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The perfect girl has almost no personality aside from the desire to make her man food? *slaps Phoenix*

Okay that was sexist I'll admit that.

Perfect Girl Woman:

Any woman who's benefits outweigh her negative features ... according to the man she's involved with.



The Phoenix would also appreciate it if the rp's second would kindly keep her hands off of the Phoenix's rear end.

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*slap* implies across the face, I did not *spank* you, much as you might enjoy that

Real girls tend to ask tough girl questions. The women in relationships so far in this RP have been largely unrealistic.

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@ Slap

Imply all you want, I'll just keep twisting things to what's funnier. On that note, the Phoenix prefers cuddling(no not that kind) to spanking <_<

@ Relationships

Can the real girls in this rp give the guys controlling girls lessons then?

@ Other stuff

I'm not trading anything, I'm just waiting for that dog to make a mistake.

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Come now Phoenix.Cynthia isn't the type to spank you.That's my job

And yeah,Sexist Duck is sexist.Atleast Aiya has her reasons for not going into such things


... ... ....

Well first off, I have a gun.

Second Katie is Snowy's character. Irina and Viveka are based on personalities I took from numerous sources. Aka, no threesomes, and no insta-lovers.

Aiya's reasons for accepting Damian's behavior are borderline American teenager who's a bit too curious.

EDITED: For less funny.

Edited by Phoenix
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... ... ....

Well first off, I have a gun.

Second Katie is Snowy's character. Irina and Viveka are based on personalities I took from numerous sources. Aka, no threesomes, and no insta-lovers.

Aiya's reasons for accepting Damian's behavior are borderline American teenager who's a bit too curious.

EDITED: For less funny.

She cares deeply about him.The two of them basically owe their lives to one another,it's more than just "Well,how would this feel...?"

As for the three way with Esphyr,it was more along the lines that she wants him to be himself,because if he changes,he isn't the same guy that she fell in love with,well not entirely.She does want her first time to be memorable,so I suppose curiosity did play a part,but not as large as you assume it did.

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... well DamianxAiya aside, I'm a bit more concerned with the issue the Feminist brought up a while ago.

How to best portray an accurate female ... well Irina's a tomboy so that's pretty much solved. Viveka is sexually oppressed in the workplace and is influenced by it heavily. Hmm ... I guess I'm fine.

EDITED: Because I felt like it.

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I specified women in relationships actually. It is possible for women to act like Aiya/Katie do, just unlikely.

Huh ... well Iso and Katie aren't even ... whatever -_-

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Huh ... well Iso and Katie aren't even ... whatever -_-

They were certainly acting like it in.... whatever XD

It's mostly things on Snowy's side that portrays her like that, Iso just wants food, so it's no big deal on his side.

As for Aiya XD She should move to where polygamy is legal then

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Iso ... doesn't normally eat this often ... yet alone anything good.

Anyway, dumb relationships aside, what are we doing here? Are we just waiting for Snowy to push us forward?

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@Phoenix Probably, then it's Helenos's trap, then it's to...nobody knows.

I need Snowy to have the baker deny/accept the diamond trade.

Right now it's just EricxCharlotte support building.

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Who ever said that Polygamy isn't legal in Halton?I don't recall it ever being stated as such,my cuddly friend.You should not simply make assumptions,emperors tend to like having multiple wives/concubines(which most certainly ARE legal,in such a setting),and to avoid conflict in one's country over an emperors privileges in such a matter,making it legal for all is not such a difficult task.

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... Why do I feel this is a cheap excuse for Damian to have 2 S-ranked supports, making him even more of a juggernaut metagamically?

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Incorrect my foolish enemy XD

No, really, it's something I wanted established by the Halton man of our group, I'm assuming polygamy is allowed by the king, and high nobles, I just wanted you to state whether it was openly happening, or if it was, as you say illegal.

I was actually hoping for a more clear answer though, it's not illegal, as in, multiple official wives "Okay" (Eg a 2nd and third wife) or are we just talking in the sense of concubines?

Would appreciate info on how openly common it is, and determining that, might be a valid excuse for Aiya's behavior and acceptance of Esphyr. (Certainly more valid then just "She accepts Damian" whatever he does). Since if she was brought up with the idea that multiple lovers = okay, then we could drop the Aiya comments for good, well comment regarding her acceptance of Esphyr anyway.

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Well,I would assume that it would be legal,and considering the time period we attempt to resemble,among nobility/royalty/other rather high up people,it would be very common.Anyone would have the right to marry multiple people if the proposal was accepted,but it would be less common among the poor.

Although,in the end,it is not my decision,unless Snowy wants to give me executive rights over Halton customs.

EDIT: In Aiya and Damian's case,while Damian's family was not nobility,Bethold would obviously have connections to the emperor.Being raised with Damian,and then going to a military academy run by high ranking generals and funded by the crown and the nobility,Aiya would be very accustomed to the idea.

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I doubt it's important enough to require approval, but I'm going with that idea, That way I can focus on the inconsistencies of Katie/Iso XD

I'm assuming Damian ranks pretty high in the rich list, so that works too :/

EDIT: In Aiya/Damians case it'd depend on how early the knew eachother, but from what I've read so far, it's pretty early, so I think that's plausible. Aiya's beliefs could be affected by several things, but it could be something she resigned herself to when she first fell in love with Damian,

I'm happy with that conclusion, now I can drop Aiya's acceptance of Esphyr in the mutual love triangle

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Polygamy? *sigh*

Never mind, let's stay away from Halton.

@ stuff

What are we doing again?

@ Snowy

I demand you pay more attention to Katie. She may not be able to do much as an npc(except blow things up, and I partially expect this to relationship to desolve into nothing at the rate it's going -_- ) but she's still apart of the team!

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Polygamy in medieval times was common in some places, seen as a crime against God in others. It really depends. I could definitely see Halton being accepting of polygamy, whereas Elysisma is not etc.

We're buying pastry, some of us are chatting.

Should have had Iso fall for someone more interesting there's still time go for Kelas

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