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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@ Snowy

I don't agree with that trope much. When I think of men sleeping around ... I want to kill them personally. When I think of women sleeping around ... I want someone else to kill them. There's not much bias here on my part.

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Why is it that when a man cheats, it's his fault. When a woman cheats, it's his fault too?

Oo oo! My turn! My turn!

How come when a woman can't get an org-*shot*

... ow ....

Well since mine isn't PG-13, I'll just talk about Snowy's. In truth, the decision to cheat is the offenders fault. The blame lies solely with them unless otherwise noted. The way this gets turned around is with crap like this:

Man is scumbag who doesn't care for the woman. He is also not interested in her goals or dreams. The woman finds love elsewhere. This "elsewhere" just happens to be pretty attractive and is also very loving and caring. (insert sex here).

No one gives a sh*t about this scenario:

Woman is a total bitch. The man hasn't had a sandwich or an orgasm in about six months. He hasn't had a good day in about two years. He finds love elsewhere. This "elsewhere" just happens to be pretty attractive and is also very loving and caring. (insert sex here).

Stereotypes!! Blame them, Snowy. Men are sex driven animals, and women are hormonally driven parakeets! There is no hope. Enter sexual preferences ...

(if you can't tell by now, I've just been typing whatever comes to mind with no actual point to get across)

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The way I see it, it's because.





I disagree with the trope entirely. All the girls I know IRL disagree with it and no female character of mine has tried to shirk responsibility in a relationship.

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In other news: Damian and Aiya betas are finished ... I think ... will put them in the gallery after Ether's satisfied with them.

@ Snowy

Of course none of your girls have tried to get away with anything!

Esphyr is insecure

Katie has assaulted too many people in public to have a lot of options

HM isn't even human

Edited by Phoenix
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That is what broke Kai

Maybe Bal is drunk. He said he quit FE

@ Psych: Stfu, you said it turned you on you sicko. :angry:


<Kaien> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=9468412

<ThatKidInTheBasement> Oh, c'mon what'd I do?

<Psych> don't you know the password?

<WebChat111> wat

<Balcerzak> Not referring to you, Sage

<Kaien> Click the link, Sage

<Punk3d> Referring to WebChat

<SolidSnike> It's a trap.

<Punk3d> I'm rather paranoid.

<WebChat111> wat i do?

<Kaien> No. It is an awesome image

<Punk3d> I'm wondering why you're lurking here

<ThatKidInTheBasement> Already did.

* SolidSnike believes Kai is still broken.

<ThatKidInTheBasement> It's perfectly safe.

<WebChat111> i'm not aloud to

* Punk3d go click link!

<Kaien> Do you know who it is??

<SolidSnike> Yeah.

<SolidSnike> Not my thing.

<ThatKidInTheBasement> Nanna and who?

<Kaien> @ Sage

<Psych> Finn

<Kaien> Finn :3

<ThatKidInTheBasement> Really?!

<Kaien> XD

<Kaien> XD

<ThatKidInTheBasement> His hair is not brown.

<ThatKidInTheBasement> Bleh.

<Psych> it's light blue in that

<Kaien> Its Fin.

<ThatKidInTheBasement> Oh well.

<ThatKidInTheBasement> I like Fin.

<Kaien> Doesnt it upset you that he would bang his daughter?

Kaien = Kai

KITB = Sage

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@ Snowy

Since you're here ... some more details. How long is HM's hair? Is it Leanne super long? Vika medium? Marcia length? Lucia length? Also, how does she keep it? Why is it green? Also, why did you pick the creepiest eye color for a woman that's supposedly ogled by highschool and college TISME students?


@ RP


Isotov and Viveka are in the dining room

Irina and Levski are on the roof of the inn

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Marcia-length. It's green because it is naturally that color (either wind spirit or just flat out natural. Remember, purple and blue are acceptable haircolors). Her eyes are amber because she's a half spirit as well.

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Strange. I always assumed she had long hair. I'm too used to long hair characters, though this will make the sprite easier :P


Does she have to wear pants? I always thought a pair of short shorts would look lovely on her :)

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Personally, I'd classify most of you people Otaku's :/ I'm not sure what the definition is on everyone elses scale, but anti-social, obsessive fan who spends a lot of time infront of the computer is what I see an otaku as. (Anti-social meaning you'd rather spend time physically alone, and doesn't not include chatting and foruming, which in a sense from an outsiders perspective is anti-social behavior anyway)

Plus, if you're on a FE forum, you're probably obsessed to FE to some degree, (or foruming in general)

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