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After I drank the last ten percent of that cooler I slept for fifteen hours two days in a row and felt like I could wrestle a bear. (teddy bear)

It probably depends on the drink really. Whatever my dad was drinking wasn't effecting him at all and I had to drink the whole thing twice just to loosen up. Two sips of that cooler though and I just wanted to log on and sexually tease Cuddles for awhile. No idea how that works :/


I've been stuck on this Taejin's Tower Fal'cie boss for like four days now! Enough is enough! We get this flying bastard down half way and then he starts tricking us into offensive paradigms and then smashing us before we can switch back. Sneaky sonuvab*tch! >_<

Edited by Phoenix
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Harold won't be there or else he will be trying to bang half the female populace while leaving the other half looking for their clothes (I'll give you a hint. In the flashback, only Naelia seemed to like him, yet according to every post-war source, he's like a rabid bunny. So he's not doing it on charm alone...)

And considering the party, she might just shrug it off as Rita stabbing someone for a duel again.

And Iso wears a dress!

Edit: No, Damian will NOT have Aiya, Esphyr, and Tessa at once!

Edited by Snowy_One
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Naelia doesn't make any sense and never has. Just say someone invited Harold and have him take a saint john's wort so he calms down and stuff.

Iso wears an overcoat like always or nothing at all. Your choice.

@ DamianxTessa

I don't know, man. Arrin's a beast. He could probably take Damian now.

Edited by Phoenix
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Lightweight punks. Communion wine and two drinks of a cooler?

A year or so back, me and two coworkers split 5 liters of beer.

Worst... hangoever... I've ever had.

That said, I'm pretty much a light-weight myself, but with staying power. I hit a nice plateau very early, and stay there all night long. I like the way I am when I'm drunk.

2AM Edit: Heading back to the apartment. This is normally the time of night Ether seems to migrate to the Wii anyway, so I don't feel too bad.

Well, except for abandoning Script. Sorry!

Edited by Balcerzak
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Arrin can fuck the shit out of Damian and make him his bitch. He will throw a disk and say fetch doggy. That is what Arrin will do if Damian hits on Tessa. Arrin will also have some help from a certain Train Heartnet too.


Now time for your daily dose of Kai Rant

So i was at kaplan today and the asian guy comes and and says "Da copie mashine is brokan. You has to share." I shared with this new girl that came in. I am a beast at Algebra so i was exptected to finish first. Then i heard the most devastating thing. "Are you finished?" The new girl asked. What horror? How the hell did she finish before me? I was on 4 and she was on 10. She got 10/10 and i got 9/10. What the fack is this shit?

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@ Damian and Helios

Those two chumps got beat to promo by a 15 year old nomad boy with no relationship tact.

@ Alex

... no idea.

@ EsphyrxLev

He's going to probably get her and Morgan when the wyvern shows up. He's outside so he didn't hear her angsting. Maybe shout near a window?

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"Lev! Get your scaly ass out here mister swinedog!" she hissed, her voice flowing out a nearby window that was open simply due to plot convenience so that Lev could hear outside. She didn't actually have anything to be mad at him about, and she knew it, but every harsh, cruel, and... Esphyrish thing she could do might just slow the potion down. That was what she needed right now.

This is lazy writing but it's so damn funny XD

@ Kai

Okay here's some Miranda fun facts for you and anyone else interested.

Miranda was created from a part of Shanice. She and Shanice are virtually the same in most regards. The one thing that she absolutely cannot do that Shanice can is freeze things and no, there is no explanation for that. Instead she uses thunder magic. Also something to note is that she is the same type of demon that Shanice is. The reason she can't shapeshift is because she doesn't know how, and the time it would take to for her to learn how to fully transform her body would pretty much run the length of the rp. She can also sever and bind, though she doesn't know how yet. Basically a clueless female lightning Shanice.

*wonders if this is too much information*

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Someone should kill off half your PC's

If you could enlighten me as to kill off half of a player character, I may think about it.

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