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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Out of curiosity, we've been travelling and hauling around the deceased/dying for 3days now, I get the feeling that this.... stalling, is because no one knows what to do once we get to the capitol. (Unless of course everyone's serious about a court case)

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RIGHT! :facepalm:

It was a PM convo

@ Cynthia

Here ....

I didn't personally think it was a fatal poison. A date rape drug at worst, a disgusting ailment inducing concoction at best. Rather than just try to mess with your plans, I needed Iso and Irina to react appropriately(Iso being so suspicious and distrustful of the group, that he'd snoop around if he got the chance/Irina being too naive after a simple examining of the situation)

The reason I made Iso peek into the kitchen wasn't just to mess with you, it was also to keep him in character. Last time, he got hungry and went after Katie's sandwiches which was just slightly out of character. Since they weren't poisoned, he trusts her ... mostly. Some of his past friends got offed in that manner, so I wanted to illustrate that. Kudos for being so awkwardly thorough though.

Well whatever your intentions were, it worked well overall for me

What I've always been missing throughout these chapters is context so any reaction I make to certain events will look like a god modded defense, when in actuality, if the character knows about the environment, he has to respond that way(Iso eating anything he didn't see prepared didn't make any sense and it shouldn't have even happened with the sandwiches). Anything else was probably just a dumb mistake on my part.

My NPCs are in no way safe however <_<

@ Wyvern cage

That .. was ... hilarious XD

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I'm setting up a a day of timeskip, after my next post, for the mini-group. The point's valid about the main group, however.

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So technically I just need to read your controls, and then abuse the hell out of them?

I now approve of these character control guides 100% :D

JK, Haven't even bothered reading any yet. Though I might today if it's so quiet that I decide to write up a control myself.


For the timeskip, I'm happy to have Kamilla wake up and just follow Eric, so no conditions on my behalf, and I openly agree with a timeskip, not much to do in Istample now.

Kanami's destruction list.

Darien: check

Halton Camp in Darien: check

Temp Camp in Darien: check.

Meshfields: Not human built structure, or human residence

Border Town: Check

Istample: Check

Selizara: Check

Ilyphina: Pending

Edited by Kanami
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Lightning/Phoenix have control of the ones leading right now(Viveka is physically leading,Conrad in another sense)

So one of them needs to get us to Conrad.

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We likely all assumed Snowy would take the lead on the capital business, and I would interrupt things with the Shanice event or something. Either way, by the time this is over, we'll likely be running as fast as we can from the capital.

@ Ether

Not sure where Conrad is(how far away the castle/fortress is). I could just warp him to the command center, but I don't know if Lightning wanted the group held up in the castle, in a prison, or at the command center. This probably won't matter anyway until morning. It's pretty much midnight now.

@ Nady

Ahhhh sh*t :facepalm:

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Well, at least Istample survived a chapter... And, it was me who wrecked it, thank you very much.

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Well, the structures are still intact, and the inhabitants didn't have genocide commited against them :/ So I'm not really happy with that result, but I don't really care who destroys it as long as we have a trail of destruction everywhere we go.

Forgot to add

Cobalt Caves: partially checked (Courtesy of Snike, since he demands credit)


Frankly, I don't see how Snowy can do much, depending on when you plan to have the Shanice event, there isn't much time between arrival, Shanice, fkee! (Damn Kit, nvm different forum). So I assumed the Elsyimmian business was taken over and regulated by you and Lightning.

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I was under the impression there were many medic wagons, due to many injured. You want him in the same wagon as the others?

Okay, he'll be in the other half that Tessa hasn't seen yet then.

I was under the impression there was only one

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^ :facepalm:

Must be one hell of a medic wagon then <_<


See? My destruction works for the better in the end. That's why you should continue to let me do whatever the hell I feel like when I want :P

Though I doubt you had a serious confrontation planned out with Viveka

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See? My destruction works for the better in the end. That's why you should continue to let me do whatever the hell I feel like when I want :P

Though I doubt you had a serious confrontation planned out with Viveka

Let me explain -_-

Viv was dead set on capturing the group if you noticed. She had no intention of compromising in any way. Her goal was to tie everyone up, and haul them off in chains. Instead, everyone's pretty much riding shotgun, and that bull wyvern she hates, is only wearing a muzzle. How the hell did this happen you ask?

Rain. Nady's initiation of rain forced me to change Viv's strategy from that of a determined officer, to a desperately impatient fashionista. She's not like Irina, weather proof and willing to sleep outside. Viv's a city girl now, hates being wet or dirty, and getting to the capital took priority after the rain started.

Read my posts again, you'll noticed the change in attitude from start to finish.

If not for the rain, Damian could not have convinced her to untie everyone, nor allow Ulfy to run around. A battle of some kind was highly likely.

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*Watches everyone conveniently ignore Kai* The way it should be :)

@Kai, stop asking stupid questions.


I noticed the change, but put it down to your personal outlook.


Trying to stay in character/Military girl


Not caring anymore/Viveka doesn't care anymore.

But I suppose in retrospect what you say is true.

Either way I doubt you would have had everyone knocked out, or vice versa. So it wasn't that big of a mistake on my behalf.

Everyone gets angry when I use fire, but doesn't mind water.... Where's the nearest waterfall? XD

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@ Nady

I'll admit, I was sick of the scene as a whole, but midway through the capture I realized that I wasn't out of character at all and decided to keep doing what I was doing. Got lucky I guess :unsure:

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I'm going to vote down, Kai getting prosecutor since the groups bound to get off then :/

@Ether: If you're ever planning an attack on the group, I can most likely support the chaos with something of my own. And as long as it's detrimental to the group I'm happy XD

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I'm going to vote down, Kai getting prosecutor since the groups bound to get off then

Nady you dont know anything

But since your prosecution im going to assist Ether

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