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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Right, like a Neverwinter Nights Roleplaying Server, would be more accurate. A smaller group of people in a roleplaying game.

Or online D&D with more interaction. Any analogy that works for you, really.

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Because you make sweeping assumptions and nitpicking at our posting style, ignoring that some of us don't have all the time in the world and can only be on a certain time. So yeah, that's why it turned into an argument, especially when the message is "Your RP is worse than average."

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Confrontation? Yeah it's coming across like that, but unless you're topping Cuddles in the insults department, you won't get much negative response from me.

@ Cynthia

Lev said a thing.

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Because you make sweeping assumptions and nitpicking at our posting style, ignoring that some of us don't have all the time in the world and can only be on a certain time. So yeah, that's why it turned into an argument, especially when the message is "Your RP is worse than average."

... Where did anyone say that, seriously? You say we make sweeping assumptions (yes, I did, and admitted to it), and then make one of your own - we're offering opinions, e_s even said he was interested in joining, and we never said that.

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DS, I'm sticking with ignorant, belligerent, and pretentious for you. I'm not saying your RP is bad, I'm saying that it doesnt mesh with my personal style I don't think, and that I don't get it. There's a difference. There's a big difference between me observing and me insulting, I can be quite acrimonious when the mood so strikes.

Just to clarify, I'm not saying your RP is low quality. I am saying I don't like the idea of posting lots and lots because someone is on, and prefer the idea of following your own pace, regardless of who else is around at that moment. I'm not saying you guys aren';t writing a story, I'm saying I think the game element is a large one, ergo the story isn't as prime a focus as it would be otherwise.

Also, you are a poopyhead and you smell funny.

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I keep making these generalizations because whenever you get on here, that's the thing you complain about every time and it's like pulling teeth to get you to understand.

Though saying that you think the RP is bad is definitely overdoing it and I apologize.

Nevertheless, it really irritates me when you say the game is too game based and not enough interaction considering how we get very few stat battles and we have a lot of character interaction.

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@mr_es And that's another reason why we fight. Because when I offer a reason for my behavior, you then make a sarcastic and nasty remark like that. You can see why I'd feel defensive around you right?

Edited by Dark Sage
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Also, I'm not fighting. You're fighting. I'm laughing.

*rolls dice*

Nail has been struck on the head forcefully!

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Ooh, while I have your attention, a point of contention among us has been, what do you use to separate your chapters, to mark one from the other? Is it like FE, with one big fight being the central point of a chapter, or is it a day to day thing, with one chapter ending when the night falls, and another starting with morning's call?

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Look, how is explaining my position and myself and trying to be polite being just basically ignored or being made fun of justified? I don't want to fight, but you aggravate me and when I try to explain things, you accuse me of fighting. I don't like that ok? And your friend over there has not helped matters.

Chapters are divided because...because...

Ok here's why.

There's a theme and focus to each chapter and it helps us navigate throughout the RP than just having one huge topic. Each chapter shows a specific moment or set of occurrences in the RP. There you go.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Distinctions between chapters are pretty arbitary. Once it reaches ~40 pages, we usually decide it's time. It's often accompanied by a night's rest or days of travel skipped over though. But some chapters contain multiple days so yeah arbitrary.

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God I wish I was on E_S side, riling up DSage is starting to tickle my trolling tendencies. XD

If asked, My number one reason for being on chats/forums is to argue, so I'm finding this argument rather... hilarious XD

Only people I'd listen to here would be Bal, and Cynthia, with an occasional mix of Phoenix but he tends to have too much love for this to make reasonable calls XD Everyone else I don't have a important enough opinion of, or think of them as inferiors!

Nyahahaha! I is your arrogant superior!

@Dark Sage

I honestly think you're being a bit too protective, I mean, we're the ones who started a "don't listen to" trail and the way we were going, "Don't listen to anyone" is a pretty good conclusion XD


If you think E_S and Purg are here to flame/invade/harass the group, you're probably being too protective, they're probably only here because they're bored like the rest of us and this place was made to Chat about all thing LoAF related, it's not exactly our exclusive chatspace of anything. Though if E_S and Purg did come here for the sole objective of starting an argument and flaming..... well I might get along with them pretty well XD

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Sorry is not good enough!

Words mean nothing!

I could say I love Phoenix...... lets change that to Snowy instead (is reminded of the OTP posts) and I hope most of you are smart enough to know that I don't believe or think that at all. (And to clarify I do not like Phoenix <_< Eww, just ewww)

Hmm, is bored, PM volley quieter now, might as well go read some text :/

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