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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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I like being around people ... this is just faster, and I don't like spending money to hang out on the strip whenever I want to socialize. This is way cheaper.

@ Kiryn's temporary bisexuality

It was only agreed that you'd do that if you were ever brought up while I was being boyish >_>'

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I probably count as anti-social during the summer, but during school I'm usually with my friends. Although sometimes we all use our laptops in the same room together, not sure what that counts as.

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Well, I always pictured her as wearing pants, though shorts work as well. To be accurate, she would need thick clothes and whatnot to survive a flight. I consider this a acceptable break from reality. She can wear shorts.

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Nyeh we're all obsessed to something, probably videogames to some degree, *Is reminded of Alchs 40% video game rant*


..... My sister does that, she calls her friends over, they all go to her room open us MSN, and then start chatting to eachother... makes me wonder what the point of coming over was in the first place.


I know you don't want my input but I doubt anything good XD

Edited by Kanami
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My family for the most part is anti-social, preferring online interaction over human interaction. I'm the same way, though it's also because I don't thinking very highly of most people. You guys are the exception.

Except Psych kind of.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Nady is anti-social!

I don't RL people XD But then again I don't like RL in general. And on the odd occasion I meet someone in RL that I like I kind of get clingy and get all emo when they leave. On the internet though, can't really form such close bonds, and even if others can, I can't. And people people leaving and disappearing is a daily occurrence anyway.

Can't really say I like any of you :/ I mean I have positive thoughts on someone of you, but would be reluctant to call you anything more then "some random guy/girl" I chatted with online :/

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...The above guy proved the asshat point.

The dimwitted award goes to...let's just say he frequents the FE10 forums.

Gamefaqs members prove both cases. I have an account, but I barely update and only post reviews.

I should start a guide there soon.

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Nady is anti-social!

I don't RL people XD But then again I don't like RL in general. And on the odd occasion I meet someone in RL that I like I kind of get clingy and get all emo when they leave. On the internet though, can't really form such close bonds, and even if others can, I can't. And people people leaving and disappearing is a daily occurrence anyway.

Can't really say I like any of you :/ I mean I have positive thoughts on someone of you, but would be reluctant to call you anything more then "some random guy/girl" I chatted with online :/

To be fair, it's only been a couple of months. The few internet people I can legitimately say I really like I've known for years now.

Of course, there's varying levels of acquaintanceship, casual friendship, and I'd worry about or try to help them with things, but it's not like any super close bonds or anything, you know?

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LoAF Chat > LoAF RP?

That's the case for me anyway, reason I still come here, when I've left the RP. For some reason these people are.... weird, both in the good sense and bad sense. XD

Most people are asshats? Well I can't completely agree there, asshats kind of indicates that they're ass's on purpose, while in most cases people are just stupid, and don't know they're being "asshats" Human intelligence is infinte, we just tend to be advancing in the wrong direction XD Take a look at Snowy XD It rings true on so many levels


I agree there are varying levels of acquaintances, but honestly, Phoenix is more a scratching post for when I get bored, not exactly considered a person, Cynthia's post are fun to read, but direct interaction with her as a person seldom occur. Sage... well I just passed Reika on to him because he asked, and I don't exactly think any deeper, there's you, but lack of interaction kind of restricts evolving into casual friendship, and even if there wasn't I doubt I'd get along with anyone for very long anyway.

Can't think of anyone else I have positive/neutral thoughts on that are worth mentioning.

Edited by Kanami
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I almost never regret skimming this topic, you guys tend to provided me with unintended entertainment, certainly more entertaining to read then the RP proper.

Chat is often amusing, I do admit. Although not all of it is unintentional.

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Well, I do acknowledge I can be somewhat of an asshole, so by your definition, asshat, sure. I'd define an asshat as someone who regularly makes a fool of themselves though, and that one I don't think is me so much. I'm more irregular, I think. Personally, Dark Sage is striking me as ignorant and belligerent right now, but it could just be a belligerent post.

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