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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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For some reason when Alf's talking, I hear Cilian Murphy talking. Maybe it's because they're both Irish (Alf has the accent)?

Reika...I don't know who to compare her to.

And you forget, Nady is full of spite.

Edited by Dark Sage
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I think I'm picking up Monica Stori because Kagome has radical thoughts in the show.


"Oh no! Don't do it Inuyasha! Don't go with Kikyo!"


"Oh no! Lev, don't pick Morgan over me! No!"

Can you hear it? It sounds exactly the same :o

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You posted incest fanart...

I dont think that it is incest

Since Sage is doing an FE5 run

In FE5, Finn adopts Nanna. That means they arent blood relatives. Lachesis was never a cannon pairing for Finn.

It is still shameful since Finn is like 20 years older then her

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Inuyasha was set in a world I like, but failed in so many ways. I could have sat through it if I didn't have to put up with dubs. (sister prefers english, crazy bitch).

The first thing I look for in an anime is a cast I can actually like, and Inuyasha lacked that, Kagome is a whiny bitch, Inuyasha is the typical hothead brute, the rest lack personality or aren't all that interesting, most interesting character I could find was Kagura :/ But I probably can only deal with her since she hadn't showed up by the time I stopped watching.

How do you know I watch alot of anime anyway? :/

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The first thing I look for in an anime is a cast I can actually like, and Inuyasha lacked that.

What have been some of your favorite anime then? I never managed to get around to watching Inuyasha, and with a ringing endorsement like that, I'll probably continue to keep it that way, I guess. :/

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Oh boy. I find most Animes terribly cliched. Protaginist is a douche. His bitch is clingy. There is this evil guy who wants to destroy the world. That guy doesnt have a reason.

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