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Nady you dont know anything

But since your prosecution im going to assist Ether

I seriously doubt that, and at the very least if I don't know anything, then you're well beyond the range of stupid.

For one, your comments about Reika/Kamilla being lawyers is enough to make me wonder if you even know what a prosecutor is :/


Less planning, more plot XD

Edited by Kanami
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IMO Nady's probably going to end up being the prosecutor. It's the only guaranteed way to get a conviction without Damian being able to do anything about it.

I could be prosecution ... but I'd have to make another NPC first. Willing but nothing's decided yet.

@ Kai

I figured she'd do what she and I have always done and just make a new character for said event.

Edited by Phoenix
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@ Kai

You should know by now that the prosecutor is going to be a character that Nady creates on the spot. The prosecution needs to be someone who won't biasly protect the group, and that's clearly Nady -_-

Illiterate and stupid :facepalm:

Someone save this boy

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I think we should decide whether we actually want a court case or of we want wacky shenanigans to break us free (I can provide NPCs for said shenanigans if wanted). If we're doing a court case, let's just get to the damn thing.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Right, I forgot, you don't read other peoples posts.

@Cynthia, I'm in agreement here.

If we're going down the guilty route we might as well just skip this and throw everyone in jail.

If innocent... well a court case might be in order, or someone will have to come up with a really good excuse.

Not entirely supporting the court case at the moment, I can only think of one person who'd probably have any idea of what they're doing, and it's not me.

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I haven't expressed an opinion on whether or not we should do the court case yet.

In light of recent events, I'm in support of it. Here's why:

Lightning and I have yet to come up with anything else.

If we aren't convicted, that's the end of that.

If we are convicted, Nady will be sated by the time sh*t stops blowing up.

It's a defined road we can take. There aren't any others at the moment.

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Case 6748: The people vs Halton soldiers

Major Defendants: Damian for slaughter of Elysimian knights. Isotov: For burning down a hotel and killing many others. Chase: For thieving. Everyone gets assault charges by default. Anything im missing?

EDIT: Morgan gets kidnapping charges

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:/ Do you want me to make a new defined road?

As for you two not being able to come up with anything, you can thank me for that :)

Though what arguments can you come up with that are in support of a pardon?

They attacked us first? (State most likely demanded your arrest)

We're innocent? (Tell that to the dead soliders, and the fact is, you're not)

I'm a Haltonian soldier (Doesn't equate to political immunity, and that only helps Damian/Aiya not the group)

My word is the word of Haltons honor. (Big deal, might have an impact if the two nations are best friends, but no such hint has been given. Otherwise, meaningless)

If you can think of anything else, then go ahead, but I don't see any way you can argue the groups innocence (though individual pardons might be possible).

Either way, if we're having a court case, fast forward to the court or some event that's close to it, since waiting for Viveka to reach the capitol is taking forever.

Oh I forgot:

Isotov: My tome sets fire to random things, I can't control it? (Just 'lol')

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Nady has a point

We pretty much forced our way into a city, blew up a portion of a town, set an inn on fire, attack imperial soldiers, assaulted one of the five heroes, killed a peg knight captain and resisted arrest.

Lets see you talk your way our of this, Ether :/

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The point of the court case is for us to be most likely found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging. They'll cage the mounts and try to sell them while they hang us. Before we get hanged, some violence goes down. I leave what happens after that ... to you guys -_-

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It's actually been indicated that Halton attacks other nations on a fairly regular basis, so if anything being a soldier of Halton makes things worse, I think I had Celeste bring that up before attacking Aiya.

Group innocence is pretty impossible at this point, if not for the original crime than for the murders done while resisting arrest. Therefore, I see the options as jailbreak or break out now (or have everyone put to death, but that obviously has issues).

Edited by -Cynthia-
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The only witnesses you can call are the accused. (yourselves)

They have

-Guard (Phoenix mentioned this from Border town escape)

-Percy (Nuff said)

-More guards (That survived or witnessed the group running)

I've sealed off a few witnesses for the groups sake, but this is all I can do to assist innoncence.

Innkeeper/Matron (Border town taken over by bandits)

Innkeeper/Matron (Istample: dead) (They might have seen Phoenix fight off soldiers when they went back for Katie)

Border guards (Again sealed off due to border takeover, the ones that were after the girls)

Kai's listed most of the charges above, get a guilty in even one of those, and it's jail time, Hence I see no point in a trial.

@Cynthia's point: Missed that detail -_- But it's true, we're screwed XD

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I'm still in favor of the trial. SO MUCH CAN GO WRONG!

Harold will likely show up to haul Katie away and then Iso can have a damn conniption and blow up the courtroom InsaneLaughter.gif

Headmaster could get curious and show up.

We could be at the gallows seconds from hanging, when all of a sudden! Headmaster! :awesome:

Shanice ... nough said -_-

Ixion, if he sees the benefits absolute destruction.

The trio might actually get there in time to help.

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@ Cynthia

Whatcha doin? :mellow:

@ Everyone else

Just have to make sure everyone's done with posting. The time skip is going to place us a couple of hours before the trial.


Mounts are in stables or corrals awaiting the fate of the group.

(They can't break out, not even Ulfhrahn due to insane number of snipers)

Group all held captive in cell block 327(starwars joke XD )

Judge: Snowy, and Cynthia if she gets bored

Defense: Ether, and Kai

Prosecution: Phoenix, Nady, and God who knows exactly what we did :facepalm:

Witnesses: Not sure on all of them

Guard from the border town may show up.

Viveka will have to give testimony.

Conrad will have to be there.

Some of the injured will have to give testimony as well.

Trio status: Not ... that ... far ... away ....

Ixion and Stephanie status: At a hotel/inn close by.

Shanice status: You don't even want to know where that bastard is lurking :facepalm:

Is everybody clear on that?

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