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It makes sense for Jerdon to be bordering Septimus somehow as well, thus making Septimus north or west.

Halton then being south/east makes more sense (lol Mordor), with Elysisma faling kind of in the middle? Helios' backstory makes more sense if Tora also borders Halton/Elysisma. Countries don't follow perfect shapes of course, but general directions here.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Warning? When? And what did I do that you just noticed?


I suppose you could use this map for general placing. (Make your own once you've determined positioning)


Big places should take multiple numbers, and ignore the borders,

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Naddy, I'm gonna give you a warning now. But if this pesists, I'm going to ban you from partaking in anything involving any nation's political and/or military and/or police forces for the rest of the RP.

Right here. Bout two or so pages back.

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Nyeh, reinforcements is bluff, not sending more units over. Assuming you people have the sense to leave Ilyphina

Just need to make some sort of indicator that the group was around the swamps. And to be honest I just needed a sighting and then a fast way to let the capitol know, pretty much just support info to establish what I'm going to be doing next :P

Hmmm, only posts I see are

1: You complaining about wanted status

2: You talking about Amari mauling

3: You not having artistic ability.


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Then consider this your notification.

Edit: I'm not trying to be mean or restrictive, but honestly, this is getting annoying and obstructive to the plot. I'm not locking you out of being able to do these things, not yet, but I am willing to put my foot down if this persists. Understand?

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Well instead of whining about it, how about you actually try to resolve it? I'm going to stop when you people have the sense to do something about it, and if there's no solution then GTFO might be a good idea. I've been telling you people that it makes no sense to stay in Elysimma right after you all ignore me telling you heading to Ilyphina makes no sense.

And you've claimed you didn't solidify anything, this is false. I burned down an inn.

Unanimous consensus seemed to be to flee. (Group)

Phoenix decided it'd be a good idea to make a quick buck out of the situation by conning people (Phoenix)

Pre-Percy wyverns attacked and were killed (Snowy)

Percy was defeated and Esphyr(?) threatens to kill Katie (Snowy)

Istample Conrad sends troops (Chase)

Selizara Phoenix and Rein organize a showdown which makes no sense, I end situation (Rein/Phoenix/Kanami)

Convoy is destroyed as we arrive at Ilyphina (Cynthia)

Bandit raid upon Ilyphina fails, though group participation was group choice (Kanami)

Soldiers followed group, wasn't supposed to be hostile and only one attempted attack (Kanami)

Soldiers notice group at Hamburg (Kanami)

I'm only playing on events that you solidified after Isotov set the inn on fire.

Might just be me, but Selizara exploding is pretty big news, coupled with the group escaping captivity right under the militaries nose is also another mark.

If you actually planned things properly instead of carrying plot through in garbled mess heaps, I wouldn't be interfering as much. If Elysimma is just supposed to cover it's eyes, and stop looking for you, I'd like someone to provide reasoning for that. Instead of you simply demanding I stop.

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Probably part of the reason we stayed in Elyisima was because there were no plot hooks leading in other directions. Those help.

Anyway: map

Jerdon 1-3

Septimus 4-8, 12-18

Zaftra 9-11

Elysisma 25-34

Halton 19-24, 35-40

Tora 41, 42

Probably illogical in some ways.

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Don't be coy Naddy. I'm not a idiot. You've openly stated you plan on getting the group on the most wanted list and have also stated that you have your own schemes for other nations. Not only are you going to stand in our way at every possible turn, even if we somehow clear our names you're going to sink your little fangs in at the first perceived mess-up anyone in the group makes! Yes, I admit to trying to push the plot along, but mainly because I know that pushing it past you without having to resort to such administrative methods will be painful and I didn't want to give you the chance to cause more conflict. Yes, now that it's reached this point, it doesn't matter, and I accept the blame for this shortsighedness, but this doesn't change that I want you to stop!

