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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Just going to mention this really quickly, before I go.Guys, bosses,at the least, get saving rolls if they have positive luck. Please factor that in next time the controller is away.

Also, I doubt I'll be on tonight. Work.

[21:33:26]<Balcerzak> Did Elle, Njord, Sniper attempt saving throws?

[21:33:32]<PANTS-Script0> 1 Shaman is dead from Kelas.

[21:33:33]<Psych> yeah so I got 16 exp >_>

[21:33:36]<Cynthia> ...no

[21:33:37]* Kiryn is now known as Guest1395

[21:33:53]<Cynthia> enemies don't get saving throws I think

[21:33:53]* Snowy has quit (Exit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)

[21:33:58]<Cynthia> I'm overruling Snike

[21:34:02]<Phoenix> lol

[21:34:05]<Balcerzak> okay, that works

To clear things up, just make sure to give them the explicit Saving Roll skill that Snowy invented way back perhaps? I don't even know man. I guess discussion could happen.

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To clear things up, just make sure to give them the explicit Saving Roll skill that Snowy invented way back perhaps? I don't even know man. I guess discussion could happen.

I believe bosses should have assumed saving rolls, but yes, we do need to discuss this.

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Unrelated: It's funny that Snowy's mad about us finishing the fight "early". It was pretty much the longest stat fight we've ever had. Didn't it take us nearly an hour to finish off the last couple of guys? :lol:

Related: I really prefer to just handle things case by case and don't really care for establishing things like saving rolls for bosses. If the controller wants saving rolls it really should just be made a skill, then it pretty much has to be done and the issue ends there. If they don't have the skill then no. It's not like they sacrifice points for skills by default so tagging a saving roll skill really shouldn't be a problem.

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Unrelated: It's funny that Snowy's mad about us finishing the fight "early". It was pretty much the longest stat fight we've ever had. Didn't it take us nearly an hour to finish off the last couple of guys? :lol:

wut, wasnt that like 2 pages of stat fight?

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Mini-recap of Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'

Basically a quick rundown on what Heinz has seen and observed in partial bullet point form. I tried not to have him say too much, in part because of his personality and continuity issues. A flashback may be necessary between Heinz, Irina, and possibly Aiya after this post.

The lady, General Richard, and General Punch:

The lady with General Richard giggled and stayed happily in Lord Harold's arms until Lord Harold and his harem had to leave.

General Richard conversed with various nobles and had a good time until Lord Harold left and his lady began complaining. He was forced to go home early without talking to either the king or queen of Septimus regarding Jerdon.

General Punch left after the king and queen called the ball to a close, only slightly inebriated himself.


Sees Kelas walking off with a somewhat wobbly Arrin and various people from the party dancing.

Drinks soup, ponders dancing later.

Begins to walk back and sees Tristan and General Alex talking together, presumably about military issues. Cannot hear what they are saying.

Sees Alferis drunk, laughs and stays away.

Notices Kamilla, who he vaguely remembers as turning traitor on them, with an unknown duke talking to Luc and Tessa. Drinks a glass of punch (#3, normal liquor Link Link).

Hears Harold's challenge, ignores it until Ixion and the headmaster come back in, watches in amusement. Notices Reika to the side, ignores in favor of watching Harold get angry.

Drinks another glass of punch, is about to head back to Irina when Kamilla scene erupts and listens in. Sees Daneka/Lev and Viveka/Derek dance off, goes back to find Irina. Misses out on majority of Kamilla panic after Morgan and Reika enter.

Comes back when Kamilla starts screaming, learns her side of the story. Notes that she is a Septimian Reformist, recognizes enemy swordsman (Alphonse) and pegasus knight (Jasmine). Confirmed that Reika lost the daggers. Goes to help Morgan, but Reika is already restrained by Luc. Excuses himself, leaves right around when the guards leave. (Link Right after the first sentence, if Script doesn't mind).

Wanders around inside ballroom looking for Irina, feels somewhat lightheaded, wanders through random hall not containing Daneka/Lev/Stephanie/Altion. Goes outside as the ball ends, hears ruckus and finds Irina, Aiya, Kiev and the guards.

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Not that I have any authority in the matter or anything, but Reika stabbing a Halton soldier after it's dead makes perfect sense to my original concept of Reika. She probably wouldn't go as far as slicing off fingers and keeping them as keepsakes, but it wouldn't at all be awkward for her to make sure that the deceased can't get a proper burial/be recognized.

@Psych ban

Lmao XD


I'm just that bored, had to resort to online games lately to prevent myself from picking up a new hobby (staring at the ceiling/blank screen)

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Wee! I'm doing good with her then.


You are treading on thin ice mister. We probably just shouldn't have banned you from IRC, we probably should've kicked you out of the RP long ago.

@Kanami being bored

Play some D&D. Or some other game. Or find some hilariously awesome stuff to read,d mainly because of it's stupidity. Or make some youtube videos. Those suggestions any good?


Vera was already dead you know.

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We probably just shouldn't have banned you from IRC, we probably should've kicked you out of the RP long ago.

I've only been telling y'all that for how long?

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Recap for Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess

If it seems out of place for Heinz to have overheard some of this, I'll change it. Only one chapter + 45 more pages left! :lol:

After talking with Irina and Aiya?, Heinz sleeps, waking up with a headache. (Drank a moderate amount of alcohol). He goes to eat food with the others, drinks a bit of the tea. Watches Esphyr and Alferis stumble down drunk, greets Charlotte, leaves soon after to change into normal clothing. Misses seeing Irina, and changes back into normal clothes.

Goes outside, finally finds them and watches Miranda rebind Iso. Throws knife in attempt to help Kelas with pack of wolves. Insert vaguely helpful comment regarding finding Daranau. Heinz hangs around, not in the vicinity of Geraro rampage. Notes Damian leaving, hears of city damage from the general party.

Stays inside castle, continues eating, eventually finds people discussing plan to lure out the demons. Stays as part of the main group, prepares to get ready, misses seeing Charlotte healing Reika and Esphyr. Waits around in vicinity of castle, Prince Tristan arrives. Is herded inside by Morgan with everyone else. Watches Derek and General Alex negotiate over Pary. Sleep for the night.

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More like you trying to change stats and for you trying to argue your godmodding and cheating ways as an ok thing.

@Purg I always sort of wanted to say it and occasionally I had, but I was worried about sounding like an ass.

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