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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Ninian and Nils? You mean those two dragon humans that end up joining the list of PC's? :/ The only reason they're Green is because the creators didn't want the players to be in control of the characters that early. And didn't Nils join as early as Lyns campaign? :/

As for Uther, I have no idea what you're talking about, but I don't think he'd tag along as an NPC, creating a Mana effect where he's capable of fighting but opts to stand back and collect dust.

I'm not saying all NPC's should be unnamed, Harold is a good NPC. Daneka might be a good NPC, Lev is a bad NPC, since he's no different from the rest of the PC's. (Maybe he doesn't participate in stat fights, but he most likely has stats)

^ :facepalm: So the only thing not making him a PC is your laziness? Great classification thing you have going here.

Edited by Kanami
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Uther has a better excuse than Mana actually ... what with the dying and all. Anyway, what I was pointing out is that there are similar cases. Uther=Ivanko, etc. Only showing up every once in awhile while still being named.

As for Nils and Ninian, that was also something that could be applied here. I specifically mentioned several times that Lev might become a PC for the latter fights(which I meant as either very last battle or a couple of battles prior). Of course he actually has to stay alive until then and as I point out once in a bluemoon, none of my characters are death immune(except Kiev since some people like him a lot).

Lev's stats were also posted here sometime ago though they've been updated. Actually all my characters save for Ivanko have stats at this point XD (Yeah, Stephanie is stat'd XD )

Anyway, my point is that Greens whether meant to join or not were NPCs. It doesn't matter if they join or unjoin. When they're NPCs they're NPCs.

@ Laziness

Laziness and approval though I don't really want or need approval since I have no intention of involving him in these messy battles directly.

Edited by Phoenix
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Ninian and Nils? You mean those two dragon humans that end up joining the list of PC's? :/ The only reason they're Green is because the creators didn't want the players to be in control of the characters that early. And didn't Nils join as early as Lyns campaign? :/

As for Uther, I have no idea what you're talking about, but I don't think he'd tag along as an NPC, creating a Mana effect where he's capable of fighting but opts to stand back and collect dust.

I'm not saying all NPC's should be unnamed, Harold is a good NPC. Daneka might be a good NPC, Lev is a bad NPC, since he's no different from the rest of the PC's. (Maybe he doesn't participate in stat fights, but he most likely has stats)

^ :facepalm: So the only thing not making him a PC is your laziness? Great classification thing you have going here.

Nils and Ninian flip between NPC/PC a few times throughout the story. One of them will always be an NPC though.

Uther was sick at the time of the game(or something to that effect) so if he accompanied the party he'd have to sit out because of that, possibly.

Now Guinevere of FE6, is a NPC who's with you most of the game. Can she fight? Possibly, if her Trial Maps performance is any showing, but then we get into the dire hell if that is or is not canon. Elphin is also a curious case, because you can not recruit him but he'll accompany you anyway, he doesn't fight in this case because you'd already have a Dancer so a Bard would be redundant. I do not know if the reverse holds true however. If you recruit him and the Dancer accompanies.

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When they're NPC's they're characters controlled by the game, or in this case the incompetent excuse for a GM you have. Due to your GM I can understand players having to step up, but an NPC is usually a character that's their for plots sake. Ivanko's a good NPC, he like Harold. However some (Perhaps the 3 Kiryn could think of) are they're simply for the sake of being there.

The question is, why is he an NPC? Is he dying like Uther? Is he useless as a fighter? Is Marcus a green NPC? It doesn't really matter, As Kiryn simply stated, the main difference is stats or no stats. And Lev infringes upon that classification. I don't know why you people say it's the "Main" and not "only" difference, but maybe it's some foolish pride thing most of you seem to have in regards to LoAF. I don't know :/

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I am generally opposed to traveling NPCs as well, unless they somehow fulfill some necessary non-combat purpose. Lev carries stuff, it's kind of sketchy but it's something, Mana and Jasmine really don't have good excuses

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lol Pride. Not really. If you don't like the definitions then ignore them like you're already doing. As for Lev. He's Lev. There aren't enough complaints to oust him and he's actually managed to do more than just carry things though that job is about to end in the near future as will some other things I'm getting bored with.

