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The identification issue doesn't necessarily let us off the hook because they've already been able to identify us time and time again. We also would probably still be wanted in the capital, so it's not really a permanent solution if we care about going back there.

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I've come up with a solution, and it's Cuddles approved :mellow: (I sh*t you not)

@ Kiryn

Grrr! Waiting for your thoughts on Kelas! >_<

Edited by Phoenix
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A clue a clue


The robe

What robe

The robe on the floor

*Looks down*

A white robe. What relevance does this have?

Helios was wearing one

Oh really. We need to write that down in our handy dandy.......


Great *Scribbles crap in notebook*

Yeah but Eric should be encountering that soon

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Well yeah. The capital, or any town we've already been to, would be suicide. I just want to know how we get identified without fail immediately upon entering Random Village n.

@Phoenix: I'm writing them, I'm writing them...

I know how to grammar, honest...

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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1: Indicate to me where you people actually tried to solve anything? To make this personal, I don't have any problem with you as an RP'er but you're not exactly taking any initiatives to solve any of them. An example being Kamilla's character, everytime I pointed out a flaw in the plan, Kelas (Not sure about Arrin) would just scoff at the idea or get on their horse and get ready to gallop off. Instead of complaining that I throw too much crap at you, how about actually reading the warning signs, posted both in here and in the RP?

When I make an issue obviously clear beforehand, and everyone decides, "Hey screw probability, we'll head to Ilyphina, just cause Snowy's plot wants us to" then you're bringing it upon yourself. As stated initially, the group has done crap all to clear their names, despite the fact that they originally headed for Ilyphina for that sole purpose (with the exception of Morgan? and maybe Damian)

2: I have stated multiple times that GTFO is a good solution, whether you read these comments or not is not really something I can say, but tell me, if you were being chased by the police, would you go to the police station and say "I'm not guilty" and then brutally attack anyone that tried to restrain you?

If your only chance at not going to prison was to fly abroad would you take it, or go investigate some random unrelated homicide (Mesh) nearby?

You seem to be under the impression that I am screwing you up at every possible opportunity I get, and I assume others share this sentiment. The thing, I've used only utilized 2/3 of what I could of made go wrong so far. There was never a lack of things to make go wrong, due to the stupid decision to head to Ilyphina.

So, every possible thing, is essentially false. Hell, if I was doing that, you wouldn't have gotten out of Ilyphina alive. And before you say you pretty much didn't, it wasn't my choice to go there.

There is no good reason, but a reason would be, you're not standing in a mine field anymore meaning less mines to make explode? Second reason would be the group actually making sense and leaving the mine field through the way you came. Opposed to moving further into the mine field. I've stated more then once that I only throw crap at the group when you do something ridiculous. And I intend to continue doing so.

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Yeah, sort of waiting on a response.

@Flying scene: Phoenix is probably finishing up Kelas, before he posts again.

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@ Kelas

Overall positive response. Waiting to see if I need to do anything else to the sprite.

@ Flying scene

Did Cynthia just ask for a potential monologue? :blink:

1. Sweet. Can't wait to see it.

2. I believe so.

Also, can someone drag DS in here, so we can make sense of this 'empire' thing?

Edit: Hi Speed. Gratz on promotion.

Edited by Snike
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Clearly he's referring to Helios Empire <_<

What are you? Blind?

Tora has risen up destroying both Halton and Septimus and is no known as the Helios Empire after their late prince, king, random emo kid.

Otherwise I just assume "Empire refers to Elysimma

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... And still, he's a virgin. What a shame.

Edit: Was it just me, or did the site semi-crash?

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He won't be a virgin forever, he's introduced a new character so that Helios can finally lose his virginity officially (Since we all know Damian's turned him into a real woman unofficial). So our Helios and his Virginity jokes are coming to an end :(




Tania?!? What has she got to do with anything? I was talking about Jeremy :/

And yes, site semi-crashed.

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If you werent so slow you would realize that Tania and Sen are engaged and Jeremy was a relative of Tania's. You would also find out that i made them so that Helios can get up on his feet

EDIT: What Helios empire?

Edited by Kai
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It is said nowhere that they're engaged. A relationship is implied. Not the fact that they're fiancees. Nor was it said that they were meant to help him up onto his feet. Lay off.

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You're joking right Snike?

Or am I reading too deeply into things?

I presumed engaged, since they didn't seem married, and they didn't sound like a simple Gf/Bf couple. I would have accepted Tania being a princess and Sen being a loyal knight or something, but that's been used too often lately. Either way, it's clear they share some sort of close bond.

As for Jeremy, I thought it might have been their son (dismissed idea due to above) or Tania's brother.

As for helping Helios, I'd have thought their intentions were obvious the moment Kai introduced them, despite what Kai says, he's trying to make Helios, not Helios XD Or at least somehow manage Helios to fit better in the group, opposed to just being labeled the group idiot. Amnesia is a clear sign of this, and when random strangers pick up a lost boy with amnesia, a rollercoaster of adventure is sure to follow XD

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It is said nowhere that they're engaged. A relationship is implied. Not the fact that they're fiancees. Nor was it said that they were meant to help him up onto his feet. Lay off.

You could have just said fuck off but what ever <_<

Well now you know

@ Nady: You win the game. <_< Wanna a medal?

Edited by Kai
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You're joking right Snike?

Or am I reading too deeply into things?

I presumed engaged, since they didn't seem married, and they didn't sound like a simple Gf/Bf couple. I would have accepted Tania being a princess and Sen being a loyal knight or something, but that's been used too often lately. Either way, it's clear they share some sort of close bond.

As for Jeremy, I thought it might have been their son (dismissed idea due to above) or Tania's brother.

As for helping Helios, I'd have thought their intentions were obvious the moment Kai introduced them, despite what Kai says, he's trying to make Helios, not Helios XD Or at least somehow manage Helios to fit better in the group, opposed to just being labeled the group idiot. Amnesia is a clear sign of this, and when random strangers pick up a lost boy with amnesia, a rollercoaster of adventure is sure to follow XD

I was thinking more of a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, myself, w/ them being childhood friends or something. Should've phrased things stronger.

At Jeremy, brother was what I thought, as well.

I forgot that they weren't Nade NPCs for a second. In all honesty, I thought they might end up as second and thirds. The helping part had not occurred to me at the time.

@Kai: I'm a Canadian, what else would you expect?

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