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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Yea. Psych, even if they succeed, Helenos doesn't care anymore about them. Capture is the best course of action. Cynthia, if it continues two more psych posts without capture or retreat, i give you permission to capture. Resistance can be dealt with via the blue bolts of GM lightning.

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OK, I'm enjoying your posts so far, Mini. Good show.

Edit: Bal, I'm not stupid. There was a second round of combat.

Um, no there wasn't.

This is just like when Ether was asking if you got XP for getting attacked and knocked out, and the answer there was also 'no'.

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I'm thinking this fight shouldn't count for Exp period. It's not following standard fight rules, and psych can't hand out exp.

Kidnapping Charlotte--No. We really just don't want to be part of your plots until they're better planned. I might CC a retreat here, though just killing them is very tempting.

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For cynthia to capture the sisters. I don't mind you keeping the characters as much as others do, but it's clear you need to work on your own personal skill a bit before they return as main villains.

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OK, nvm. I thought the second round counted.

I have to go, but, I might be back later.

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Still catching up and reacting to shit. Sage, thanks ever so for calling certain things out so I don't have to. (I have no idea how I'd be able to do so without massive amounts of swearing, for one thing.) I will, however, continue on the subject, since I'm just catching up.

I think we need to learn the art of the discretion shot around here, or rather the literary equivalent. They're even convenient, because then you don't actually have to work out what happened, and we don't have to know. (Example: the "anatomically improbable" thing Kelas tried to tell Morgan to do.) You could just say they continued to talk about whatever, and everyone would probably be happier. Vagueness is not always a bad thing. I guess I'd measure it by the amount of damage control those of us with nosy parents have to do if one of said parents managed to sneak up on them while reading the RP.

@Mages and mess: Man, I'm glad I haven't got a character over there now. Will still have a response to all that stuff though, once I read it again.

@Current happenings that I actually am involved in: Man, glad I got Arrin out of there in time, even if I do need to work out something for him to do now. Kelas is still with Tessa I think.

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The second round was entered when they started attacking Charlotte.

I don't get what's wrong. It's entirely following the rules, nothings going wrong, and it was thought through. What personal skill?

I could have either simply had them instigate a fight between the group and soldiers, or gotten the group thrown in jail for an hour or something, but I picked the quicker route, and the one that would lead to more possibilities.

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Don't worry. Esphyr is not someone to attack unless provoked (ironic because she's one of the more surly/aggressive ones personallity wise. INN/TOWN BURNERS AND GUARD ASSAULTERS! I'M LOOKING AT YOU!). Even if your HP hits 0, it's not a death. Esphyr's hit 0 a few times. Once, it resulted in her getting a trauma to leeches that she hasn't recovered from which knocked her out of the fight (don't ask).

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I hope I don't get attacked I think I might get downed (my word for health hitting 0)

Don't worry about that at the moment. Also, just a tip, you might want to have all your verbs be past tense. It's what we all do.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I still have a post before it's considered ultimatum. So I could go, *Battle, final option, retreat*.

And would someone tell me what personal skill?

Edited by psychout50
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Don't worry. Esphyr is not someone to attack unless provoked (ironic because she's one of the more surly/aggressive ones personallity wise. INN/TOWN BURNERS AND GUARD ASSAULTERS! I'M LOOKING AT YOU!). Even if your HP hits 0, it's not a death. Esphyr's hit 0 a few times. Once, it resulted in her getting a trauma to leeches that she hasn't recovered from which knocked her out of the fight (don't ask).

ok,thanks, I'll do my best.

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I still have a post before it's considered ultimatum. So I could go, *Battle, final option, retreat*.

And would someone tell me what personal skill?

You do not get infinite battle posts! Why are the enemies attacking every other post?!

You're forcing people into plots without their permission and continue to plow ahead even when they say it's a bad idea. you kind of have to work with people if you want to control plot.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Though do try to use some more periods. I wanna chew Ether out already for not using a space after each period and... well... Yea. Use a few more periods in posts please. *not mean, just asking*

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I'm not forcing the plot, I'm forcing the meeting. If Eric had beaten them, and that was a serious possibility, then they would have retreated.

I meant if Dani and Charlotte go ahead and attack, they could battle again then get a final warning from the guards then retreat.

Hell, they could set something on fire and grab something before leaving.

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Tell me if this seems fair

1 character attacks

3 characters counter

etc. Your system is only fair if we each controlled 3 characters, or you only had one girl counter.

The meeting in and of itself was a stupid idea, then you tried to force a kidnapping plot.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I meant for the second mage attacking Eric. Resolved.

Dani's level 2, Psych.

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Sage, stop being an otaku, and actually talk. I'm following the rules, and yet people seem to be angry. Now can you tell us why?


What? There was Rita, Eric, Dani, and they had a healer. Eric and Rita simply kicked the bucket too fast. It was actually semi-equal.

All of them moved because it was how many fought against them.


Still don't know what you're saying.

Edited by psychout50
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Because you keep forcing us to go along with your ideas, which we hate, and when we tell you, you ignore us. I know Snowy approved, but you also executed it poorly. You don't knock out a character without that person's permission. You don't force the plot along and if someone tells you why they don't like your ideas, you don't go all snotty and go "too bad I'm doing it anyway."

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Sage, stop being an otaku, and actually talk. I'm following the rules, and yet people seem to be angry. Now can you tell us why?


What? There was Rita, Eric, Dani, and they had a healer. Eric and Rita simply kicked the bucket too fast. It was actually semi-equal.

All of them moved because it was how many fought against them.


Still don't know what you're saying.

OOC: Dani can just get exp for existing.

That was what my last comment was directed at.

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It's not a matter of rules. It never is. It's a matter of us wanting to enjoy the RP and your characters proving to be an obstruction. Rule 00 of any RP is that the DM is always right. I'm saying you need to have them either retreat or be captured until you learn better control or I WILL give permission to kill them Psych. There is no room for discussion or rule lawyering on this matter. My intent is not to give you one battle post before retreating, but for you to retreat NOW. If you dislike it or try to powermod, I have no qualms in giving the needed permission to kill them off.

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