As for Jasmine, she was a utility character though that is also about to end. I also had and still have a plot event that will start the instant a third pegasus knight is recruited if Jasmine isn't gone by that time to remove her from the party.

Mana's also being hijacked from the party by Ixion so the haters will have a chapter free from her at least.

Strange timing for these things to come up actually :/

EDIT: Water girl?

Edited by Phoenix
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I thought I was the one who raised the question? If so, how am I ignoring the definitions? Essentially, what you're saying is if I don't agree with you, I should go away :/ Which, I suppose would prevent conflict, but obviously I'm not one to go quiet just for the sake of avoiding conflict, if anything I enjoy creating it.

I'm not making a specific attack on Lev for being more PC then NPC, but I was inquiring what the difference between a PC and an NPC was in this RP. Kiryns answer sufficed, but you seem to want to argue this just as much as I do and keep coming up with poor excuses, future promises and concepts that make little to no sense.

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Not what I meant at all. I told you what the definitions we were using were, and you ignored them and repeatedly insisting on there being only one reason. As for avoiding conflict? I honestly don't care. What I was doing was pointing out things that were pre-established about the characters in question.

Your Birdy assessments have been pretty off lately :P

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If you read, I have not ignored your post, but have clearly stated that your definition is lacking and inaccurate.

PC: Playable character within the party that can directly participate in stat battles, gain exp, and supports(from which characters is still being loosely debated)

-Several NPC are within the party, and have been for prolonged periods of time. As other have stated "traveling NPC's"

-One can not gain exp without stat battles, and even if default exp is handed out, without stat battles they are not any different in regards to classifying NPC's. Character of "NPC" origins under your definition seem to be promoted classes anyway. As for holding stats, unless you're a Ninian/Nils and have very little combat capabilities, you have one of two options. Either fight with stats, or stand around aimlessly while people kill each other around you.

-Supports are available to NPC's as well, and they have been since the controversial KatieXIso back near the beginning.

Overall the only thing classifying whether a character is a PC or NPC is stats. As I have repeated several times. You however insist on this vague and useless definition which could apply to PC's NPC's and enemies alike. Why don't you categorize NPC's as "characters that are in the RP" while you're at it?

NPC: Character(obviously playable or they wouldn't exist) that may or may not travel with the party that cannot actively participate in stat battles (some npcs have stats, most of mine anyway just in case a fight breaks out)

-Perhaps condenses it a bit more by saying characters with stats but without the ability to participate in battle are also classified as NPC's. If so, why can't they participate in battle? Plots sake? Realism is something both you and Snowy are seriously lacking.

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Harold is officially a ninja.

By this, I mean, I have no idea what Kaileen is doing. Edit to clarify, plz. Harold is not in the vicinity, methinks.

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As for Jasmine, she was a utility character though that is also about to end. I also had and still have a plot event that will start the instant a third pegasus knight is recruited if Jasmine isn't gone by that time to remove her from the party.

Mana's also being hijacked from the party by Ixion so the haters will have a chapter free from her at least.

*coughTristancough* Haha male Pegasus. :P

Appearently, there was this thing called a Water tome. And it was super powerful and important, but we forgot about it. And the HM wanted us to protect us from Helenos, who hasn't even sent people after us since the swamp. >_>

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If you read, I have not ignored your post, but have clearly stated that your definition is lacking and inaccurate.

-Several NPC are within the party, and have been for prolonged periods of time. As other have stated "traveling NPC's"

-One can not gain exp without stat battles, and even if default exp is handed out, without stat battles they are not any different in regards to classifying NPC's. Character of "NPC" origins under your definition seem to be promoted classes anyway. As for holding stats, unless you're a Ninian/Nils and have very little combat capabilities, you have one of two options. Either fight with stats, or stand around aimlessly while people kill each other around you.

