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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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What are they doing that's bad control? I haven't captured anyone without permission. I simply keep talking about it. You even said to have them capture someone.

Everyone is giving me different signals and messing me up.

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No. HELENOS said to your characters to try. I am not Helenos. As far as I am concerned, the problem is that you have a intense desire to win, no matter the circumstances and even if it means making enemies of people. You chose to follow 'logical' actions that didn't take into account the other players (such as focusing attacks on a character) as well as intentionally making hard to impossible fights. Fights that would have been lost had not Cynthia and I stepped in to scale them down. I understand you are young, and I am willing to work with the young. One aspect of learning maturity, one that I do not believe you have mastered, is learning how to properly metagame and take others into account. Once you can learn this, I will consider letting you have your characters back.

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OK, so, Derek's going to get yelled at. :D

I'm done with this argument. Psych, you need to ask the people effected what they should do, before doing something like that, in the future. Anywaysm you should have Cess interrupt Esphyr's attempt to scare Zil off.

As a side note, I'm just going to say, in defence of the recent guard incident, for the last time, he warned them.

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Derek warned them that he was going to push through, if they got in the way. Yes, it was aggressive, I acknowledge, but it's not randomly attacking them.

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Okay, they're retreating.

But let me say something. I went after the smaller group, because the numbers were equal, and I didn't have to send in faceless enemies as backup, which I'd have needed to fight the larger group. Otherwise, they'd have been horribly outnumbered, and shouldn't have bothered.

Now, I could have plot battled with them, like how Phoenix did, but our group was still massively beaten, and we lost. Yet no one seemed opposed to that plot battle. But when I suggested it, Snike insisted on stat battle, and then complains it was too hard. So when they come back, and they will, you either have to be fine with the plot battle, or be fine with the difficulty of the stat battle.

Edited by psychout50
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Okay, they're retreating.

But let me say something. I went after the smaller group, because the numbers were equal, and I didn't have to send in faceless enemies as backup, which I'd have needed to fight the larger group. Otherwise, they'd have been horribly outnumbered, and shouldn't have bothered.

Now, I could have plot battled with them, like how Phoenix did, but out group was still massively beaten, and we lost. Yet no one seemed opposed to that plot battle. But when I suggested it, Snike insisted on stat battle, and then complains it was too hard. So when they come back, and they will, you either have to be fine with the plot battle, or be fine with the difficulty of the stat battle.

:awesome: You have forced Snike to change to third person, by unfairly shifting the blame onto him. Snike said stat battle if you wanted to capture his characters, nothing about the others. Then you randomly knocked out Alf in the stat combat. That clearly was not fair play. Had you initiated a FAIR fight giving the player team a first strike, and beat them, maybe things would have been different. Instead, Eric gets one-turned due to ganging up, without the chance of getting healed. It just seems to Snike that the whole thing was just a failed attempt at a wrench.

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We actually "won" that last plot battle with the demons, since they retreated.

And here's the key, our "losses" didn't step on any toes.

Morgan's weapon severing was approved by me

Lucille dying was approved by Phoenix

There was also a group consensus that an attack was sensible. Your plan was the opposite.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Anyway, explanation for Heinz being overly suspicious. (Something that's actually useful and related to the RP! :lol: )

Previously when other characters have been introduced, Heinz usually hasn't been around, and I ended up doing a recap post. He doesn't consider any of the people who have recently joined to really be a threat. The fact that Zilpah outright stated that he's trying to learn about the Crimson Weapons raises Heinz's suspicions, especially since Morgan's CW was recently severed. Also, Heinz doesn't want anyone ruining his chance of payment about the location and other information about the Crimson Weapon wielders. He's a mole.

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It was because Alf needed to survive. And the group didn't want to start things, but the girls did. It wouldn't have made sense if the group attacked first. There's no rule about ganging up. You did it to the mages too. So they get to to the players.

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Whistler, it would be OOC for Esphyr to speak of TISME positivally, but it would be wise to point out that TISME has managed to do that without sacrificing morality (recently at least).

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Anyway, explanation for Heinz being overly suspicious. (Something that's actually useful and related to the RP! :lol: )

Previously when other characters have been introduced, Heinz usually hasn't been around, and I ended up doing a recap post. He doesn't consider any of the people who have recently joined to really be a threat. The fact that Zilpah outright stated that he's trying to learn about the Crimson Weapons raises Heinz's suspicions, especially since Morgan's CW was recently severed. Also, Heinz doesn't want anyone ruining his chance of payment about the location and other information about the Crimson Weapon wielders. He's a mole.

oh, when you say severing do you mean it broke?

Edited by Minilaguz
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I'm thinking the info network of the girls has to specified a little. How do they know locations so easily? Do they have audio (only way of knowing Charlotte's a princess, and why would they care about that anyway?)

And if the answer is "they can see and hear anything they want all the time" it needs nerfed.

@above It means it was stolen from her.

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It was because Alf needed to survive. And the group didn't want to start things, but the girls did. It wouldn't have made sense if the group attacked first. There's no rule about ganging up. You did it to the mages too. So they get to to the players.

It doesn't make sense why the generic guard don't just stab your mages immediately. It doesn't make sense that Alf needed to be out cold. It doesn't make sense that they attack in the town square. Snike did it to the mages, when? Snike was the only one who attacked, and Eric sorta was out after the first enemy phase. Stop pushing the blame on others.

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No. It's possible to forcibly remove a CW from a wielder, but it requires immense supernatural power (not magic, supernatural) and even the strongest non-diety PC who isn't a enemy can do only a partial sever.

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Time for a new chapter.

I'm somewhat against giving out exp for that fight, although if the other group gets a stat battle before the rejoining I guess it evens things up.

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Time for a new chapter.

I'm somewhat against giving out exp for that fight, although if the other group gets a stat battle before the rejoining I guess it evens things up.

7-27 EXP was handed out. Ignore it. Please. *edits EXP out*

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I'm not blaming anyone, I'm saying there are reasons, and loopholes for what happened.

No double teaming? Eric attacked Berry, than Dani did.

Alf would have attacked them. I needed some way to remove him from battle. He could have been plot combat while the others were stat, but that would be semi-confusing.

You didn't want them to go to the station, or to follow the tour guides, so you get a square fight.


Not all the time, but they can warp in around the group or something, and listen. An inn keeper could have been one of the girls, but I didn't state it. They could have been a hobo. They could have been hiding in a tent during the fog. They could have warped in and planted bugs.

I'm moving to Cess/Pary now, unless the group is going to dust themselves off and explained what happened to Rita.


I'm not throwing a fit. I don't see how I'm doing things how you want them, IE: No kidnapping, no traps, no magic warps, no duels, no back up, no plot battles, then get angry at me for following your rules.

Edited by psychout50
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