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*Shrugs* Have to take initiative in these matters, you could still catch up and offer to guide Reika through the mountains I suppose if that's what your guy does for a living XD. I've got a pretty solid reason for joining the group, so it should't be as big a deal as the other recruitment, unless I decide otherwise XD

Also for future reference to everyone, if I'm ever doing anything, feel free to butt in and mess the situation up, I prefer it that way, planned plot is as boring as Phoenix's monologues, and I'd rather change my plans every 5 seconds then stick to one crappy idea.

Plans I don't want screwed up.... probably don't exist, but they'll happen far far away from the group anyway.

Edited by Kanami
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Reika does have a Crimson Weapon, but she's still bound to get complaints from some (those she's tried to kill most likely). Morgan's opinion seems to be the only one that actually matters though, so I guess Reika's in (under supervision of course).

Edited by -Cynthia-
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You can not annoy the Kanami unless.... I don't know, when do I get annoyed, sadistic glee usually kicks in before I get to that stage :/

I don't really care much for getting along with the group, hostilities are fun to play with, and if people ignore her... well we'll see XD *Abuse no kill rule time?*

But that'll be something to discuss once I actually meet up with the group, and their reaction.

Edited by Kanami
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Reika has to fill the void of most hated group member. Helios has amnesia, Kamilla is gone, and Morgan is now group leader which makes her an awkward choice for most hated.

I can't see many potential friendships for Reika (maybe Ketchup?). Hostility should be easy though, I doubt I'll be able to ignore Reika at the very least.

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Since when has a Nady character been looking for friendship? Ewww the mere mention of it makes my skin crawl.

As for ignoring, I'm not sure, I'm considering signing up for more works (OMG Paperwork!!!) One of the guys quit yesterday apparently and their looking for someone to fill his quota. So my activity my take a sudden blow soon.

Edited by Kanami
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Didn't you say Helios needed a friend to develop himself more and can't just have everyone hating him all the time? I think the same thing applies to you :P

Silly Nady, paperwork doesn't matter, no one ever checks it anyway.

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@ Cuddles

You poor thing, well, then again, more work means more pay and less dealing with us :/

Didn't you say Helios needed a friend to develop himself more and can't just have everyone hating him all the time? I think the same thing applies to you :P

Silly Nady, paperwork doesn't matter, no one ever checks it anyway.

Quoting this because I page ninja'd Cynthia but thought the quote was funny and should be on this page.

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Right, I should just hand in blank bits of paper and hope no one realizes. XD

My comment about Helios wasn't necessarily exclusive to friends, it's just that having you character ignored doesn't really help character development. The problem with this group is whenever they don't like someone, they decide to not interact with them. Only exception to this would probably be Morgan and Chase. Everyone else just snorts, scoffs or "thinks" something and never really allows it to develop.

Reika's case, I don't have to deal with the same problems Kamilla did, if you ignore her, she'll just revert to stab happy bitch form XD As for trust issues, I'll solve those once we catch up to the group.

@Phoenix, It's not really poor Cuddles, I could just keep quiet since they're planning to just employ someone else, I'm just volunteering to take up both jobs since I clearly have too much time on my hands. Not really interested in the pay, just need something to keep my occupied, though having more money in the bank is never a bad thing. Unless the bank bankrupts, then I'm screwed XD

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Most people generally enjoy writing friendly interactions as opposed to bickering for some reason. I enjoy it personally, if Morgan traveled with a group she got along with perfectly she would be rather dull.

Or were you talking about RP'ers? I don't dislike Rein, though his activity is a little meh at times (he says it will get better).

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I was more referring to the RP characters, but the same applies for the Rp'ers. "Let's be friends" mentality, really doesn't work for me. Since random soul-mate encounters like Iso/Katie are laughable, while reactions like Chase/Cess make alot more sense.

Speaking of which, Damian better be paying you all a hell of a lot to go through what the groups going through XD *Is glad her employer isn't random hero boy*

I don't mind friendly interactions, but they're seldom directed at my characters, and I prefer bickering, more chances to let something slip. And usually, it makes much more sense. EG "Oh you have a CW? I join you! You too? Come along, let's be friends" was horrible to deal with at the begining, it was fine from Morgan/Damian, but every other occassion has just been a :facepalm:

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@ Soul mate comment

I'm pretty sure Iso and Katie aren't going to get married or anything. Snowy would have to be waaay more active for that to happen, plus the plot is starting to get in the way too somehow.

@ Fighting

I don't mind writing fights, I'd just rather build supports than have a Jaffar and Vaida talk to each other is all.

Goodnight ladies, gentlemen, lurkers ... the Phoenix ... is tired ... and must ... go to sleep now -_-

(Cynthia if you infiltrate my dream one more time I'm going to hunt you down)<--- it only bothers me because it's only her, it's never anyone else, not even Cuddles :/

Edited by Phoenix
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I'd sooner die then be apart of your Cynthia fantasy's and crusty undergarments.

As for supports, I build anti-supports XD Fortunately they don't lower my stats, and while I wouldn't mind having the entire group hostile against me, it wouldn't hurt to have a few that don't want to kill me in my sleep. That's my job

If the plot is getting in the way, that is good, if Snowy's inactivity is the problem..... nyeh it's nothing new.

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I would prefer not to be in dreams, we know what you think about women :P

Being a Crimson Weapon wielder means a large portion of the group actually doesn't want to kill you in-character and will be forced to tolerate your presence.

