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All the nations are friends? That comes off as kind of un FE like and..lameish. It also contradicts Halton's thirst for land.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I see no reason to? Nevermind it would require 'thinking' and like your paperwork, I don't enjoy thinking, I'm more of a "moment" person.

Elysimma is the most powerful nation? What, with a crappy military and an independant mage academy, they're the most powerful? For some weird reason I was under the impression it was Halton that was the "powerful nation" :/

"all are friends"? XD Right, apparently this nation couldn't even solve it's own internal turmoil, but now it's able to cross over borders and tell people to be friendly. Not very effective either considering Jerdon's position.

Snowy, I'll say this clearly for you, "You're an idiot, perhaps worse then Kai."

You've pretty much supported my comments about you "ignoring the problem" and "hoping it would go away." Apparently your solution to problems is ignoring it, you've stated this as a resolution in your religious topics in serious discussion, and have further emphasized this with your current relationship"

Ignoring it, will not solve anything? You got that? It doesn't solve stuff!

Speaking of the religious topics, you sure you have a background in law? I recall your comment about "If you have any problems take it to court" and I remember how stupid everyone thought that comment was. I can go get quotes if you want?

I don't see why I should help clean up a mess I enjoy exploiting, if you people are willing to clean up, I wouldn't mind helping, but your solution is "ignore" and the more you "ignore" the more it's rubbed in your face.

@ Viveka's report

I was referring to her filing a report AFTER she got her memories back, or before depending on whether the group cooperated with her(which they didn't). She wouldn't lie to Conrad about that, because she wants him to trust her no matter what. I'm citing corruption because before the memory wipe, she would have done it if the group cooperated, and she would do it now if they cooperated.

So after she got her memories back she's doing what? While it's seemingly unrelated to current discussion, are you saying she's willing to be all hush-hush about making a fake report to protect her/Conrads career? Cause that would be fun to exploit :/

Unfortunately (or Fortunately) the group not cooperate, and unless Viveka came out and said "Hey guys, I'm gonna file a false for you" I doubt anyone would have known that, and even if they did, if the group took her up on the offer that would be a serious OoC issue.

Either way, this stuff isn't likely to happen anymore is it?

Edited by Kanami
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The hero's do have super-star status in all of them, and they were allied together. Also, plenty of smaller nations that are struggling and easy to pick off for Halton.

Halton has no hero I think. Bethold is dead, and I doubt Naelia is running the country from the character bio.

Not to mention how 4/5 (dead Bethold) are corrupt. I doubt money hungry Jace is going to value his old friendship with Harold over getting more money (invading other nations often = $$$)

The heroes are influential figures, but I doubt their friendship runs national policy. Especially since most of them aren't the formal leaders anyway.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Good! That's nice to know, Snowy actually doing something :)


And it's a very interesting one, and one I can use to illustrate my point. You also know by now that telling me to "Not do" something, usually results in me doing it right?

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We have something possible. Now that we have it, Naddy... I don't ignore things, and I never did. I did, however, learn how to consider others as well as understand what my own actions may bring. When I decided to abandon the arrest, it was because there was nothing more to be gained from it that was beneficial; and I was right. My decision was right then, and it has remained so. The problem was that you refused to let it go; not because it added anything to the story, but because it allowed you the chance to torture us more. After I had decided to end the arrest, four of the five instances were either yours, or you were involved in. Despite your claims that it solved nothing... it would have solved something!

As for my background, I do believe in the court system and I do believe in the law. I also believe that many people feel entitled and are disappointed when the court rightfully turns them down, and that some people do have just causes that are turned down due to either bribery or poor juries or simply judges making improper decisions. I also know better than to trust people in a game-based forum for legal advise when most probably haven't even seen more than two to three rooms of their own town hall.

I never professed to do high end, knowledge required, or difficult law-based jobs. In fact, after studying both history and archaeology, I can profess to know the value of paperwork. However, also having taken journalism, I know how often many people do NOT read the paperwork; a fact I know better by having a near-constant stream of stories from people who attend meetings ignorant of obvious facts almost literally at their fingertips.

I consider this the end of this matter though. I am not a being for your public display to nitpick. That's Phoenix's job.

