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If Psych's the only one complaining about this then I guess it doesn't matter.

If no one else is opposed I say we drop this. He's just mad because there's absolutely no way he could pull off a support with an npc without forcing it

@ Snike

Jace/Ixion meeting. Would like to do that sometime in the near future.

@ Snowy

Mana's taking after Katie. As in where is she? Where did she go during the Geraro incident?

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I'm actually not going to argue for or against it at this point. The entire support system is a hindrance to what is already strained interactions. If you've noticed, I haven't even touched them lately. It's been nothing but interactions that I feel like doing and damn the consequences.

I personally don't mind it because I know I'm not using it for boosting. If I was LevxViveka would have been a C by now right along with LevxIso, and let's not forget the inevitable LevxIrina B. Not pushing because I don't care either way anymore. Realistically LevxMorgan C only helps Luna, and not much since we haven't seen a stat battle in ... um ... wait ... I can't even remember the last stat battle ....

@ Manakin

Okay I guess we'll deal with her then ... then :/

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Cool. +1 Def, and probably should change relationship to 'love'.

@ Interactions bit: I feel that several interactions in this RP by certain individuals are aimed at metagaming. This is not acceptable, just like creating a character to interact with one, and ONLY one, other character, is not. However, some of these interactions are gold, so for those who write them for enhancement of the story, I applaud thee.

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I actually disapprove of the supports giving bonuses, mainly because it makes people stingy towards handing them out. C was meant to be friendly/more than aquantances, B friends, A, great friends/lovers, and so forth. You know, easy to nail C and maybe a B, but A and S and anything more hard to get.

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Luckily this problem has already been solved ahead of time for the next rp :hat:

The one and only reason people are and were ever against NPCs and PCs supporting is because of the bonuses. If not for that, we would have at least one A support by chapter 15. As far as people's reasons for doing things, I don't really care since it can't be controlled.

@ Support meanings

This is(was) my problem with DamianxAiya. Ether's reasoning for their auto B was based on the interpretation that a B is very close when in fact supports should have nothing to do with how far along a relationship is, but how far it's come since they began the support. PentxLouise logic is not the way to go in this rp.

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... People who are more than acquaintances are usually called "friends." Additionally, if supports give bonuses, wouldn't it be more likely that people would give them out?

Even more additionally, relationship by level should be determined by the people involved in the supports.

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@ Purg

No one wants to just approve a support after some of the incidents we've had. Hell, everyone secretly begrudges Damian and Aiya for killing everything they touch, starting off with an Auto B, etc. People are stingy about giving support levels out because they feel people's motives are just stat boosts and it detracts from the rp when two characters interact solely for a bonus for combat.

Then we've got issues like "When are they ready for the support?"<---Not a big deal, but it's caused problems too.

@ Relationship by level

It initially was determined by just the people involved. That was changed after a heated debate due to the classic metagaming argument which I'll admit is true.

I hate being thrown in with everyone else as potentially a metagamer but if it helps the rp so be it. I rely on good writing and general consensus for support leveling.

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... People who are more than acquaintances are usually called "friends." Additionally, if supports give bonuses, wouldn't it be more likely that people would give them out?

Even more additionally, relationship by level should be determined by the people involved in the supports.

1: That's true. However, that depends on if the people want to be metagamey, or not. That's why we have a bit of an approval system going on here, as to prevent that. Even this is not fail-safe, however, due to the existence of a certain set of characters. :/

2: The problem with that is, the aforementioned metagamish thing, especially when the two supporting are controlled by the same RPer. Self-supports should be outlawed, or stripped of bonuses, since they're at best monologues, and at worst, pathetic excuses for boosts that degrade the RP.

So, AlexXDerek auto-C?

Edit: S does not go with worst in that sentence.

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and nobody said anything about those support changes up there

You should know better, Kiryn. Nobody said anything about the ones you proposed here either. I'm betting it's because usually I'm the one weighing in on opinions, and I'm not chiming in on a chapter I haven't read. I will say based on up to the end of the previous chapter I would not approve those Bs, but that's then, and who knows what now is.

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In terms of NPC supports, I have to agree with Psych and Sage, but am going to officially side with Phoenix on keeping them (but not really caring) Since I'm not RP'ing anymore. NPCxPC creates this whole thing with NPC's never moving off. If Ixion and Cess develop a friendship, under the current system, removing Ixion would result in the two no longer being able to communicate, and the lack of validation for the bonuses.

What you people need to do is figure out the difference between NPC's who stick with the group, (and essentially act as PC's without stats). And genuine NPC's (Mana(?) Ivanko, Ixion) would classify as such as they actually aren't constantly hanging around like Lev :/

However, I'm going to say let the system be, and not bother with changes. This RP has already established a system, it's rather stupid to make corrections this late in the RP. But if you insist on changing it, by all means. It really isn't worth the effort IMO.

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Yuliana Mikhailov?

I don't see why this is in LoAF chat, but nyeh :/

*Tells Phoenix to get back to work* :P

I'll adopt a daddy while I'm at it XD

Sergei Mikhailov is one of the most powerful Russian mobsters. He is the boss of the Moscow based Solsnetskaya Organization the biggest and most powerful Russian Mafia Organization in Russia and probably the world, counting 5.000 members. Mikhailov's power reaches from Moscow to Miami to Geneve and the Middle East.
Edited by Kanami
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