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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Difference is, Psych, Eric got KO'ed on enemy phase. Double teaming only applies when both parties are still up.

What is so wrong about Alf attacking them? Is he like Raptor Jesus, and would auto-crit them?

No, they should have given up and left. >.>

@ New Chapter: When Phoenix gets back, can we finish up the Derek and Viveka bit first?

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@ information Not to be rude, but those sound more like possible excuses for them to have tons of OOC knowledge rather than you actually thinking things through. PCs, NPCs, and enemies alike all have more limited information than the RPers. If they're hanging around a lot.planting bugs etc., you need to say so, and they probably cannot stealth forever.

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I would have sent signed up skeletons after the group in the graveyard, and some pick pockets right now if I hadn't signed up the mages.

I signed them up, they were approved. You don't like it? Tough. I got approval, and also before I did my plans, and battles. Now, you could sign something up, and I'd be fine with fighting it, as long as it isn't ridiculous, or something that forces us to lose. I didn't force a loss on the group. They did lose, but I retreated.


Eric was more. That's why double teaming happened. But had the kidnapping happened, I had wanted to leave Alf and take Eric. It made more sense to push Alf out of battle and round up the battlers, than to take someone who didn't fight.

Edited by psychout50
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They were approved, but even then it was a major struggle.

You didn't tell the GM all you had in mind, or he would've said no faster than you can say "Mama mia." You have basically wasted whatever potential you had with the graveyard shit and this.

And you have the gall to act snotty when things don't go your way or when you're losing an argument.

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Zil's awesome for a frail, timid mage.

@Psych: Helenos is getting her rotting hands on Eric soon enough. Now, if you wanted to kidnap, say, Dani, and did beat her and the party with a fair stat fight, which means letting PCs take first turn and not knocking any out without their users' consent, we might have been alright.

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I'm trying to do these FEplanet recolor but I don't understand them.

Do you mean you're trying to do a statsheet and make a mug that's a recolor? There are some online tutorials IIRC. I'm not very good at doing it and worse at explaining it, so probably don't want my help.

@Cess/Pary Thank goodness. You're not bad at managing your PC's psych, it's just the mage girls that are problems. Charlotte will notice Rita when Eric assures her he's not dead.

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I'm not acting snotty, I'm asking why, because apparently I'm at a road block no matter what I try. I told Snowy, as well as Phoenix, what they were going to do at the graveyard, and they were fine with it.

It wasn't a major struggle. It was a minor backstory detailed, which was fixed by swapping one word. You should have paid more attention.

You act snotty everyday, saying so-and-so's a sue, or, xxx is bad writing, or I don't like this. I have stood up on two points. The mages, and the pegasus dying. I let the pegasus go, and let her die. I'm staying with this.


I needed certain people, not Dani, in order to actually have a reason to kidnap. Now, even without Alf, there's still more of them than the girls, and that's unfair. But when I tried having a straight, three on three, PC's go first, with Iso, Helios, and Arrin, everyone was against that. So instead, I have to resort to them attacking first, outnumbered and out gunned.

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I would have sent signed up skeletons after the group in the graveyard, and some pick pockets right now if I hadn't signed up the mages.

I signed them up, they were approved. You don't like it? Tough.

This is why you irritate people to no end. If you try this type of thing in Septimus, I'll just grill you right there. I'm tired of watching people act as if you are actually a reasonable RPer who doesn't just do whatever you want.

I hate people who godmod and railroad, and I don't have the patience or kindness level of Snowy. I'm going to end up channeling Kanami and do what she did back in Elyisima when she thought Phoenix was being unreasonable and forcing the group towards the capital.

This is probably the first time I've actually gotten angry on the RP. *Stabs Kiryn repeatedly*

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"You don't like it? Too bad, I'm doing it anyway"

"I don't care what you think, it's going to happen"

There's a difference between that and trying to fix and improve plot holes. I was not the only one accusing Damian of being a sue and actually, I was getting nicer later on. The oral sex thing? That was a legitimate concern. We've had problems with stuff like that before and I believe it's uncomfortable to have characters describing their sex lives in detail.

And there's a difference between pointing out flaws in logic and reasoning and suggesting you do something else, to ignoring everyone to get your way. Unlike you, I wonder if I do have problems with my characters. I ask if I'm playing them badly, I listen to criticism, and I try to improve and follow suggestions. You have not done that at all.

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I don't know why you're angry. Nothing I've done involves you.

Now, Sage can make his own enemies for the group to fight. What I'm saying, is it was approved, and so he must deal with that. I'm not forcing plot like Phoenix towards the capital. I don't care about that. I've dropped the islands. I'm forcing battles, which apparently no one likes.


I never ignored anyone. But when I can't do anything without stepping on someone's toes, but have them sit down for a tea party and happy-fluffy-bunny time, I'm going to screw your suggestions, and have them battle anyway.

You're being just as hostile to Damian now, as you were in the begging. It's gotten worst, and now you'll attack anyone.

I could care less what Phoenix does. I was neutral on that subject, but I didn't mega-oppose it, nor wave the banner supporting it.

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Sage needs to lay off the criticism a bit, Snike agrees. Just a question: Who did they need to kidnap, then? If they were omniscient, they would have seen the Travis incident.

