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Not backtracking through the thread. First things first. Have to chew out Psychout really quick. Change that post about Kiev being out of control at the market. That doesn't make any sense and needs to be retconned immediately.

Why it doesn't make sense:

Kiev assaulted Susann when Irina wasn't around and had the opportunity. She can always prevent him from assaulting anyone when she's right with him. Wyvern insanity does not kick in this fast, especially not after a big meal, which Kiev had the previous night.

@ Kiryn

Soon as I get back, you crash. Find be that way.

@ Everyone else

I have returned.

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Hello. Snike will enjoy this little dispute, simply due to the reversal of psych's role.

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@ Snike

What role reversal? He's doing stuff that doesn't make sense again. How is that role reversal? If anything he's being consistent.

Trying to force someone to retcon -> being forced to retcon. Snike apologizes for any inconvenience that might have brought.

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@ Cuddles

I considered that, and probably will, but if I don't at least tell him to fix it, he's going to do it again at some point.

@ Cynthia

Why is the Headmaster here in the first place? Not that I'm complaining ... cause I'm not ... just wondering if Snowy filled you in cause we sure as hell got baited into nearly blowing up yet another inn :/

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Tricky frost-covered GM.

-_- Note to self: Snowy's ideas for treats are twisted, devious traps intended on getting us opposed to the big three nations.

Edit: swapped 'gifts' for 'treats'.

Edited by Snike
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Well actually the headmaster is quite the gift for me(pretty wings :wub: ). I was hoping that someone other than Ixion would get to interact with her (don't really care about the married bit anymore actually)... at the same time this inn=wanted level increase crap has to stop.

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1. That isn't the headmaster.

2. Dodge-tank VS dodge-tank. This one will be good.

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Phoenix, where's that wrench gun? I know I left it lying around here somewhere... *hears gun being cocked* Uh-oh.

In all seriousness, I feel like I should have Derek accidentally have his hand 'slip' while passing by to bring food to Eric and Charlotte, blocking Reika's attack.

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I don't see why you'd have to interfere, it's not like I can actually kill him. If Whistler had ignored me, I'd just have to make Reika's attack miss, or notice a random civilian nearby, making her move to attack the group later :/

As for how I'm feeling, rather tired, and rather bored. I'm beyond caring, and I also plan to give Ether hell if he thinks he can continue throwing Damians authority around. Under normal circumstances he could just say "It's just her, go ahead and arrest her" but my shiny red daggers counter that well enough XD So I'm beyond caring, but I'll still have my fun.

Feel free to intervene in future though Snike, I don't really have any set targets to attack other then Tessa.

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Mmk. Any targets automatically re-route to Eric, anyways. Moving on, Cynthia, was this the response you were looking for?

OOC: I think this is one bad joke laid on us by Snowy.

Eric and Derek

"Milady, we may not be in court, but royalty is royalty," Derek said, quietly. "I'm simply a sellsword without my land or title. However, your claim lies in your bloodline. As such, I feel bound to the formality. What's a familial matter, as well, so, milady, it does need to weigh you down."

Before Charlotte could reply, Eric reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Morning, Milady and Derek," he said. "So, why is everyone leaving all of a sudden?" As if on cue, a meat cleaver flew by the traveler, missing his head by inches. "Oh."

"Charming place," Derek said sarcastically. "I'll go get food for us, then. Eric, make sure the princess doesn't get kidnapped again, mmk?"

"Funny," Eric commented, not at all amused by the comment. "Shall we step out, Milady?" he asked, opening the door for the cleric.

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