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Because everyone suspects the hot chick.

Actually they usually just want to get in her pants, and they don't like the attention.

Anyway, where to from here? You people still haven't decided on whether it's Septimus or Boat ride as far as I recall. :/ And getting out of the pass, can only be done, after that's done.

@Psych, next post, or the one after. I can't be bothered counting.

Edited by Kanami
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@Phoenix I still said we can fall into trap, just we'd fall into it on the way to the boat. Snowy wants his demons to seduce us appearently.

I'm calling for a timeskip to get us out of the mountains, unless someone can conveinently takes us down quickly.

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@ Snike

Flush the mage out? You picked an interesting time to introduce Dani :/

Mountains mean wyverns, and wyverns mean thunder magic bait. It gave me an excuse to use Bolting. I was actually planning on introducing Derek, first, but the plot marches on...

I'm for trap.

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What's to say we can't GTFO the pass, then decide? Septimus, Halton, boats, that other little country, they're all on the other side of the mountains from Elyisima.

Well, for one not planning our destination resulted in what happened in Elysimma. It's funny how you'll complain about things going wrong, and then refuse to think your actions through.

Do you really want me to list the reasons?

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I'd say Halton. Septimus can wait a bit. Or that little nation Snowy is inevitably going to railroad us into.

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Well let's see. Regardless of which way we end up going, we will likely exit the mountains at the same point. We are all currently exhausted; many characters are likely not thinking straight. It's dark, and there's the possibility likelihood that we will be attacked again, by whichever force. Now, we can stand here yapping and get picked off, or we can get going, discuss, and know where we're going by the time we're out of the pass.

I guess what I'm pushing for is more of "start moving, then decide."

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Can Eric strangle Reika? PLEASE?

Edit: Sort of waiting for someone to randomly drag Dani out of nowhere, before I'm good to go.

Edit2: Snowy, Katie's the daughter of the best swordmaster in history. Of course she could do that.

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Yeah, my timing and Cynthia's "Look! Reika and Zoidberg that guy!" pulled us into Chapter 9 I think.

@Phoenix You are kinda lazy....If you had my energy, we'd probably be at Chapter 11 by now.

Edited by psychout50
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@Alch: Irrelevant, you're citing reasons about the group's fatigue, I'm talking about OoC decsion, since it'd be idiotic to have someone mention seeing a sea up ahead, and then end up in Halton. I don't know where the little nation is, but it should be pre-determined where the group is going.

Otherwise, there is no determined objective for the group, and if someone asks "Where are we going?" and the answer "I dunno" .... well I suppose you can imagine, unless the group like pointlessly traveling through wyvern territory.

Can Eric strangle Reika? PLEASE?

Edit: Sort of waiting for someone to randomly drag Dani out of nowhere, before I'm good to go.

Edit2: Snowy, Katie's the daughter of the best swordmaster in history. Of course she could do that.

Only if I can stab the bolting wench a new hole to breathe out of :/

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Edit: Ninja'd.

Ah, right then, in which case I thought we'd been sort of voting on that. Well, as much as we ever do...

Shall we just tacitly agree to go to Helenos-land, since we'll inevitably end up there anyway?

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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The country Esphyr mentioned, which the new chapter seems to be about.

From a character standpoint: it's not allied with any of the big 3 countries, has no quarrel with us, and not enough military to get properly mad at us. We haven't got any reason to stay there, but it might work as a stopping point.

@psych (damn ninjas) ... ... ...Snowy?

I think it'll at least partially hinge on what actually happens with the trap. We could get a lead on the LoAF to follow, for one thing.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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@ Eric ... I mean Snike!

I need a list of the colors for each part of Eric's body. I'm going to try something epic.

@ Destination

Like I said, I vote Trapville, as far as next real destination? I vote Halton.

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