Snike likes how you conveniently ignore the reason why the battle wasn't wanted. The trio sort of was based off of another trio, and there were mass protests over their right to be created, JUST for that. So, when they were to fight the trio, you failed to provide a valid reason as to the significance of the fight, except because you wanted to. THAT's why it was a bad idea.

@Mini: I said you were doing a pretty good job. Keep it up.

@Whistler: Railroading can be good, depending on how it's applied.

Edit: Body is directed at 1:07 AM post.

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Explain to me why Cynthia gets a Captain Planet look-alike then. Please, do.

Besides, I also felt that if Shanice was the only re-occuring demon against us, Helenos needed minions as well. We are also provided with convenient NPC's later in the game.

Someone the group cares about. Which everyone kept reminding me of. In this case, I wanted quantity over quality.

Edited by psychout50
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Oh how I wish I can see the funny side of everything right now.


I never ignored anyone. But when I can't do anything without stepping on someone's toes, but have them sit down for a tea party and happy-fluffy-bunny time, I'm going to screw your suggestions, and have them battle anyway.

You're being just as hostile to Damian now, as you were in the begging. It's gotten worst, and now you'll attack anyone.

I could care less what Phoenix does. I was neutral on that subject, but I didn't mega-oppose it, nor wave the banner supporting it.

Bolded= Lies or denial.

Italics= Why everyone's mad at you.

And why are you so upset about me not liking Damian? Ether I get and in fact, we've worked it out outside of Chat. You can tell due to our more cordial posts today.

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Sometimes someone won't like what you're doing. This happens (me with IsoxKatie is a good example). If it doesn't affect them you can kind of take the criticism and move on.

However, when your actions affect the party on a grand scale and there are criticisms from the majority of RPers, you should really take that into consideration. You can't really just handwave everything as "I do what I want".

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I'm saying you like no one.


I understand that. This battle affected a much smaller portion. 3 people in fact, other than me. I took the criticisms about what to do, and what not to do.

However, now if people are angry about look alikes, I want to know why we have Captain Travis. And if I can't do anything involving the mages, no battle, no nothing, then that is part of the reason I ignored some of Snike and Sage's ideas. As I said:

But when I can't do anything without stepping on someone's toes, but have them sit down for a tea party and happy-fluffy-bunny time, I'm going to screw your suggestions, and have them battle anyway.

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Unfortunately those 3 people disapproved of the plan.

I don't think people are very hesitant to harm their characters. I just stripped Morgan of her weapon and she's dying, Snike regularly mauls Eric etc. it's just that the way you did it didn't make much logical sense to us and we didn't see the point of it all. The 3 mages can do things certainly, but just try to work with other people on the plans a little more so at least most people end up satisfied.

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I like Snowy, Phoenix, Cynthia, Kanami, Kiryn, Bal, Snike, and Ether. Yeah, I like Ether. Shocking news huh?

If you're going to make new scenarios, you plot them out ahead of time. Once you have asked permission and expressed your idea, if people tell you what's wrong with it, you change it or you start over, not tell someone "Tough, I'm doing it anyway." I have plots I'm working on right now. I'm ironing them all out as we speak and they won't happen for several chapters.

As for Captain Travis, Cynthia just added that spontaneously and it was a hit. Not only that, he has his unique personality. He's nothing like Captain Planet in personality, and despite the Travisteers, he's separate enough from Captain Planet. He does the quotes. That's it.

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I don't know why you're angry. Nothing I've done involves you.

Now, Sage can make his own enemies for the group to fight. What I'm saying, is it was approved, and so he must deal with that. I'm not forcing plot like Phoenix towards the capital. I don't care about that. I've dropped the islands. I'm forcing battles, which apparently no one likes.

Given that you ignored the fact that no one really wanted the mages here, I have no reason to believe that you'll do any different when we enter Septimus, and not just warp them in again and have them do whatever you want again. So yes, it does affect the entire party, Cynthia already explained.

You got permission to involve the mages in the capital, but when it turned into a "the mages need a hostage", no one wanted that. You ignored that and tried to take the characters anyway. That's forcing things.

You've been using words as excuses. Forcing plot, forcing battles, whatever you like to call it, the main point is that you've been doing things the way you wanted them done when people didn't agree to it. Trying to take away characters without player permission gets you nowhere.

Tired of arguing though, I get bored with that really quickly.

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It seems if they don't win or get it they're way, they're unsatisfied.


I meant characters. Not the other players. And sometimes, I do not feel like expressing my ideas to the others, simply to Snowy/Cynthia/Phoenix. Phoenix just sprung a demon attack on us the other day, which once it happened, I didn't particularly like it. But I shut my mouth and went along to get along, which you seem incapable of doing, as well, and rolled with it. I only need permission from Snowy and Cynthia. If you don't like it, I don't have to care.


I did not do it without permission. Did you see me capture anyone? I asked everyone single person about it, and they said no. I did not force it on anybody. They attacked, and beat them. They left. It happened, see end of Sage segment.

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( K guys I'm turning in for the night see you in the new chapter.!)

See you! Hope Zilpah ends up joining the group, he's an...interesting fellow.

FYI tomorrow I will be going to the zoo then seeing a movie, so activity limited. May have Charlotte

talk with emperor before then so I don't freeze things up there.

@psych I've made plots with several people thus far and found them pretty reasonable.

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