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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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My PCs are perfectly legit, especially after the random nerfs that took place.

NPCs I'm open to the possibility though I always have been and that is just plain old news.

Except Lev, he's this rp's go-to guy. Before he came along this rp was missing something. It was really weird. So empty and void. then I realized what was wrong. I was like "... man ... we gotta have more Lev!", and there was Lev ... ... and for a time ... ... it was good.


But then the evil Xenia and Daneka came along and rocks started falling and Charlottes went missing and people died so that Luc could develop character, and then Morgan totally got slapped, and Kiev turned into a total wuss, and Ixion almost got laid but Miranda pulled a Dark Phoenix on him, and then Luna found a female character of mine that she doesn't hate, and then IsoxKelas became like ten times more relevant than some other C supports, and Petros was digging holes, and Xenia was biting coins, and Alex learned to use a ballista, and then Tessa fixed Damian, and Krinkov was like the first wyvern to ever laugh, and it was awesome!


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My PCs are perfectly legit, especially after the random nerfs that took place.

NPCs I'm open to the possibility though I always have been and that is just plain old news.

Except Lev, he's this rp's go-to guy. Before he came along this rp was missing something. It was really weird. So empty and void. then I realized what was wrong. I was like "... man ... we gotta have more Lev!", and there was Lev ... ... and for a time ... ... it was good.


But then the evil Xenia and Daneka came along and rocks started falling and Charlottes went missing and people died so that Luc could develop character, and then Morgan totally got slapped, and Kiev turned into a total wuss, and Ixion almost got laid but Miranda pulled a Dark Phoenix on him, and then Luna found a female character of mine that she doesn't hate, and then IsoxKelas became like ten times more relevant than some other C supports, and Petros was digging holes, and Xenia was biting coins, and Alex learned to use a ballista, and then Tessa fixed Damian, and Krinkov was like the first wyvern to ever laugh, and it was awesome!


She had to have SOME way to defend herself, from certain individuals with buddies with wyverns...

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Who does Cynthia not hate? :huh:

And there was that time RIta would molest all the sexy nomads, and drink crazy love juice, but then that stopped.

And now my mind's been blank for the last 3 hours thinking of what to comment on besides introducing her brother or something. :facepalm:

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I need to make more relevant NPC's



A good one?

@ Psych

Miranda, the Ixion slayer.

@ Kai

I used Anna's body as a base for Kelas.

I used Anna's face as a base for Dani, Rita, and Aiya.

I think I used it for some other things too but I can't remember what.

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@ Luna

Phoenix Character Reviews!


Irina--->Kiev too





Ixion--->His powers




Alphonse--->His Helios slaying



@ Random thought

Why the hell is Halton's standard armor color purple? That's just not right :/

Kinda like the US army running around in magenta colored camo :/

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Purple makes sense. Blue for allied (according to Ether & Snowy), Red for Redshirts + enemies (everyone else) = Purple

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Kiev isn't even twenty-two feet long overall. Krinkov is around twenty-eight feet long.

@ Kai

Likelihood of them dying

Daneka: 75% (can't die outside of a stat battle)

Alphonse: 35%

These numbers will change as the situation does. I leave it optional for all my characters to survive or die depending on how this all plays out.

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Daneka and Alphonse are secretly the protagonists.

Your characters are pretty fine Phoenix. The Character Rankings Thread pretty much describes what I think of people's characters (though it doesn't cover NPCs/enemies, since they can't really be judged the same way). Something exciting could happen to Irina soon I guess. Kiev is cute.

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@ Luna

Thanks. Reviews are my bread and butter :3

@ Evil Dani and Al being secret good guys

That reminds me of something involving them that is pretty interesting.

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Esphyr doesn't have a cough so it wouldn't do anything anyway ... cept leave a bad taste in your mouth.

Also, just so everyone knows, I made up the name "Rudoberry" on the spot. There is no reference anywhere that I got it from or am aware of. That is all.

@ My latest post


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