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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@ Homophobia

Lev's very traditional minus the promiscuity.

Lev: Men should be with women not each other!

(Ironic since there'd be more girls for him if he let the matter be XD )

@ Lev's age

I'm slowly revealing how brutal Ivanko really is through the people that surround him. For Lev to be almost ready to take command at his age, he's been through a lot obviously -_-

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Yeah, but like....Arrin or Tessa young. I don't know, she just seems immature. :mellow:

Do the patented Esphyr neutering move on Eric :awesome:

@Lev's promuscuity I wonder how he'd feel about AiyaxIrina :lol:

Edited by psychout50
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I'm back.

And holy crap this thing moves fast. It was on page 14 when I left and now it's on page 21 :o

And with cross country starting up on Monday, this could be problematic...

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Hmm, you don't actually have to catch up on everything necessarily. We just arrived at an inn, that's...about it.

Conrad beat us here? :huh:

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Too late for that, I already read everything :o

That didn't seem to help much, though. I still have nearly no idea what's going on ._.

We fought, argued, and Lev broke some sh*t. That's about it.


Cuddles! ^_^

Edited by Phoenix
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Contemplating whether I should just start off confused, or bother reading 38 pages of Chat, and 17 pages of RP :/

I'd recommend not reading it because you'll kill Lightning if you do :(

Summary from my point of view(random order):

Viveka is captured by Lev

Esphyr hates Lev

IrinaxEsphyr and EsphyrxLev foundations are established

We steal Viveka's pegasus and send her back on a horse

Viveka talks about hating mercs before she goes

Viveka hurt Lev badly

Irina almost chokes Viv to death

Viveka kicks Irina in the head

Tessa heals Lev

Girls get thrown at Lev left and right

We leave and go to Alburny only to find that Conrad has beaten us there

Lev busts crappy sword and uncovers a scam


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Contemplating whether I should just start off confused, or bother reading 38 pages of Chat, and 17 pages of RP :/

I'd give you a detailed summary, only I've fallen behind on a fair bit of it myself, and am probably just about to pass out. I think I have the program working the way I want it to know.

Anyway, the short list:

Phoenix flew in an NPC, that was a lightning-rod for conversation and interaction

Eric, Charlotte, Alf went to go rescue captured Dani from Captain Planet the hero that made off with her.

Various people were healed

Viveka was sent back to Elysimia on a cavalry horse, we kept her pegasus.



Edit: Oh, and welcome back. Believe it or not, you were missed.

Edited by Balcerzak
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ï¼ CS, and I'm assuming no one's being very helpful XD

Everyone in this RP are heartless beings, So it's either work it out yourself, not care, or simply leave XD

As for how fast it moves :/ You can usually blame Phoenix for that, stupid Donald never sleeps.

Overall the story so far is

Group of Crimson weapons wielders "coincidentally" meet up in a small town (Darien).

A few of the group are tasked with gathering the remaining crimson weapons (Damian: Halton soldier, Morgan: Random Shamaness Irina: Stupid Mercenary) And the group decide to band together for gold, glory yadda yadda.

Bandits attack Darien, group gets blamed and kicked out of Darien.

Group set up camp outside Darien, Darien is set on fire by more bandits. (Darien Destroyed)

Group decide to travel to Elysimma. Meet random tentacle monster on the way. (Mesh)

Group get into border town, stuff happens, Isotov sets the Inn on fire, group flee's and are now wanted criminals.

Group makes contact with Percy, One of the heroes who defeated the demon king 25 years ago. Group Defeats Percy

Group rest at village (Istample)

A small army is spotted group flee's from Istample. Uses a underground tunnel network (Cobalt caves) Group splits into two since some don't want to use the caves.

Group rejoin at abandoned fort (Selizara) soon surrounded by enemy.

Mysterious group who were inside the fort, attacks army, group gets caught in crossfire. Eventually end up captured and escorted to the capitol by Viveka (Phoenix's character)

Army escorting the group get attacked, group escape. Run to mage academy (TISME)

Stuff happens, bandits appear around TISME's surrounding. Group repels them

Group then hears of another tentacle monster in the swamp, decide to investigate.

Woman called Helen with a wagon decides to take them there.

Group arrive at swamp, attacked by flying leeches, Helen reveals herself as Helenos, who's some undead dragon thingie.

Group defeat Helenos, and retreat to town (Hamburg). Recognized and forced to flee away from Hamburg

Finally the group gets the sense that being wanted criminals in a country is a bad thing and head towards mountain pass that leads to neighbouring nation (Halton)

Attacked by wyverns in the mountain pass. Survive and make it to next village Meli-something. (VillageM)

Group arrive, buy food, food turns out to be drugged, the group decide to camp out. Overnight they're attacked by the villagers who turned out to be succubi and inccubi. (Demons).

Isotov gets angry kills the demons sets the area on fire, group runs away from their campsite.

The rest, well I'm not entirely sure, someone else will have to follow up or you'll have to read 21 pages of the current chapter. I don't know what's happening either.

Don't get used to people telling you though, as I said, these people aren't very friendly to newcomers, they're all a bunch of douche's and an incompetent GM doesn't help the case much either, he's usually less informed them everyone else.

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Just to add onto what Nade said, we:

-Got out of the woods and into Halton

-Actually had a restful period.

-Met a wyvern Lord, and got attacked by mercenaries

-Pulled a rescue mission in said mercs' hideout.

-Went to Alburny, where we are now.

So, yeah.

By the way, I hope you don't lay any plans out, as Nade has a wrench gun.

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Thanks Kanami

Don't get used to people telling you though, as I said, these people aren't very friendly to newcomers, they're all a bunch of douche's and an incompetent GM doesn't help the case much either, he's usually less informed them everyone else.

I'll be sure to keep that in mind

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He already knows that I'm one, but, yeah, might as well warn him about the rest.

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I've been semi-nice to Kanami. ;_;


Anything else? Not much is happening.

@C^2 Just a point of advice. Posts are typically in past tense.

Edited by psychout50
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And yes, a human can easily outrun a horse. A horse runs 22 miles in roughly 2 hours and 7 minutes, taking time off for vet stops and such. A marathoner runs 26.1 close to 2 hours flat. The farther human and horse go, the farther the ahead the human gets.

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@Psychout, not what I meant, once you've established yourself into the community, we all talk like idiots, but when someone new joins, it's mainly. "You can't do that" or "You should do this" and as I've said before recruitment scenes are always awkward due to the "new" not knowing anything about the plot (Cause honestly you can't blame them for not wanting to read 200ish pages of RP) and not knowing how to integrate themselves.

Bigbangmeteor was a great example of this XD

Though I admit, I'm on the hatred side of the scale for most of you incompetent people XD Haha you either hate me or are incompetent Nah-nah :P

Who's in charge of the plot now anyway? Is this Allbunnies a Snike scenario or another one fantastically boring GM scene?

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