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If you never ignored things, we wouldn't be in this situation :/ Well not as bad off as the group is at the moment at least anyway. You've said that you decided to intentionally abandon the arrest because you figured there was nothing to gain from it? So pretty much, you decided it wouldn't lead to a result you wanted, hence you decided to ignore it and pretend it never happened.

Now you're going to say you didn't ignore it, then I have to ask, dead soldiers, and Percy on the wobble run after seeing Esphyr threaten to lop off Katie's head. Exactly how did you plan to solve this without addressing the entire issue? I refused to let it go because letting it go didn't make any sense. And you the apparent GM, didn't seem to have the brains to address the question. Knowing there's a problem and not doing anything about it, is considered ignoring.

I can agree with one comment though, trusting someone for legal advice on an forum about games is stupid, yes. That's why your comment about taking it to the courts was stupid, and why you claiming that you have legal background and then saying people approve papers without reading them is just as stupid.

I'm not sure if you realize but journalism and law are completely different. What applies for maths, may not apply to English. So saying people skip through details in journalism, and saying it's reason for people to skip papers in law and politics is an immature statement. It's also important to distinguish between College (or whatever institution you learned from) I think Elementary school and the actual job.

Phoenix is fun to pick on, but is not necessarily my only nitpicking toy. And nitpicking isn't what I'm doing with you, the issues you've left unaddressed are by no means small, and you're the one who started telling me to not do stuff, not the other way around.

I look forward to your resolution, and hope Cynthia's participation has made it at the very least plausible.

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It's like congress passing a bill without reading it.

I was about to chew you out for this comment, but I remembered you're Japanese. Forgiven.

Note on nations: Of the three, it can be assumed Elyisima is the most friendly to Jerdonians, considering, well, they haven't hunted down the princess yet.

Halton would be neutral, simply because nothing's happened there, and Septimus is hostile, by default.

By this, bandit co-op is pretty much unfeasible, because Septimus would have wanted Char, after the annexation.

Now, my thoughts so far:

Court system's a sham, anyways, in medieval times. They never REALLY went after the culprit until 17th-18th century.

Elysimia's the Begnion? What? Evil empire is supposed to be Septimus or Halton, though...

Also, technically, couldn't Harold get them all off with a pardon? I mean, he pretty much has absolute power, and there's no way that the group is that reviled. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to even approach villages w/o the villagers screaming bloody murder. The way I see it, Harold comes down himself and owns the group -> brings them to the capital, where they get cleared, but with some sort of hitch. If we don't do that, or something similarly plausible, I'll just have my second, along with a group of mercenaries, escort the group out of the country for a while. I assure you, I can make plot NPCs too.

Edit: Grammar. X_X

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Regarding the amount of sense it makes that we're still wanted and can't fix that:

-Point the first: What evidence do we have that the Elyisiman military actually gives a damn about their country? The border guards would rather sexually harass travelers than make sure wanted criminals don't get through. They'll throw wyvern troops (outside the usual jurisdiction) at a group that accidentally committed arson. When said group kills the soldiers in self-defense (because no surrender option was given)? Just throw more at them! (What are they, bored?) (Of course, when the group finally gets a decent chance to surrender, it gets a wrench thrown in.) And then, after a truly massive group of bandits has attacked the capital city, do they stop to work out how this actually happened and how to prevent it? No! They chase after the same damn arsonists, apparently because it's fun!

So why, oh, why are we assuming they are the least bit responsible and diligent in dealing with legal matters?

-Point the second: It would be very easy for us to be "dead". Given said appalling levels of responsibility, yes, I do think Viveka could have filled out some paperwork and called us dead, and her two knights would have vouched for her. As to where's the body? Well, a damn lot of people died in the streets that night. They had armor, they had horses, some were mages, probably some wyverns as well. With so many dead, they probably just carted them off. Any of them could have been us. And who's going to check?! This is medieval times, nobody had dog tags or driver's licences or any forms of identification.

-Point 2A: Given the lack of identification, how the hell do they even know what we look like?! Sure, they could paint Wanted posters, they probably wouldn't be that accurate, and it would take time to get them places. So how does every officer in the realm know our faces?!

-Point the third: Realistically even bad plans will work sometimes, because realistically there's usually not some force at work dedicated to foiling every single one of them.