As for the "join up, let's be friends", it's a necessary evil in some ways. You can't have an entire group of renegades who hate each other and still be plausible. Cheesy yes, but if the characters can't group together you end up with a lot of monologues and those are bad.

Snowy's activity is probably the big problem in Iso/Katie. I think Isotov has actually spoken more to Morgan overall than Katie (and she has spoken more to him). I can't think of anything they have to talk about other than Katie learning how to cook and Isotov liking food, which is problematic.

I've liked some of the friendships (potential romances?) so far in this RP though. Tessa/Arrin feels normal in a lot of ways and not terribly forced. They find things in common that relate to each other's backstories and talk about that, the current situation w/e.

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^Yeah, well Katie doesn't speak XD

But I agree with your point, though there was that one time in Istample's inn, something about Isotov becoming Katie's student. But that didn't last very long anyway.

I've liked Tessa/Arrin, for the same reasons, but as for the other romances... eh. Esphyrs slutty, and Aiya's a loyal housewife from the middle east. Katie's a dumb mute who suddenly learned the art of prostitution after being with Harold for an undisclosed period. And..... who else is there?

I agree on the neccessary evils, and don't mind it, as long as people are willing to acknowledge their travelling with people they don't like, instead of just making it obvious by ignoring them.

Anyway off in a few minutes, need to go to the city for my appointment with the bald guy. Err I mean my boss XD

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I would prefer not to be in dreams, we know what you think about women :P

Being a Crimson Weapon wielder means a large portion of the group actually doesn't want to kill you in-character and will be forced to tolerate your presence.

As for the "join up, let's be friends", it's a necessary evil in some ways. You can't have an entire group of renegades who hate each other and still be plausible. Cheesy yes, but if the characters can't group together you end up with a lot of monologues and those are bad.

Snowy's activity is probably the big problem in Iso/Katie. I think Isotov has actually spoken more to Morgan overall than Katie (and she has spoken more to him). I can't think of anything they have to talk about other than Katie learning how to cook and Isotov liking food, which is problematic.

I've liked some of the friendships (potential romances?) so far in this RP though. Tessa/Arrin feels normal in a lot of ways and not terribly forced. They find things in common that relate to each other's backstories and talk about that, the current situation w/e.

Okay I'm seriously off after this.

@ Dreams

You only know what I let on >:)

... ... hmm ... not much you can do about it, and not much I can do about it. I guess I'll just have to hunt you down if it happens again <_< (you're always mean as hell in my dreams anyway(Morgan-esque) ... it's hardly a running through the flower fields thing)

@ Snowy

Write up some CCs so I can jack Katie from you and boost.

Hmm, Irina's a wind affinity, and so is Katie, supporting with both of them doesn't stack so one is essentially a lot of relationship content, and no bonuses. Well she is an NPC so I guess that's fair as long as the relationship is interesting to me in the end :/

@ Cuddles

Crus- what?! Okay enough with your interjections. I'm going to bed, you can just kill yourself because I'm certain that bringing up the dream issue like this has broken the chain(now I'll dream about you and you'll be all nice to me because that's ironic :P ).

Goo'night! ^_^

*signs off*

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:/ So Phoenix likes it rough, candles, whips and all huh? :/

While I'd never thought about it, wind/wind doesn't stack? Ah poo XD

Jack Katie? Boost?..... *Injecting Mind stabilizer*

Alot of people I was nice to them, unfortunately, none of them have actually gotten that wish XD

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At least I'm in-character in Phoenix's dreams.

Not sure if you controlling Katie would make things better or worse. It would have more content (and thus make their bond a lot more plausible), but it would also be you talking to yourself...more than usual.

Along those lines, I would give Damian/Aiya a lot more credit as a relationship if Ether weren't writing both parts. It's not bad, but the fact he controls both characters makes it a lot more meh for me.

Personally, I'd much rather write a relationship between two characters with someone else. I haven't really discussed anything with Bal, Snike, or any potential "partners" about where the relationship is going, issues to be brought up, etc. it's all ad libbed. Sometimes their characters surprise me, which I find enjoyable. I feel it also makes some of the conversations more realistic. I guess it is a little harder to follow and sometimes things get lost, but worth it IMO.

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*sigh* Why the f*ck did I log back on? I was in bed for crying out loud :facepalm:

@ Dreams

Shut up, both of you.

@ Relationships between two characters

Honestly, I prefer to have relationships develop with other people rather than writing for both characters myself. That's why I pick on Ether's DamianxAiya support sometimes, but at the same time, there aren't a lot of interesting romance combos around(not exactly the best selection of men or women even now). Aside from romance, there are friendship combos, some generic ones, and maybe rival combos, but many are kind of boring to me.

Okay, seriously, I'm gone now! ... for real! >_<

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...Watch me show up in one of his dreams... except in the dream, I'm a dude.

The thing with "nobody does anything with the characters they dislike" is, bickering gets old pretty fast. Example: Kelas would continue to rage at Morgan for horse theft, etc, but she knows that it won't get her anything (except possibly the wrong end of a spell) so she's dropped back to muttered insults.

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Yeah, trying to argue with Morgan, is trying to argue with a brick wall.

Anyways, are we time-skipping to morning, or are we implementing whatever idea Alch had before leaving last night?

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