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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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We should do a morning skip, but we should probably wait til actual morning to do so. And don't burn the damn inn down. I'm the fire bird! ME!

Then you should feel right at home as the flames burn everyone to ashes, no need for you to worry, you'll just rise out of the ashes and be on your merry way. Not really sure what you mean by morning, but I assume you mean when Snowy wakes up.

I just noticed no one ever did anything with those thugs I mentioned earlier, guess I'll have them raid people bedrooms or something to pass the time :/

Speaking of raiding bedrooms, did you people ever solve your little "who sleeps with who" argument?

Edited by Nadesico
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@ fire bit.

Now all the Phoenix needs is a mate who can survive in a firestorm and he will be complete :D

@ business handling.

They overlooked all that stuff in favor of sleep :3

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Helios/his virginity



"Tina"/ herself?

Esphyr/barn or with Kamilla

Maybe the thugs can bother the awake people who didn't go anywhere (Nomads, Damian/Aiya, Tessa, "Tina", Helios?)

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Lesbians, incest and even bestiality? Ewww >_< XD

Makes me envy Damian/Aiya and maybe even poor Helios crying with his virginity in hand.... err nvm

Guess I'll start doing some work now, since it's unlikely it'll go anywhere from here.

Nighty night all

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That's just who's rooming together, not necessarily who's bedding together (all right, Damian and Aiya...)

And it seems like half the group's still eating dinner, so we'll see what comes of that.

And yeah, I'm awake already. (~muffled cursing~) Damn exams...

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I have college soon, but it's the short day. Anywho, Esphyr should have a line to Katie of 'Protective of' and a line to Daiman of 'employed by'. As for Katie... well... the only thing she did do was defend Morgan from Esphyr's blows so far.

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Okay, since replying in feedback is much less time intensive and I should be working now, actual story is on hold for a while longer. But here's me trying to jump in over the last x pages of feedback thread convos.

Back! Esphyr and Katie are fine bedding with anyone, though sharing a bed with each other would be pretty lame. And did someone mention alcohol? Esphyr would be interested!

...I totally thought Katie had left for the library, and didn't include her in the matchmaking for that reason. Now I feel bad for leaving her out, and it looks like she's snuck off. We'll see what there can be done about that.

Though actually the prospect of some of the other characters drunk is fairly hilarious in its own right.

Oh dear. I'm not sure what kind of drunk anyone would be. Luckily I'm not having Tessa drink enough that I'll have to figure something out. Just a small glass, two tops. And nobody better be spiking it!

Tessa (maybe Aiya/Damian?) are really the only characters I can see Morgan supporting with atm (with a little more dialogue), since interactins with evryone else tend to be non-existent, or unfriendly/hostile.

Noted, we'll just see how things play out. Forcing a relationship just for support bonuses is kind of lame, so things're just going be proceeding naturally. That said, I can easily see it happening somewhere down the line. And I thought it would be far too boring to introduce another Morgan-hater, so from the beginning I'd sort of been trying to figure out a way to shake things up, introduce a different sort of dynamic. And since it's paid off with some nice results so far, I feel rather good about that.

No. Elyisima is a decently high-end and upper-class type nation; except even the roaches are willing to pretend to be wealthy too. Think of it as the mage-nation if you need to simplify it.

Oh poor penniless Tessa, you will be so out of place. The roaches are better off than you are. Isn't it sad? ;-;

I find Isotov's analysis of everyone to be generally hilarious...

It did seem to be fairly spot on, actually.

Please don't kill the highly trained warhorses, it'll put rather a knot in the party's movements if Kelas or Tessa have to find new ones...

Once again, please don't kill the horses, not when I've gone and given them personalities and pictures and everything ;_;

Seconded. Absolutely seconded. T_T

This is my start of a character graph. It is by no means complete. The labeling isn't as clear as I'd like mainly because WHY AM I AWAKE i was going to go to sleep two... hours... ago...

Will edit later. For now:


(The "is going to strangle one of these days" in the middle belongs to the arrow from Kelas to Helios.) I need to color some of those arrows/text bits to differentiate them.

How delightful!

I think I've achieved top score, sorry Kai.

lol, I don't think things are scored as simply as the number of vertices your character has, but I laughed anyways.

Timeskip to next morning? Or do I have to start lighting fires to keep us entertained for the night?

