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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@ Crimson stuff for sale

I'll take a crimson headset please. I'm tired of losing the others. It'd be nice to have a set I can just summon at will.

@ Wisdom

Hello future father in law*shot*

@ Irina's wyverns

Scrambled so she doesn't recognize them as wyverns and can finish the whole plate.

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I suppose that's all we'll get done today, I was actually expecting more resistance to Reika joining the group, but I suppose half the people aren't online. "Owww damn, Helios better regain his memories soon Kai" XD

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Yeah, nothing's happened for like 20 minutes. I'm getting off too. I forgot to tell you guys, I'm going on vacation Saturday, and I'll be gone maybe a week, so I'll have intermitten computer access just in case you wonder where I went.

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I guess I'll get some more work done on the Eric sprite. I've only got one day left I can work on it until Saturday night so I'd better make some serious progress.

@ Cuddles

I think Reika could form some rival supports:









etc :)

@ Psychout

Schnitzelschtaufen -_-

No idea what I just said, but I guess we should make the most of tomorrow? :/

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Depends on what you mean by "rival" I'd sooner form Reika/Kiev then some of those options, and I'd ask what affinity Kiev is if I hadn't toasted those eggs earlier XD

But again, I don't know what you mean by "rival"


Have fun, where ever you're going, just keep in mind, plot progresses without you, and that no one will care about Cess if you don't log on daily, and you'll be fine.

Except for the following:

Susann: The flying pig horse?

Victor: He'll eat me

Nyx: See below for Alch's comment

Ivan: Which one was he again?

Arrin: Who? The boy that no one remembers half the time.

Tessa: Unlikely, same problem Chase had/has

Trevor: Too old, and I can't horse like Kelas does

PS: I do no appreciate how half those characters are yours.

Edited by Kanami
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...Not even in your profile characters stuff... name has an x and a y in it... sounds like "Nix"...

...yep, that can't be a good sign.

It'll be in my profile once I finish the sprite. Then you can all sh*t bricks Then you can all comment ^_^

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Hm... Greed, Wrath, Gluttony, or Sloth, I wonder? (Pride would be freaky as hell, but I call dibs.)

(No, not that Pride, the other one.)

...I'm worried.

(Also you should totally sprite Megae. ~shot~)

AUGH why do I not LEARN if I keep getting shot, I'll run out of stone...

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Back from reading Vaida/Wallace supports :/ I like XD Vaida <3

Nyx, might the character I'm thinking, might not be, fits the bill though.


I don't mind everyone being hostile to me, I enjoy it But give Sage a decent chance at getting along with the group. I'd rather not see him be turned into another Helios/Kamilla type character. Despite the fact you all already have the "Ignore" thing going<_<

*Is contemplating pointing at Kiev, shouting "Wyvern!" and then throwing Calamity at him*

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@ Kiryn

Although Nyx isn't actually a demon, you have given me an idea we should discuss via pm >:)

@ Cuddles' knife throwing gag

He'll just duck and then come over and pin her to the ground.

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You don't need anymore damn NPC's, honestly, you keep making them and I'm going to start killing them, and the rules can go screw themselves, rules only covers PC as far as I can recall anyway >_<

@ Cuddles' knife throwing gag

He'll just Phoenix and then come over and pin her to the ground.

Hmmm? I don't get it?

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I don't know what you're doing in your dreams, if you're getting down on anyone it's most likely Kai or Snowy.

You don't actually plan to leave all those NPC's alive by the end of this?

I hate how all of you are receiver characters and there's no initiate characters <_<

It may be just me, but the name "Nyx" sort of demands to be female, IMO at least anyway

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@ Cuddles

I go down on no man, Cuddles :mellow:

@ Nyx

You'll find out in a week once the sprites in the queue are done. And yes Nyx is a girl, though not one that'll help with any virginity issues ... unless ... unless they're just that desperate <.< >.>

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Speaking for my NPCs at least: At this point I have one good, one neutral, and several enemy NPCs. The first may die; the second will not; the latter will likely all die (in stat-battle, even.)

@Nyx: ...Okay, I lol'd...

Also: Kiev and Amari crack support. No, not like that, you sickos. I need to figure out how to get Kiev scared of Amari, and then hilarity will ensue. (Because come on. Normal horse bossing around giant flying lizard? Should be good for at least one gag...)

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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