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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@Ship: I think the group's considering whether or not they trust the dude first.

@Sprite: No, I'm too contrary.

@Phoenix: ...What? Did I say I was depraved like Heather? (Okay, being obnoxious would be...)

(I think now I'm never going to tell you which gender(s?) I like, just to mess with you.)

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Allying with the conqueror nation actually poses many interesting devices to play with really (Though you and Cynthia kind of made Septimus the conqueror nation for some weird reason). And depending on what people have planned, I wouldn't mind allying with Halton, just don't expect Reika to be reacting too nicely to 20% or the residents, while the other 80% she'll be trying to constantly kill XD

I think it's common consensus that there's no way of getting our names cleared, not until much later in the RP, so getting out makes me happy, and happy Naddy equals less wrenches thrown your way. Either way it seems Halton/Jerdon.

It's a possible method to clear our names, but an impossible method if we consider the ingredients we need to make it happen.

Speaking of happy Naddy, Wyverns in mountains and a soldier outpost makes for a happy Naddy, as long as you do something with it. Unlike Rein.

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Allying with the conqueror nation actually poses many interesting devices to play with really (Though you and Cynthia kind of made Septimus the conqueror nation for some weird reason). And depending on what people have planned, I wouldn't mind allying with Halton, just don't expect Reika to be reacting too nicely to 20% or the residents, while the other 80% she'll be trying to constantly kill XD

I think it's common consensus that there's no way of getting our names cleared, not until much later in the RP, so getting out makes me happy, and happy Naddy equals less wrenches thrown your way. Either way it seems Halton/Jerdon.

It's a possible method to clear our names, but an impossible method if we consider the ingredients we need to make it happen.

We made Septimus the douchebag nation, actually. They just really had a thing against Jerdon.

Speaking of which, we're going to have to reestablish it at some point. That'll be fun. X_X

So, you're putting down the wrench chaingun? Cool.

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@ Kiryn

NOOOOOO!!! :sob:

@ Cuddles

I never introduce wild animals without weird ass intentions in mind :)

@ Septimus

Snike, I have an npc enemy character in Septiland that would like to say ello to you, but first I must finish the other sprites in the queue.

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@Septimus NPC: PM the details, please.

@Wyvern attacks: Place your bets for how many times Eric get mauled, ppl.

@Alch teasing Phoenix: Karma, man. Karma.

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I'm not putting down anything until we leave this bloody nation :/ I've doubted you people to do things you'd said you'll do, and have yet to be proven wrong. And for all I know, Snowy could still play his random soldier idea. Wrench chaingun is still pointed squarely at the group, I'm just waiting for movement before I start wrenching you again.


Ahhh crap >_< As if we needed anymore beastiality in this RP, wasn't Kiev enough?

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Every nation has douchebags I would imagine, the heroes are a bunch of jerks for instance.

I'm guessing we're going to Halton. Taking a long boat ride (several weeks or so?) to go to a place for a pretty non-specific reason would strike me as odd.

Let's assume Helios rejoins the group, I think Kai went to bed.

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@ Snike

Pming momentarily

@ Teasing the Phoenix with sexual ambiguity

♫ What is love?! Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me ... no more! :sob:

@ wyverns

Just don't do anything stupid ... and we might get out of this with only a few people dying XD

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I kept saying it'd be a few days. Plus if we need to we can always timeskip. I have a few plot ideas up my sleeve. Bandits, library on LoAF, wise hermit person, a few are just Cess backstory, like family though.

@Phoenix Don't want to be pushy, but did you finish the Cess sprite?

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I was thinking Halton too :/

I don't agree with a douchebag nation. Elysimma has already been portrayed as one, and Halton's conquer happy can't be too popular either. As for Septimus, I can understand Char/Eric hostility towards them but that's not really any different from Reika's attitude to Halton. And don't actually see the entire world seeing Septimus as the douchebag nation because of it.

I don't know what stupid "friends" ideology Snowy has planned for Elysimma, but Halton and Septimus have both invaded other nations. And if there's a douchebag nation, I'm going to cut a large chunk of it out for myself.

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OK, racist nation? Discriminatory nation? Antagonistic nation? I honestly don't care what you call it, but it's negatively portrayed.

@Boat ride: GOGO support building.

Edit: @Psych:

Ever since he had lost her on the way to the capital, he was losing intrest in becoming a mercenary

Who's 'her'?

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I don't think there's a nation here that's the "bad" nation, but all of them contain people in power who are douchebags (almost all the heroes at least, not to mention others). Opinions of the various nations probably vary from person to person (you probably sort of dislike the one you're not in).