No skip yet! I'm still eating dinner, and about to share my sob story. But Tessa is a pathological optimist, so she won't really be sobbing. I'm sure there's a trope for this that Kiryn will no doubt inform me of later.

Lesbians, incest and even bestiality? Ewww >_< XD

Makes me envy Damian/Aiya and maybe even poor Helios crying with his virginity in hand.... err nvm

Guess I'll start doing some work now, since it's unlikely it'll go anywhere from here.

Nighty night all

That's just who's rooming together, not necessarily who's bedding together (all right, Damian and Aiya...)

And it seems like half the group's still eating dinner, so we'll see what comes of that.

And yeah, I'm awake already. (~muffled cursing~) Damn exams...

I actually thought it was who was bedding together, and not necessarily who were rooming together? I mean, it's entirely possible that the Damian/Aiya bed has to share a rooms with Tessa/Morgan, while Helios takes a single in the Kelas/Arrin, and Chase takes a single in the Irina/Isotov. I mean, I don't even know.

Support conversation cancelled

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You're a sith now?! Wtf was that? :wub: >_< no! Must stay focused!! I left the dark side long ago! Darth Phoenicus is no more ... no more I say! >_<

I don't want you to have to do that graph again, but I should probably be up front about Isotov's status.

Isotov: There are only four people Isotov has absolutely no problem with; Irina(sister), Arrin(never met), Tessa(just a child), Katie(soft spot for handicaps). Since he was forced to join the group he naturally dislikes the group. He's trying to cope, but all of his anger is being directed at Morgan because she's the easiest target ... naturally -_-

Irina: Irina joined the group by choice, and since that led her to find her brother, she has a bit of undying gratitude for everyone, even people that hadn't joined before she found him. She won't start a fight with anyone under any circumstances.

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So Helios is the only virgin in this group?

Hey Snowy can you somehow get the fire emblem into the plot and that it is hidden in Tora?

Oh and Ian is a spy now forget him

I'll make another cavalier after state test

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^Helios is definitely not the only virgin, as there are younger teenagers, one of whom is a cleric and apparently knows nothing about sex... actually, I'll confirm it's not true, as Arrin is also entirely ignorant of the subject (teacher/foster mother was a bit of a cloudcuckoolander, never realized she should probably tell him about it) and Kelas has never had time to get into anything that would result in it. Damian was just singling Helios out because it got a rise out of him.

^^See, the beauty of this graph is it's in Adobe Illustrator, so I can just drag things around each time an edit's necessary. Oh, and the name's for Star Wars Day XD

Regarding the actual roleplay at present: Aw, we seem to have skipped to morning, and here I thought everyone who was still eating dinner were going to catch up (not to mention everyone's interactions before going to sleep.)

Ah well.

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It was taking WAY too long to get to that, and if we hadn't skipped, we still wouldn't be at the next day yet, maybe not even until tomorrow. Snowy made the right call on that one.

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Errrr... No. It's not in Tora. It's location is already kind of settled.

Edit: Most likely, Esphyr is a virgin as well, though not unknowledgeable on the subject. Katie is probably not a virgin though.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Isotov: There are only four people Isotov has absolutely no problem with; Irina(sister), Arrin(never met), Tessa(just a child), Katie(soft spot for handicaps). Since he was forced to join the group he naturally dislikes the group. He's trying to cope, but all of his anger is being directed at Morgan because she's the easiest target ... naturally -_-

Irina: Irina joined the group by choice, and since that led her to find her brother, she has a bit of undying gratitude for everyone, even people that hadn't joined before she found him. She won't start a fight with anyone under any circumstances.

Right so I'm still working on the graph, but just going to get it out there that only specific connections are going to get marked down; a general dislike or liking for everyone would kind of just spam connections, as would "doesn't know" or "no opinion". As things develop, people prove to each other that they aren't evil, and we get more specific interactions, they'll go up.

...And: Bigger! Shinier! Slightly more coherent! And with handy labels for who's a Crimson Wielder! ...GRAPH!


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Im thinking of making a character that appears as an enemy but then turns good

I just need a damn name for this dude





















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You could always go on a name generator site, pick one out that sounds decent with a meaning you like. They usually have a lot with origins you don't often see, like Irish/Welsh/other neat stuff like that.

I've used this one for naming characters before, it's got a search-by-meaning thing that comes in handy.

On the other hand, you could go with a more ordinary name... characters don't always need to be Awesome McCoolname.

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