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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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*Nods her head* Not involved XD

Horses shouldn't be an issue, there should be Elysimmia's horses around, and if those aren't okay, there's still a pack horse.

But I assume you meant you didn't want to split off from the main group just yet.

Tessa might have a bleeding heart, but I doubt Arrin/Kelas have issues with running away.

Assuming you do run, where to? Halton?

I'd think that best.

Bal's hinted at wanting to leave Elysimma

Ether seems to be planning a war

Nady is happy with anything as long as it doesn't involve going to Ilyphina at the moment (too much hassle)

Only people wanting to go are

Phoenix, Chase and possibly Snike and Snowy.

Not too sure. but it seems pretty equal to me at the moment.

PS what time is it for the main group? Night? 1~3AM? Dawn? Early morning?

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I would say that we could run to Ilyphina. We still have to contact Conrad (and now rescue Katie), so our business is there. It would just be good to do it...not in custody.

I was picturing around midnight.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Hmmm, so you're going to lie low in Ilyphina? Amusing way to turn events, but pretty sure that decreases the possibility of Viveka/Conrad recruitment. Since I doubt Morgan's

"You have a crimson weapon and hence have no choice to join us" pep talk will work on Conrad.

Though that's just my opinion.

I'm happy to sit on the sidelines and watch for now, might throw in a bit of trouble later.

(So still a good few hours behind Eric's group in terms of time, Hmmm)

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Morgan's arguments have a tendency to only convince her. How Conrad reacts to everything will be Rein's decision though.

I imagine the group will head to look for Katie first, probably triggering some complaints from Morgan.

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I'm skeptical on whether the Demon Lord is even a threat XD, I mean, there's no sign of demons other then the Mesh, which could just be some monster, and Ivanko

*Imagines Ivanko shouting war cries and swatting flies and cockroaches* literally

@Snike: If you're looking for a peaceful way to introduce Dani then you might want to get it out of the way before the group arrives. If you're aiming for a more hostile "Wait, I know you" type of battle encounter then there's bound to be something like that happening at the capitol.


So our choices are to either take Morgan's bait and flee, or sit still and wait for Phoenix's court trial.

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Consdering the title of the RP, the Lord of Azure Flame is probably the Big Bad, or at least the Sealed Evil in a Can.

In character of course, it makes sense to be skeptical and regard Morgan as a psycho.

We could easily run into Dani on our way to the Institute while looking for Katie.

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Not everyone has to escape, and it seems unlikely that Arrin, Kelas, Tessa, and Morgan will escape. Iso's not exactly in the best condition to be moved either, but that's the mages' fault.

EDIT: The rescue mission would be easier that way too. Let the badasses in the group escape, then break everyone else that didn't escape out later.

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Not everyone has to escape, and it seems unlikely that Arrin, Kelas, Tessa, and Morgan will escape. Iso's not exactly in the best condition to be moved either, but that's the mages' fault.

The medic wagon was cut off from the main wagon, giving them a greater chance to escape not less (around primarily injured soldiers).

Not to mention, having only the four of them go to trial would be really awkward. "I bet you healed some people who did some crimes!"

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The medic wagon was cut off from the main wagon, giving them a greater chance to escape not less (around primarily injured soldiers).

Not to mention, having only the four of them go to trial would be really awkward. "I bet you healed some people who did some crimes!"

I had a great gallows scene ready for them too. Oh well. This'll still be an interesting scatter.

@ Lacuna


We're outside(within a half mile) the city gates(plenty of new guards). Like I said, escape is unlikely. They can escape, but they better knock out the driver and hightail it right now.

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Peaceful wasn't the idea, so, feel free to go on the search for Katie. Yeah, Eric is likely to take at least one hit from her, before recruitment. Or, she gets knocked out. Either works.

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So how many groups are we breaking into now? 3?


Technically, Iso, might not be in any condition to flee, but Irina+Kiev could get him out couldn't they? I know that your goals are to have a trial at the moment, but under these circumstances I can't imagine anyone willingly giving up and saying "Nah, we'll stick with the soldiers"

Unless they're suicidal.

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So how many groups are we breaking into now? 3?


Technically, Iso, might not be in any condition to flee, but Irina+Kiev could get him out couldn't they? I know that your goals are to have a trial at the moment, but under these circumstances I can't imagine anyone willingly giving up and saying "Nah, we'll stick with the soldiers"

Unless they're suicidal.

Irina isn't the splitting up and fleeing type(unless she can make a quick buck). She won't know where to go and will be looking for leadership. In all likelihood, by the time she realizes that it was a good idea to run, she'll be surrounded.

The only way for Iso and Irina to get away is for Damian to gather them up BEFORE Viveka gets back. With that, I'll probably resume posting tomorrow to give Ether said chance.

EDITED: For gr4mm4r

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Fire! Bite me <_<

And no, it's not a pointless fire, well actually it is, but I needed it as an indicator.

@Snike: With Gerry, did you have any background planned for him (the dead bandit) or was he just some random bandit you made to emphasize Eric's bad luck?

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Silence you! >_<

Kanami has work to do, she isn't like silly brainless Phoenix, and it can't be helped if she doesn't comprehend which thread she's posting in. How the hell did you even see that anyway? I was up for like 3 seconds <_<

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Fire! Bite me <_<

And no, it's not a pointless fire, well actually it is, but I needed it as an indicator.

@Snike: With Gerry, did you have any background planned for him (the dead bandit) or was he just some random bandit you made to emphasize Eric's bad luck?

Random bandit, for the bad luck.

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Silence you! >_<

Kanami has work to do, she isn't like silly brainless Phoenix, and it can't be helped if she doesn't comprehend which thread she's posting in. How the hell did you even see that anyway? I was up for like 3 seconds <_<

Perfect timing on my part XD

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