-Point the fourth: There are acceptable breaks from reality. Such as not taking what was supposed to be a minor plot thread to a point where realistically the whole group would be dropping dead, except they aren't because the rules allow them not to and because this isn't the direction the story was supposed to go. Such as not making it so that there is nowhere even momentarily safe that we can run.

-Point the fifth: And we're already screwed enough, yes! Is it not enough to keep rubbing our nose in our criminal status? Must we also be screwed over by every single little thing that could possibly get in our way? Do we have to be chucked out of inns and rejected business deals by people who don't even know who we are? Is it really necessary to turn every other power besides the Elyisiman army against us as well? Sure, a story without conflict is boring as hell. But a story where everything is conflict, sometimes pointlessly so, and with no hope of resolution to any of it? Possibly worse!

Regarding what we should do about our current predicament: Obviously our names will never be cleared, until we make complete heroes out of ourselves by offing the LoAF at least. I'm thinking either GTFO the country or else encountering a military officer who A) actually gives a damn about his country, not just chasing criminals for teh lulz, B ) is not entirely clear on who we may or may not be, and C) is present at the time of a major demon attack, thus showing that while we may be wanted criminals, it might be better to let us go do our demon-killing thing and catch us once it's actually safe to do so (and without death threats, etc). Of course, the former won't work because certain people want nowhere to be safe, and the latter won't work, because nobody wants to write an authority figure who can think past "hurr durr kill the kwiminals"! We're screwed!

edit for B and right parentheses is not supposed to be a smile comma dammit.

On a lighter note, re sprites: Dear lord, Phoenix, do I even want to know what you did?

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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@ Kiryn

A. The Phoenix has an idea, but it is no quick fix, and it will work provided Cuddles either cooperates(by not controlling any soldiers) or just watches.

B. What I did? Umm, Kelly's almost finished. Let's just say she's not exactly unattractive or anything ... Lev would hit it <_<

C. Awesome case you've brought up.

D. Good morning!! ^_^

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I propose we form an anti-plot derailment alliance, simply because of the 100% increase in derailers recently. All for?

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(More accurately: Throwing a wrench into the plot occasionally is okay. Shooting us with a machine gun that fires wrenches is not.)

Yeah. That reminds me, don't give Pike a rocket launcher when he's staking out a cargo ship. >.<

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Right hand: Thumb, ring and little fingers are fingerless. Left hand: All of them are fingerless.

... ... hmm ... well that just saved me twenty minutes of detailing :/ (because the left hand is the only one showing XD )

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I look forward to your resolution, and hope Cynthia's participation has made it at the very least plausible.

I'm not really satisfied with what ended up being the end result, but we might just have to accept the outcome, even if it doesn't make full sense. Though I still suggest just leaving, hence avoiding the problem. Yeah you wanted us to come back later but...adapt.

WRT Kiryn's post point 2 is a pretty good one. I doubt their identification system is going to be that excellent. The time that has passed between the time of the crime and now isn't that long, and for accurate descriptions of us to reach all the way to Hamburg does seem a bit unlikely.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Alright. Have fun with that.

So, Eric's taking Charlotte aside now, OK?

Off-topic: Ether's probably not coming on until sometime around 4 Atlantic, BTW. He's doing a Calc exam ATM.

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Doubt anyone really wants my input but whatever.

I've been reading this RP since Chapter 4 or whenever the inn was set on fire, so yes, I actually know the plot and who's done what.

If Snowy/Phoenix had control of the plot, it'd be boring. Fricken boring as hell, sorry to say. Alternately, if Naddy had the plot, we'd already be screwed over. The only reason I even joined this was because I found it entertaining. (Yes Clockwork I'm behind you)

You all try to fix each others problems and end up causing even more trouble then there was in the first place. (Let's blow up the inn, let's go to the Cobalt Caves, let's go to the capital, let's let ourselves be captured etc. etc.)

My point is that this has already gone past the level of realism- and that it's pretty much everyone's fault. (That includes me since I made Chase even more wanted i think.) Can we just get the f*ck out of Elymsia now, since they apparently hate us so much?

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Umm, I don't solve problems. I let them kick the crap out of Eric.

But yeah, I get the point.

Again, we get out or get pardoned. <- My opinion.

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