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I thought it was

Case 1: Mage girls trying to fish for rolls to kill various party members.

(See the eight ones at 10-Jul-10 05:53 )

Woah, did not see that.

OK... That's 4 cases. Oof.

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For Kanami, a blast from the past:

That's not the time I rolled those. :/

I have a different time when I rolled those. Timezones. Those were for the begining of the fight.

Um, there's still an explnation required for why Verry for example, has 8 rolls without making 8 attacks...

Also, simply because this was too amusing not to repost:

It's way too crazy for me to post something coherent.

HM: Argh I'm Megatron!

Damian: Me too!

Berry/Helios: We refuse to be knocked to 0!

Ruby: I randomly warp my allies away as we're not losing!

People are just not making sense. I realize it can be boring not being able to post because your chararcter is unconscious, but do a dream sequence or just wait or something.

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I remember at least one claim of "accidentally hit refresh". Five times, sure. Wasn't an excuse this time other than "well Cess's rolls were legit!"

In this particular instance I think he was trying to keep Cess alive for another round in order to get more EXP or something. Thus EXP docking is somewhat effective, but still doesn't really reach the root of the problem.

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Only way to cure an idiot is to kill him. "Him" because we all know it's the males that cheat, abuse and cause problems And sometimes even that doesn't work. Too many cases, would be easier to just default exp him. And kick him out of stat battles altogether. (Give an equal amount to the lowest exp receiving character.

In this specific case, the problem seems to be with dice cheating, and as you've said exp docking encourages the behaviour at a later date. Kicking him out completely just on stat cheating seems a bit extreme. Apparently he's a pain plot wise, but that's another issue/

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Thing is, Psych has shown complete disrespect to the other players of the RP for months now, both plotwise and through stat cheating, and keeping a person like that is poison to the RP altogether. Unless he shapes up, all his actions are going to bite him in the ass and in this case, expulsion or temporary suspension doesn't seem like too big a penalty.

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I think a solution will just be to have someone roll for Psych. I'll do it if no one else volunteers. He just seems to be unable to get the roll once concept, even though we've made it pretty clear we can see the rolls.

Plot issues seem entirely seperate.

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I guess I should weigh in here:

While I certainly wouldn't accept Psych into a new RP I were running from the ground up, expulsion from an established position is a very different ball of wax, and I'm not sure exactly when the right time to exercise that last resort option is, but I don't think the latest cheatingEpisode++ comes even close to warranting it, not after Psych has calmed down the more serious offenses, IMO.

Also, I wouldn't mind rolling when I'm around. I don't know that it has to be one dedicated person either, rotation could probably be fine too.

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@Cynthia's solution

Well, if you're willing to go the extra mile to make things fair, that's a solution I suppose, however I think default exp would be easier since it just cuts out that much work. Having someone role for him, removes him (The Rp'er) from stat battles in effect. So I don't see the point in letting his character fight if the controller can't enjoy (Don't ask me what's enjoyable about number crunching, I never found it appealing) the stat battles.

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Hmmm? People are discussing how to exclude you from the RP and that’s all you have to say?

How boring. The least you could do is kick up a fuss.

Here, let me give you a hand.

If you like number crunching then stop cheating your rolls, it’s unfair, rude and frankly it just shows everyone that you’re a stupid little kid. What do you get out cheating? Laughs? God I hope you’re not doing it for the stats. Not even an idiot can be that desperate, though I suppose you worse then any typical idiot ten fold. 

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I always considered asking Psych what his motives were directly but didn't feel I'd get an answer that could be properly interpreted. I've been assuming he's just been doing it to get attention. Default motive for things that don't make sense to me.


There has been a change in the administration here in LoAF. Snowy has stepped down as head GM and the position has been filled by myself. As with any change in administration, work has to be done to get everything set up. Most already know about this but an official announcement needed to be made.

As of today, the active GMs are:



Talks will be underway soon to determine how things will be handled from here on out. That's about it.

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Arrin: COMPLETE (FINALLY!!! >_< )

Reika: Pending

Henry: Pending

Character thread:

I have updated some things out of morning boredom.

Isotov: Updated

Irina: Updated

Viveka: Updated

Kiev: Updated

Levski: Updated

Krinkov: Updated

Now there's more up to date and useful information on them impossible to find on the tropes page :D

Edited by Phoenix
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Hate to double post but...

Psych, you really need to edit this post. This post is fully reliant on OOC knowledge.


After all of the commotion in the yard, Pary was having a hard time trying to fall asleep. He heard that bandit yelling. About stupid demons too. He got up, passing them and heading outside, before stopping to say something. "Save a life? You saw what those demons did. You'll get us all killed. And I'm not cleaning up your messes. I wonder how Aiya would feel about this plan. Let me go ask her. And where is Morgan? She'll want to find a suitable replacement before Reika passes away." Pary continued out the archway, headed for market.

Alf was whispering to Kelas about Reika's severing. Pary should not know that at all. Also, while people know Reika's sick and possibly dying, few know Reika herself is severed.

Here's a list of people who do:




Possibly Luc, and someone else, I forget.

Nobody else knows. That means none of your guys Psych.

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Double posting ahoy!