-Supports are available to NPC's as well, and they have been since the controversial KatieXIso back near the beginning.

Overall the only thing classifying whether a character is a PC or NPC is stats. As I have repeated several times. You however insist on this vague and useless definition which could apply to PC's NPC's and enemies alike. Why don't you categorize NPC's as "characters that are in the RP" while you're at it?

-Perhaps condenses it a bit more by saying characters with stats but without the ability to participate in battle are also classified as NPC's. If so, why can't they participate in battle? Plots sake? Realism is something both you and Snowy are seriously lacking.

@ Exp

Wrong. It's actually possible for characters who are established PC characters to gain exp outside of stat battles. The rule was instituted for those who miss stat battles (which is +5 exp per missed battle). That definition was there for a reason.

This is a separate rule from the initial exp handout that covers characters who miss out on battles due to whatever reason.

@ Without stat battles

Yes, WITHOUT stat battles, there is one less definition separating PCs and NPCs. At the moment though, that isn't the case.

As for the NPCs not participating in battles, I honestly don't care. Why would I cause a huge fuss by turning Lev into a PC (making him the strongest in the group for a time) and being my forth PC when I can just work with who I've got and let him carry the bags until another subplot kicks in?

@ Supports

Available to some, but unofficially not to all. Mana travels with the group, but I bet you an inn fire post that if Snowy or me, or anyone peripherally related even utters the word support, they'll be rejected immediately. I suspect the only reason no one whines and complains about Lev is because he actually comes in handy and is well written enough to keep people off my back. It's rather sad really.

@ Categorizing

Why don't I add another useless definition? Because I don't feel like it. PC, NPC, and Enemy definitions currently work just fine for me and haven't caused any actual problems. If I mention one of the categories people know exactly what I mean.

... Good. Enough. For me.

@ Realism

Let me state once again that I refuse to be hounded by people for making Lev a PC and I'm not nerfing his stats just to be fair to other characters, therefore the only solution is to ignore the PC option altogether. That makes Lev an NPC who's traveling with the party, and playing 007 on certain days. Deal with it or ignore it.

As for Mana, not my problem.

*coughTristancough* Haha male Pegasus. :P

Appearently, there was this thing called a Water tome. And it was super powerful and important, but we forgot about it. And the HM wanted us to protect us from Helenos, who hasn't even sent people after us since the swamp. >_>

I said THIRD pegasus knight, not SECOND. Viveka is the only PC pegasus knight in the party until Tristan joins which would make him the second.

As for the water tome, my characters didn't all forgot about the tome so much as stopped caring. Maybe Irina forgot, but Iso's a renegade(always has been) hence he doesn't care, Lev doesn't care, and Viveka especially doesn't care. Jasmine is Jasmine(though now would be an excellent time for the Water Girl job to become a literal pun ... give her the tome, she'll carry it).

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I imagine Harold=Henry, similar to the Travis/Tristan error I made several chapters ago.

I hope. But, we haven't clarified if it's Henry Jr or not she's holding hands with. I need to see the edit, as it may affect his reaction.

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As Damian returned from his talk with Tessa, he showed no sign of whatever the talk had comprised of. Perhaps it had been scarring for him, or perhaps he even needed to try to forget it to retain his resolve. One may never know, unless the conversation were to be revealed at a later date... who knows if Damian would ever speak of it?

"I'm back. Sorry for keeping you."

I got a kick out of this :lol:

Update: The next post in the gallery will contain Ixion's completed sprite, two separate version of Mana (one with only two wings and the other with all six), Arrin's sprite (only if I finish it in time), and the final Kelas update.

Sprite progress:

Ixion: 99.99%

Mana: 99.99%

Mana V2: 80%

Arrin: 16%

Kelas V3: Finished

Mystery Chick: 3%

Current Queue:

Reika (I won't need the details til after the gallery gets updated)


That is all.

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