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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Please don't kill the highly trained warhorses, it'll put rather a knot in the party's movements if Kelas or Tessa have to find new ones... IIRC our party's horses (Trevor, Luna, Amari, packhorse) are actually in the outdoor corral, so the stronger ones may be able to jump free from fire, but... please don't kill the horses.

...And now half the party is in the barn.

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Yeeeeah, the stables! That's the numbah one hangout nao! B)

But in all seriousness, is Morgan trying to get herself shanked? She's extremely hard to like. I guess Cynthia's trying to get something specific out of these character relationships, or maybe she's bored? :lol:

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Given her backstory, it's pretty understandable that she doesn't trust anyone... and if her "teacher" had been an anima mage that would also explain a lot, although it implied the crone was a Dark user... I'd put it at maybe one part explainable by backstory and one part general causing of discord. (Given everyone seems to hate everyone else except family members/old comrades anyway, I don't know how much we really need the latter XD)

...I should draw a chart of who hates/likes/tolerates who...

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Kamilla: Please don't kill me >_< I haven't set the stables on fire yet

I actually love Morgan, she brings humor, hostility and activity all in the one post XD

But as a character... yeah, it's watching myself RP'ing with better grammar and order. Starting up a fight every 5 seconds


@______, I was considering doing up a FE9/10 like relationship tree/chart, but most characters didn't have mugs, and still don't have a portraits which can be used as a base. (Eg Arrin has an image, but I can't imagine shrinking it to fit the box.

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Once again, please don't kill the horses, not when I've gone and given them personalities and pictures and everything ;_;

Gah it is too late I cannot spell

Actually Arrin has a mug... anyway what I was gonna do was just a simple graph with just names, no pictures. Maybe I'll do that now because ARGH YOU ALL KEEP POSTING AND I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT

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I wasn't being serious XD But since you tried to knife me........ XD

If I was going to torch the horses I'd need a reason to, something more then "I just felt like it" If Morgan had a horse I might be able to worm in some reason, but she doesn't :(

Don't worry, I'll torch the inn instead :P

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~mental note to never let Morgan buy a horse, or if she does have Kelas set it loose for fear of its sanity before any harm can befall the others~

Hey, hey, Kelas wasn't pulling a knife on anyone, she was just making sure she had a grip on it in case any of the other ruffians in the inn wanted to have a go! XD

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Yeah, you should totally do that. Then we can focus more heavily and realistically on the supports. It seems like some characters hate each other simply because they haven't been able to talk, and have some bad first impressions. Maybe bad second and third impressions too :unsure:

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Snowy~ T_T Cynthia's being mean to me XD

Just cause I made Reika some crazy bitch, doesn't mean I have to make all my characters like that XD

*Is regretting making a non-fighter at the moment*

Since instincts say "hit her!" but that's not the type of character I made this time >_<

I'm kind of wandering if I should wait for Snowy to respond before kicking us all out of the stables, (Well just Morgan and Esphyr now) But then again I'm not exactly that patient XD

I know Kelas didn't unsheathe her knife, but in OoC or out of the RP, it's more fun to call her the knife-wielding nut, opposed to that shemale.

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I actually think it likely that Morgan's teacher was Helenos under a different name, except Helenos doesn't work like that at all. Though I must wonder if she will try to 'preserve the line of the Crimson Weapon wielders' if things get down to it.

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This is my start of a character graph. It is by no means complete. The labeling isn't as clear as I'd like mainly because WHY AM I AWAKE i was going to go to sleep two... hours... ago...

Will edit later. For now:


(The "is going to strangle one of these days" in the middle belongs to the arrow from Kelas to Helios.) I need to color some of those arrows/text bits to differentiate them.

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Might be easier if you organised it like a dodecagon+more if you're going to update it in future.

Surprised you added Sabla but not Reika, (Not even sure how everyone feels towards Reika anyway, probably just dislike shared with Morgan.

I lol'ed at how Damian's the leader of the group, yet only has ties with Aiya XD

And also lol'ed at how everything is focusing in Morgan's direction XD

@Flaming birdy: Asia :P Nuff said

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And also lol'ed at how everything is focusing in Morgan's direction XD

Probably because Morgan has had interactions with like every character so far. I love how most of them are "dislike", and that doesn't even include everyone (for example the obvious line between Morgan and Helios).

Oh and the line to Katie, and the obvious line to Reika once she gets put in. I think I've achieved top score, sorry Kai.

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Stab happy little bitch? LMAO!!! I still can't stop laughing ahahahahahahahahh!! OMG!!!

My beak hurts from ... from all the laughing ....

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Depends on who you're describing >_>

If Reika, yes XD

If someone else, I don't get it :mellow:

Timeskip to next morning? Or do I have to start lighting fires to keep us entertained for the night?

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It's an extremely accurate description IMO :P

Morgan says the darnedest things :P

Timeskip to next morning? Or do I have to start lighting fires to keep us entertained for the night?

Snowy is father time in the rp, though that is more of a sad truth than anything else since even he has this confused :lol:

We should do a morning skip, but we should probably wait til actual morning to do so. And don't burn the damn inn down. I'm the fire bird! ME!

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