If you want me to deal with this without resorting directly to a lampshade of why they are free or using a wizard as an explanation, I will do that... Rather I would have done that if I could have somehow kept you from screwing it up for your own little power-play. But the only way to have done that would have been to restrict you like I am doing now. Not to mention that it would have involved having the group be captured, processed, put up for trial, and acquitted at the least, which would have taken several topics just to clean up a mess you caused. No. Don't give me lip about being 'realistic' or whatnot, because it was not only your idea to have the inn to catch on fire, but to blow it up as well. While I played originally and had the wyverns chase, like cops should have, once I realized the group wouldn't even consider getting their names cleared the proper way, I allowed for it to be dropped and handwaved as poor communication because it would have been either too long or too detrimental to keep it going.

And now, I'm fed up with it. Outright fed up, which honestly takes a lot to do. It was your decision to blow the inn up instead of making it just a minor fire or ignoring it. If you want to claim innocence because you are only following the course, then fine. I will blame the person who originated it, which was you. Not only do I not want you to stop with this criminal thing, I want you to stop these schemes all together as they seem to be horrible and nasty little things which only serve to make you smirk while annoying others to death.

You can argue, but so long as you are going to try to defend yourself and project yourself as a innocent instead of giving me at least a degree of respect and understanding instead of snide remarks, I will lay down my power as the RP creator to reduce what you can do drastically.

Now, this little exchange has made me rather annoyed. I need to go take a breather.

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Too bad Johnny Cockran's dead. We might have had a chance at arguing this down otherwise.

Never mind. Snowy's got this handled :mellow:

@ Cynthia

I'd prefer a visual example, but lol at Zaftra being near the top and Tora near the bottom. It's funny to me because I thought Tora was somewhere else entirely(closer to Jerdiland and Zaftra, now I realize that's it's as far away from Zaftra as physically possible with all other countries placed XD

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Since Tora is Kai's deal, he should probably decide it. I thought it should be near Elysisma since Helios went to school there, nothing prevents a cross-country trip though.

WRT name clearage, it gets difficult to go through the court system if you kill cops at least if we proceeded in a logical fashion.

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@ Snike

I love that pic :3


@ Cynthia

I should've made Lightning have Conrad show up in person, that way the troops and such wouldn't have ... wait, no we should've avoided the fortress in the first place because we were doomed to be surrounded, and then Cuddles could take it from there ... never mind ... I should have just had Isotov ignore Arrin and then none of this would have happened :sob: XD

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I suppose if we want to work with the judges being corrupt, we can bribe one for innocence, but not only do I find this unfavorable; but it's difficult. We would either need lots of gold or some other means of bribing; which is a unneeded delay which doesn't do anything except bore players, or a sidequest which can easily blossom to several chapters long for something that shouldn't have even been a issue.

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@ Clearing our names


Corrupt judges: 45% chance of plausibility

Fake our deaths: 25% chance of plausibility

Keep our status: 100% chance of plausibility

Make up for our crimes(save the day): 60% chance of plausibility

That's all I got -_-

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Hence why I avoided the trial ,it would have proceeded illogically I imagine, or would require powerful NPCs saving us. Probably both.

Chance for actual trial went out window when we killed soldiers (I guess you could have gone with "bad communication", but that's iffy). They didn't give us a chance to surrender though, so it put us a tricky situation.

Nady expected us to run I expect, but we had no leads in other directions, not to mention a lack of geographical knowledge of where to run to.

It's not as if Lightning is begging us to throw Conrad in, so we can leave the area for a while if we get another plot hook.

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Katie was cleared, the rest of us weren't. Iso and Chase especially are screwed.


I could pin part of that on Viveka since she's encountered the group twice now and would make damn sure the charges aren't dropped until she confronts the group and settles the issue.

Her primary problem with the group is that they won't let her figure out what's really going on, so she's trying to capture them to find out what happened. Ah nothing ever works out anyway so I shouldn't be surprised here.

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