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Dani's at 8/9 due to Charlotte if you missed that.

There's a Succ with 8 HP you might be able to Wrathcrit.


Wrath crit requires luck roll.

Luck roll requires luck.

And I just realized that nvm, I'm screwed anyways, unless that suc's HP drops to 6.

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@ Cuddles

As far as the war on ... you ... I consider that postponed anyway. The fights before Ilyphina were fine minus the fact that we outnumbered the enemies in every encounter.

My problem isn't really with just being ignored so much as the problems being ignored. A problem can't get fixed if it's ignored. Yes and I just quoted you, hurray, now shut it and listen.

The Problem:

Stat battles vs RP battles

Snowy has them switched around for some reason. We should never enter stat battles that we can't win(or are supposed to flee from). The only battles we seemed to be able to kick ass in lately are the ones we conger up ourselves(mountain wyverns for an example). I'd really like to see this fixed now while we're still only on the second offense.

If this keeps happening with no solutions I'm going to have to just start sitting out chapters because the stat battles are being used for plot events instead of plot events being used for plot events and stat battles being used for leveling. That doesn't make any sense.

But like I said, hopefully it will be addressed one day, but until then, I really don't want to be bothered with these kinds of encounters. I don't even care if my characters fall behind exp-wise as a result anymore. For me it's mostly a waste of time.

@ Cuddles

Fine, you won't wiki it, I'll give you a quote from the movie to explain this.

Michael speaking to Gabriel: You gave God what he wanted ... I gave him what he needed ... that's why you failed him.

Gabriel is an authoritarian in Legion whereas Michael ... apparently isn't. After Michael defeats Gabriel he says that.

In this case you are Michael and I am Gabriel.

I won't try to mess up the plot just to try to force Snowy to address things(now or later), or to get points across. It's not in me to do what you do so there's nothing I can do but state my opinion and hope for the best or quit the rp. I've always chosen the former.

@ Current turn of events

It seems like the teamwork is paying off. Nonetheless I need to sit the rest of this fight out. One because I'm not interested in this chapter anymore, and two because I godmodded an incubi into not countering which would have KO'd Iso. Irina's too injured to be of any use anymore so I consider them both out. Good luck.

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Anyways, If I go ROFLsuicide my characters, do I get the EXP for that round? If not, I will be so sad.

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In other news, Eric is going down one way or another, as the Incubi's have 100% hit on him, and he can't Wrath crit the succis. Such is life. Watch Murphy give him two Wrath Crits in his rolls, though.

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Anyways, If I go ROFLsuicide my characters, do I get the EXP for that round? If not, I will be so sad.

You receive Exp regardless of your character's state of consciousness.

Reika has a healing allergy olol

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Also, I'm not ignoring it. I'm doing the best I can to fix my mistakes. Sorry if it isn't good enough.


Well either way I'm dropping this. Hopefully the next chapter will be better stat combat wise.

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Postponed? I not important no more? :( Eh I can agree on more enemies, personally I feel we should reach player phase 3 (Player, enemy, player, enemy, player) (5 phases) before a battle can be concluded, but that's just me. Though increasing their numbers and stats simultaneously doesn't really make much sense.

Hurray, *doesn't shut up, but suppose it can't hurt to listen*

I think I've said this before, but if not I agree with what you're saying. It's just the definition of "plot" that makes me wonder, since technically everything is plot. And having non-plot battles, is like randomly conjuring up bandits out of nowhere, killing them, and then pretending they never were part of the plot.

In regards to fleeing, I don't mind some cases, especially in transition, (Eg Battle objective, defeat Celeste: Complete----> More soliders in the vicinity = flee) In other words switching from what you call stat to plot and then fleeing.

Likewise in the current case, I would have preferred current numbers, and then when we defeat them, having more demons appear, and retreating if that's what plot demands.

Again, with the wyverns, if they were statted I would accepted the first lot of wyverns (increasing in number) and being statted, and then have the bull+extra be plot enemies.

I just don't agree that battles we can win should always=stat battles (I know that's not what you meant), consecutive battles also don't work too well with me :/ At least not in the way it was used at the swamp.

*Is contemplating whether she should open the spoiler.....* Nah :P

Ouch, Phoenix losing interest? XD


There's no backstory provided on it, I just thought it'd be interesting to have someone who didn't like heals, I've actually been waiting to see who I should declare my first "kill" since obviously I can't fight the entire group at once, and I can't really officially kill anyone anyway.

I was originally thinking someone else, and was going to have Reika not interact with Tessa at all, since Tessa doesn't like Chase based on his criminal background, Reika undoubtedly has one as well. But nyeh Bal initiated, I responded.

Edited by Kanami
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So much for dropping it ...

@ Cuddles

Open the spoiler and read it and I'll do you one favor in rp for free with the following exceptions:

Killing or harming my own characters

Severely delaying recruitments of my own characters


@ Plot battles

What I mean is that we should never enter stat battles that we can't win. There's nothing to stop Snowy from having it start off as a stat battle, waiting for us to kill the enemies, and then throwing a second larger wave at us that aren't stat'd to force us to retreat. Instead the enemies are buffed beyond plausibility.

@ Winning battles

You're right, not all winnable battles should be exclusively stat battles(and they haven't been), but I don't think there should be any unwinnable stat battles at all. It's too counter-productive given the infrequency of fights.

@ Everything is plot

Agreed. I only meant that stat battles shouldn't be used in place of plot events if the end result is ur being routed or captured. It makes little to no sense FE-wise.

@ Losing Interest

I'm starting to run out of reasons to dislike you. Comes with consensus.

Edited by Phoenix
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There's no backstory provided on it, I just thought it'd be interesting to have someone who didn't like heals, I've actually been waiting to see who I should declare my first "kill" since obviously I can't fight the entire group at once, and I can't really officially kill anyone anyway.

I was originally thinking someone else, and was going to have Reika not interact with Tessa at all, since Tessa doesn't like Chase based on his criminal background, Reika undoubtedly has one as well. But nyeh Bal initiated, I responded.

Tessa still heals everyone, regardless of if she likes them or not.

This will undoubtedly prove interesting and entertaining, though, and I have no regrets.

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God damn it >_< No consensus, consensus bad <_<

*Resorts to cheap, yet brutal insult hurling

Phoenix fantasizes about Kai's short stubby hairy legs!

@Stat stuff

We're pretty much saying the same thing, so I don't see the point of continuing this Consensus bad!, I want my dumb stupid scratching post back :sob:


Nyeh, I owe you one for activating the bull and giving me some entertainment earlier, I call this even then :P

I'm assuming then Snowy is God? In that case I request the position of Satan, Lucifer or whatever else name it goes by. And if not, at least one of the ones that fell with the big bad. Anyway, what Snowy needs is a kick inbetween the legs and sadly the powers of the internet still don't allow me to do that.

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