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As I've stated before, I hate online dice-rollers *Without fail, they always manage to screw me over somehow. I haven't rolled above a 40 in WoW in six months now, never got more than a 13 when making D&D characters, roll nothing but 1-3 in Risk, and so forth*. Previously, the reason given was that I was both GM and not cheating *I think it was even by you Cynthia* but now...

I don't know what to do. I hate the roller and it screws me, and I don't trust my own RL rolls.

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Are you reading what you write, Snowy? Seriously, do you hear what you're saying? Avoiding a roller because of unfavorable outcomes?

How is avoiding something because of unfavorable outcomes not cheating?

And while there may be story/character-building rules that the GM is naturally exempt from, I don't believe that anyone should be exempt from anything stat-related at all.

Edited by Kiryn
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People and their silly dice superstitions. It's a RNG :/

I use Invisible Castle, as you notice. Am I GM? Yes. Do I cheat? No. But there's no real reason not to use it, except a bit of laziness I guess.

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Clock... You don't understand. I don't just get unfavorable rolls, I get almost nothing BUT them. All my gear in WoW I got because everyone else in the raid already had it. I've invoked the 'too weak so we need to reroll' rule four times in three characters. Never taken a territory without outnumbering the opponent 5-1 in Risk; and so forth. It hates me.

Here. My first three rolls.


First roll is ****.

Second is a weak hit.

Third is ****.

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Irina rolled a 1,5,5

That was the biggest BS that's happened to her since Helenos. She gets a crit, but is guaranteed to miss. That's almost Eric level fail. Bad rolls are going to happen. I recomment doing more enemy phases in battles so you increase the chances for good rolls via high unit numbers.

Giver's canyon battle is a good example. The rolls were so varied it was nuts. Daneka destroyed and this one guy got a crit but missed. Very funny rolls.

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Irina rolled a 1,5,5

That was the biggest BS that's happened to her since Helenos. She gets a crit, but is guaranteed to miss. That's almost Eric level fail. Bad rolls are going to happen. I recomment doing more enemy phases in battles so you increase the chances for good rolls via high unit numbers.

Giver's canyon battle is a good example. The rolls were so varied it was nuts. Daneka destroyed and this one guy got a crit but missed. Very funny rolls.

And Luc would have been Xenia lanced had enemy phase/ her running not happened hehehehehehehe.

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Irina rolled a 1,5,5

That was the biggest BS that's happened to her since Helenos. She gets a crit, but is guaranteed to miss. That's almost Eric level fail. Bad rolls are going to happen. I recomment doing more enemy phases in battles so you increase the chances for good rolls via high unit numbers.

Giver's canyon battle is a good example. The rolls were so varied it was nuts. Daneka destroyed and this one guy got a crit but missed. Very funny rolls.

Speaking of his fail, OHKO in the canyon. So, yeah.

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I would post something in the 'present' but my mind is fried. Anywho, I will be gone until late Tuesday after tomorrow Noon. Cythina, have fun with the RP. Just be sure to wash the windows of bloodsplatter and return it with a full tank of gas. >.>

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Speaking of his fail, OHKO in the canyon. So, yeah.

Yeah Zaftrans'll do that >_>

I would post something in the 'present' but my mind is fried. Anywho, I will be gone until late Tuesday after tomorrow Noon. Cythina, have fun with the RP. Just be sure to wash the windows of bloodsplatter and return it with a full tank of gas. >.>

... he didn't even leave any money to fill up the rp. He just waved goodbye and left :mellow:


Get back here! Don't dump rps and run! Esphyr must be yelled at!

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