Anyway, with loads of new characters, I think we should examine why the non-CWs are staying and deal with all these new influxes.

EDIT: Ok let's see so far.

Aiya: Damian's fiancee. Offers muscle and some form of tactics as well as being able to calm Damian down somewhat. Somewhat. Basically her leaving Damian is impossible. Strong

Irina: Hired directly by Damian and Morgan, as well as wanting to stay with Iso. Strong

Kelas: Arrin's sister and protector really. Getting Kelas to leave Arrin is impossible, not to mention now Iso. Strong

Charlotte: Tricky. On the one hand, Charlotte needs protection and healers here are scarce. On the other hand, she's also putting the group in huge danger from Jace. Her goals really require the help of an army, but Halton attempted to put her in a blood contract and Elysimia is staying neutral I believe. Moderate

Eric: Charlotte's boyfriend and bodyguard. He's pretty much stuck to Charlotte. Moderate

Derek: Same as Eric, except remove boyfriend. Moderate

Alferis: Reika's bodyguard. Him leaving her is impossible like Kelas, Aiya, and Irina. Still, mental problems could really put a damper. Moderately Strong

Pary: Priest hired by Morgan. Not a very good one though. He refuses to heal certain people, constantly gets in trouble with authorities, and confrontations between him and the group is common enough. Weak

Tessa: Healer and excellent mediator. Tessa has lots of ties to the CW users. Her leaving is very crushing. Strong

Heinz: Merc that doesn't really do much. Not all that trustworthy. Weak

Altion: Guy wandering around who can't take care of his own horse. Basically no reason at all to stay. Weak

Luc: Knight of Septimus. Pretty much under orders to follow the CWs. Also has some political muscle in Septimus and connections. Also is an employer of Reika. Strong

Beau: Little boy cleric. Healed us from the brink of death, but it'd be kind of cruel to take a 13 year old kid along. Arrin barely knows him, so he's out. [/b]Weak[/b]

Viveka: Subordinate to Conrad and an employer to Lev. Her leaving would need to come from Conrad's orders. Strong

Tas: Wyvern rider and egg carrier. Delivering eggs to IM and needs to keep watch over them. Strong

Upcoming characters I'm giving a slight pass on. Mainly because it's up to the RPer on how they'll join and why and it's really not something you can predict.

Sadie: Being a bard, Sadie possesses knowledge of ancient lore and stories on demons and dragons. Also a pretty charismatic person and can supplement the group's income with performances. Basically contributes positively, enough to be let in.

Vera: Knows Conrad and being a Halton general possesses can help out the group with all dealings from Halton.

To be honest, I'm not sure of Ether's new person because a)I have no idea what he has in mind and b)I'm not even sure if she's approved yet so...

Edited by Red Magister
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Additions/comments in green. This is just things I'm seeing, not necessarily a level boost or cut for anyone.

Double posting ahoy!

Anyway, with loads of new characters, I think we should examine why the non-CWs are staying and deal with all these new influxes.

EDIT: Ok let's see so far.

Aiya: Damian's fiancee. Offers muscle and some form of tactics as well as being able to calm Damian down somewhat. Somewhat. Basically her leaving Damian is impossible. Strong

Irina: Hired directly by Damian and Morgan, as well as wanting to stay with Iso. Strong From an out-of-character standpoint she's also the one keeping Isotov in the group, which is kind of necessary.

Kelas: Arrin's sister and protector really. Getting Kelas to leave Arrin is impossible, not to mention now Iso. Strong

Charlotte: Tricky. On the one hand, Charlotte needs protection and healers here are scarce. On the other hand, she's also putting the group in huge danger from Jace. Her goals really require the help of an army, but Halton attempted to put her in a blood contract and Elysimia is staying neutral I believe. Moderate

Eric: Charlotte's boyfriend and bodyguard. He's pretty much stuck to Charlotte. Moderate

Derek: Same as Eric, except remove boyfriend. Moderate

Alferis: Reika's bodyguard. Him leaving her is impossible like Kelas, Aiya, and Irina. Still, mental problems could really put a damper. Moderately Strong

Pary: Priest hired by Morgan. Not a very good one though. He refuses to heal certain people, constantly gets in trouble with authorities, and confrontations between him and the group is common enough. Weak

Tessa: Healer and excellent mediator. Tessa has lots of ties to the CW users. Her leaving is very crushing. Strong

Heinz: Merc that doesn't really do much. Not all that trustworthy. Weak Hired by Morgan. Has an in-character reason of staying with the group because he's meant to be spying on them.

Altion: Guy wandering around who can't take care of his own horse. Basically no reason at all to stay. Weak Has cited Kelas as his only reason for staying.

Luc: Knight of Septimus. Pretty much under orders to follow the CWs. Also has some political muscle in Septimus and connections. Also is an employer of Reika. Strong

Beau: Little boy cleric. Healed us from the brink of death, but it'd be kind of cruel to take a 13 year old kid along. Arrin barely knows him, so he's out. [/b]Weak[/b]

Viveka: Subordinate to Conrad and an employer to Lev. Her leaving would need to come from Conrad's orders. Strong

Tas: Wyvern rider and egg carrier. Delivering eggs to IM and needs to keep watch over them. Strong

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