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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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*cough* Karla's legs *cough*

Not just her legs. She's got one of the sexiest brains I've ever seen. It's almost inspiring. So humble too.

I am unaware of said plot. I thought we were going go to Directus and sleep the night.

Luna isn't aware of what's going on even though she's the second? What a surprise. Yeah let's just go with the Directus assumption for now since I was going based off what Snowy said and not any actual proof.

@ Kai's link

Urgh! I hate those f*ckers.

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Yo is it like what happened to me on FES and all those fuckers ganged up on you and trolled?

Not quite. More like I couldn't really bond with them. It's the same with most folks in FFtF. Only a few people there don't totally piss me off just for being there. As for FEE it's like that, but with the entire forum since that place isn't very well split into separate communities like SF is.

Yeah the Phoenix is a bit of a wolf pack type person and everyone else can just go to hell until I know them personally. I probably need to work on that >_>'

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That "if you were my second" song just came to mind again.

@ RP

Urgh. I wish some of the more wrappy-uppy people were posting right now. It's mostly just commentary and Lev finding out what's really going on with that wyvern.

Oh hai, Mini! :)

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No one. You're just wasting time. Lev already told them that he'd take care of it. He can catch up after the time skip.

Irina may have to catch up too since Kiev is being used for the task as well.

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