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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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I'm going to have to disagree with Cynthia, I can agree that it's not a universal rule, but it seems to fit most of you. Take Sage's comment

Sometimes, it prevents or distracts me from my required reading or causes me to put off playing some of my games (like getting competent at Marvel vs Capcom 2 and finishing FE4/5).

I myself was waking up earlier then I normally do to be on the RP when others were. If you look at it from one perspective, it's being commited and enjoying an RP, from another it's obsessing over something.

And if I asked Phoenix what he was doing "9/10 times" he'd probably say he's doing something related to LoAF.

Put simply, what percentage of your online time do you spend here on Serenes/LoAF?

Plus, alot of you have already indicated in the past, you log online, just so you can post/interact with people. Again one perspective is trying to "max out my RPing experience" another is.... well obsession. Think it was Phoenix who said something along the lines of "We're trying to get in as many posts before so-and-so need to go."


If you're still unconvinced, read Alch's (and Sage's to a lesser extent) posts above XD

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Exactly. I don't see the point of having to get a flood of posts in while someone's online, they'll probably be back online tomorrow, maybe sooner. You've got all the time in the world, really.

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Yeah, I've always seen Rping more as a pleasant stroll more'n a race. The lots of posting against the clock mentality always kind of baffled me. At what point does it stop being a silly hobby and turn into a problem?

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Oh god not the whole feedback argument all over again.

I enjoy Rping and I want to spend a good amount of time posting it. So do most people here. Problem is, post count really varies and some people are only available at certain times. So if I want a conversation or an epic battle, I'd have to stay in front of the computer for a couple of hours.

I also multitask when doing it, but it's harder to do so.

So it's not that I'm obsessed as it is I'm bored and don't have much else to do.

Edited by Dark Sage
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....I kind of like this since I love the computer anyway. And I hate this storm where I live in.

And just because one way works for you doesn't mean it works for everyone else.

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Who said it does? I'm not trying to convert your RP into anything else, or tell you that you're doing it wrong, just saying that I personally don't understand it. Not an attack, just an opinion. I was actually thinking of joining, giving this a try, seeing if there was anything to it I'm just not seeing from an outside perspective.

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So if I want a conversation or an epic battle, I'd have to stay in front of the computer for a couple of hours.

So it's not that I'm obsessed as it is I'm bored and don't have much else to do.

Listen to yourself XD It's like saying, for you to enjoy the RP, you "Have to" spend hours infront of the computer XD

And not having anything to do, kind of goes with you claim to anti-social behavior. I'm sure that if you looked, you'd find that there are plenty of other things to do, but perhaps you find this more entertaining.

When you miss a day or RPing here, do you think the following day "Hey I didn't log on yesterday" or do you think during the missed day that "I can't log on today" or "How can I find time to log on?"

I don't completely agree with the "race" mentality Purg/E_S seem to have. But I agree that "Having to" spend several hours online to keep up with the RP is a form of obsession, even if you enjoy it.


Stay away! XD Unless of course you're a no-lifer XD Jk.

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Yeah, it definitely seems like mroe work then it's worth, and I'm unsure I'd even be welcome, but I'll admit this style of Rping is not something I've ever done before. I've always been in RPs where the focus was on the writing and the world.

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Meh I don't think you really have to spend hours on the computer to enjoy the RP. Just read up on what happened when you were offline. Probably didn't involve your characters much so a quickish skim will do (though some RPers just don't read other people's posts at all).

When I'm online I'll probably make some posts here or Chat because...I dunno it seems more interesting than not doing anything?

Edited by -Cynthia-
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It is more interesting than many stuff on the internet. I still have projects and other stuff I watch and I visit. I spend a lot of time in front of the computer anyway so it's not really a big deal.

I usually think, "I wonder what I missed today. Oh well maybe when I'm available I'll check" if I miss a day.

And the RP is focused on writing, and is very detailed for an RP. It's also extremely character driven and no one wants to take control of someone else's character.

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Here's what the Phoenix enjoys about the rp.

It's a story that we're all writing together. Now I know too many chefs spoil the pot(and too many writers spoil the plot), but it's still very enjoyable when Psych doesn't have any power. I'm severely neglecting my fanfic right now, but I'll find time to finish it eventually, and the time I'm taking to participate in the rp is giving me great spriting practice and writing practice. It's just improving things for me all around. No good reason to stop.

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I haven't read any extensive amounts of RP, but from what I have read, it's less a story and more like A WoW/Second life hybrid server.

Meh, if you read the posts in context it makes more sense. The stat battle posts are kind of like WoW I guess, though those aren't really designed for...reading pleasure?

I won't deny that a lot of the posts have some issues, but I wouldn't say there's no story. I think you may have read a chunk of a battle or something, which is not really indicative of what most of the RP actually is.

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I didn't say no story, I said less of a story. As in, less story based then you're saying. I'm saying with the whole battle system it strikes me as a group of people playing a game mroe then a group of people writing a story. A game can have a story, it's still a game.


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I didn't say no story, I said less of a story. As in, less story based then you're saying. I'm saying with the whole battle system it strikes me as a group of people playing a game mroe then a group of people writing a story. A game can have a story, it's still a game.


e, do you have a leash?

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He does not.

I assume you're talking about the caps abuse in the second line, that was for emphasis so people didn't take offense and say "hey games are stories toooo"

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He does not.

I assume you're talking about the caps abuse in the second line, that was for emphasis so people didn't take offense and say "hey games are stories toooo"

You assume incorrectly. I need one to restrain a certain rabid RPer. If he has none, I guess I go to the pet store.

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It's a discussion, you seem to be taking it as an argument. Every time I say anything about this RP, everyone seems to want to turn it into a confrontation. I'm not even really the competition, as our two RPs are pretty different from each other, enough so that anyone signing up for either is getting something they wouldn't be getting from the other.

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