Eh, going to the islands maybe later if we have a stronger reason. Going there now will probably make Morgan fussy.

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@Snike I refered to "her" when Eshpyr was talking with Cess in the cart, and when we were back in the capital and I wasn't with the group yet. Basically a person I'm keeping open in case I need to Char option. I was gonna introduce her if/when we got to the islands.

Following the "Cynthia-thinks-Cess-is-Pelleas" vein, she'd probably end up being Mia-ish.

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@ Psychout

I've got the parts I need, but fusing everything together isn't a quick process. I might be finished tonight, or early morning tomorrow. Depends on how many breakthroughs I can pull out of my hat.

@ Support building

Timeskips and support building are enemies. I deem them thus.

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And it also screws up recruitment for a few a few characters XD

The big bad is the LoAF, so a evil nation doesn't make sense to me. And Septimus's actions don't differ from Haltons, so unless Septimus have done something specifically atrocious, making them the antagonist nation doesn't ring well for me. Though it'd be interesting to have you and a few others trying to portray them as "evils" with me trying to validate their actions as appropriate XD Turn of events is fun fun fun.

@Cynthia, I'm not against the idea, but why are we going to Halton?


I'm demanding bigger timeskips. Eg, Getting on a boat and timeskipping to a week later. *Stuff happening inbetween like talking socializing implied* during this period. Because the support building into 2~3 days is getting ridiculous. And Elysimma is puny. One day from Vaorin border to Ilyphina, and another day from Ilyphina to swamp.

Supports would be done prior to the time skip, or a segment in between the timeskip.

Eg Timeskip 3 days, Support build time, Timeskip remaining days.

Just using the boat as an example, not sure if it's the path we'll take.

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@Phoenix Eh, maybe. But basicaly both places have the same reasons why we're going. I just saw the islands as since they're off the coast, they'd probably be less hurt from LoAF war, and might have more info on how we could defeat him. Plus, backstory for me, yay.

@Kanami Not nesecerily. They might follow us on a ship as well, like Reika gets a tip off, or Viveka-mid-air-assualt-battle. Idk.

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Reason for going to Halton at this point is mainly to avoid authorities, but since they saw Reika there last, it's probably the logical place to look. It's about the same reason as the Islands, but less travel time.

I think that there is no "big bad evil nation", they're all somewhat morally ambiguous and which one you view as the big bad probably depends on perspective. Kind of like FE10 (you could argue Begnion I guess, but only the senator portion so they're still debatable).

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@Septimus being evil: Well, I guess the LoAF IS the big bad, but what's FE without some sort of evil empire? Guess I'm just biased.

Islands now isn't really a good idea, IMO.

@ Peggie attack: Mind the mountains.

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Reika has plot problems (not yet revealed with that happening, and Viveka would be fine, but Conrad arriving would be a bit hard. Either way, on a boat, there's nowhere to run to, the crewmen might stop and comply with army demands(or risk being sunk) and if they force you to turn the boat around and head for a more accessible Elysimman port.... well we're back at square one.

So I'd rather not see a air raid while the group are on boats :/

*Activity drop on my side from here, have kids to maul*

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@Kanami For all we know it could just be Dark Mage and Mysterious-NPC-Dude, who we're paying so they'd be more likely to listen to us. I kinda meant she'd just show up with a platoon of pegasi, so they wouldn't have a ship.

I'm fine with going to Halton too, I guess. I'm just leaning towards Islands. We could always go Halton -> Mysterious desert. We should probably vote or something.

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I don't really care either way, we'll probably hit both at some point or another. Islands just seem like an unecessary boat trip at this point in time though, without a strong compelling reason.

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I vote we get out of Elysimma, if a boat ride is what you want, I can live with that, just going to speed up Reika's appearance a bit so that she's with the group before the moutain pass. Instead of after clearing the mountain pass.

As for why I don't want Reika being a stow-away.

Reika doesn't like water (Go figure XD Nady is fire) and yes, it is a bit of self insertion.

That and she'll have her head over the side of the ship for the whole length of the boat trip. I can accept some mounted people being a bit resistant to boats, but I wouldn't think Reika'd be the only one to get sea sick :/

And if we get a super expensive big boat that doesn't rock much, there better be a damn good reason.

*Returns to kids* XD

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I think we're kind of in the pass now, yes? (We've got plenty ahead of us, but are securely in the mountains now.) And GTFO is pretty well cemented; the question is, once we hit Halton (which is the other side of the pass) where do we go from there.

@Seasick: Kelas will spend the entire journey alternately hanging over the rail and muttering about "messing about in boats" and how "sensible creatures keep their feet on the ground." Arrin will just be too miserable to care.

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