general map would help I suppose, since I don't even know which way Halton, Septimus or anything else is from Elysimma, but maps are a pain to make.

As for season, I'd think summer-ish as well. Doesn't seem like Spring, and it's certainly not winter. Early autumn is a possibility I suppose, don't know.

I think someone mentioned that it was getting dark in the RP, and soldier pursuit in darkness = bad idea, so that works with the idea of not sending more soldiers out.

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@ Cuddles

... if this works out the way I plan, I will be so happy with you :) (it's not quite what you think)

@ Map

Topics topics and more topics. May as well, right?

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Phoenix has plan? :/

..... Discuss it with someone, I've kind of got enough ammunition at the moment, without having to rip your plans to shreds again.

And what do you mean "with me"? *Is very wary of the Phoenix*


In useful notes, please. Hoesntly don't need a thread dedicated solely to displaying a map. Even Alch/your art gallery, anywhere other then new threads >_<


Hmmm, been a long time since a day ended without me getting a PM :/

Edited by Kanami
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Snike is scheming something? Good or bad? Or just character development? Nyeh, doubt anyone wants to share info with the Nady anyway.


Using Elysimma as a central point, and then describing what's around it, (even scribbles on paper/MSpaint) would be good enough. And then someone like Phoenix or Lacuna can pretty'fy it I suppose. If they're willing.

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Snike I wants to scheme something up, but is I'm trying to figure out what.

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@ Map

I'd help if no one minded me sucking at maps. I had to make a map for my fanfics so I knew where the hell everything was.

@ My Plan

My plan is very simple, and you can't necessarily screw it up either because it's not success oriented anyway :P

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Charlotte displaying unconditional trust towards the party doesn't make sense to me. She'll just require an explanation later, hopefully it's convincing or she'll become more like Kamilla than intended. I hadn't really thought about the whole criminal thing, but that's how events unfolded.

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Eric can handle that. Just has to take her aside when things calm down.

@ the plan.

Pretty much.

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[spoiler=Predicted end, should we be forced to always keep running and find no safe place]The first to go is Francis, poor horse was malnourished to begin with. Then Tessa falls- she's been working several times harder than everyone else, patching up injuries and trying to keep people on their feet with prayer more than food, water, and rest. Arrin's next, as youngest and most out-of-shape, damaged by his Crimson weapon to boot, he falls into a coma and dies after a few days. Amari drops from exhaustion and hunger as Kelas overburdens her in a desperate attempt to keep Arrin alive; Trevor also succumbs to starvation soon after, as do the wyverns. Katie is lost to exhaustion. Heinz flees, as does Cess, both seeing no reason to fight a losing battle for people they're not concerned with. People lose weight; they hallucinate as sleep deprivation gets to them. Kelas dies, weakened further by the despair of having failed the people she was trying to protect. Without a healer, Eric succumbs to injuries. The "fittest" are no longer so; Morgan dies, and the melee fighters start to drop off. Chase simply flees; already weakened, he's an easy target for his pursuers. By now all armor has been left behind; it's just too heavy. In one skirmish, Aiya takes an arrow for Damian; Irina's taken by a surprise attack, and Isotov's survival instincts start to dull, having also lost those he would protect. Aiya's sacrifice proves to be in vain as the Gae-Borg takes the last of Damian's strength. The others continue to flee, to anywhere, and are taken one by one as their pursuers continue to find them.

The only ones left standing between the world and the Lord of Azure Flame are the uncaring Reika and the amnesiac Helios. Neither fight, and both perish as the demon king brings the world to an end.

Map: I'm terrible at drawing maps. Sorry.

It seems I have gone into dramatics... and now I really am going to sleep.

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@ Charlotte

Charlotte = Kamilla ...? Oh ... please just god mod, PLEASE?

Also ... Kelas isn't quite as confusing anymore(sexually ambiguous) :hat:

Goodnight, Kiryn :)

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Eric should be able to convince her probably.

I bet there's some sort of online mapmaker tool, I don't think the map has to be hand drawn. Also we're mostly just concerned with country placement, not mtn. ranges/rivers etc.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Lmao XD I wouldn't mind orchestrating the RP to head for that end, though since you people refuse to die, but I can still try, right?

OoC suggestion, head to Halton, Septimus, Jerdon, Tora, Hell, anywhere other then remaining in Elysimma. Though Halton might be a bad idea since I've already got some scheming started there as well. Though personally I'd prefer Halton so I can argue why Halton isn't going to be best friends with you all.... well they might have a common goal and get along with Morgan :/

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I was saying that in response to people who were saying they can't draw.

Anyway general world structure ideas anyone? All we have so far is Zac Efron land is to the north according to Phoenix.

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I was saying that in response to people who were saying they can't draw.

Anyway general world structure ideas anyone? All we have so far is Zac Efron land is to the north according to Phoenix.

Hardy har har, Cynthia. It's Zaftra, and yes it's north ... east ... northeastish.

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