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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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:( And i thought we didnt have to worry about fire anymore since Nady is gone

Who you calling "Nady" twerp? I guess it's better then Nads though

Bad timing though since I'm sort of back, figured now'd be a safe time to return since onefates left right after I did, and there's no sign of him returning. Just not sure who, or where I should throw myself in :P

I think it's a good think Iso's Bin and cue, MDS and nvm :P is reluctant to join, I mean, most of you have a goal (CW) and it's not at all surprising that everyone with a CW wasn't raised to want to save the world XD

Plus, Fire ftw!

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I actually enjoyed Phoenix's Isotov joining sequence.

Then again I generally enjoy his posts because the dialogue is pretty witty, they have pictures, and the style makes them easy to read.

Why do I get so much less Exp for mauling and destroying a mesh than everyone else? I essentially killed one all by myself.

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XD Karma, Morgan's a bitch and the EXP God acts accordingly?

Not sure what happened with the Mesh, but for you to get the same amount as Ian, you either slept through the whole thing, or snowy made mistake XD

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I apologize. I must have missed it. That would be 10 more EXP.

Edit: I do enjoy Phoenix's dialogue too. I wish I could write like that.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Send me a pm so I don't miss the next EXP thing :unsure:

Also, funny you guys mentioned my posting method :awesome:

If you haven't noticed, that is the same format I use for my fanfic, minus the extra spaces. I also use mugs from time to time, and I figured doing that the same way with the rp would work nicely. I'm just ticked that there's an actual limit :(

(Also is this the proper spelling for "Fimbulvetr"? I thought I saw a typo in my story somewhere.)

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Im sorry if i am being a little paranoid but i dont think that



Can beat Mr badass over here


I appreciate the vote of confidence but it's probable. If Ivanko dueled them while riding his wyvern, they'd have lost, and I'm absolutely certain it was contact dueling(meaning that armor protection isn't considered, you lose if you take a hit to the chest or something). Basically FE-wise, the Black Knight(Zelgius) is unstoppable in actual combat, but he still takes hits. In a contact matches, he would lose as soon as he took a shot to the chest. With both Damian and Aiya fighting him, either one could have gotten close if Ivanko attacked one but didn't recover in time. But that's just my take on the odds :mellow:

Where'd you get that soldier pic?

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A query for y'all. As Aiya is a dismounted knight,she obviously has the ability to...mount.But I'm not quite sure which type of mount to choose.The only real differences are skills and the secondary weapon,I guess,but does anyone have any input?

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I see. Ivanko obviously got RNG screwed.

I uploaded it to Photobucket.

And Ether that is really how i picture Damian as

Damian really needs a portrait

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If you're aiming for a standard class, I think horse is the only one that works (since Aiya's a sword user), right?

If we're allowing for nonstandard weapon/mount combinations, though, I don't know about horse vs. wyvern but I would probably rule out a pegasus, just for story purposes, given that we haven't actually seen any yet (I'm not sure what Snowy wants do do with peg knights, since in the FE games there's usually one main country that employs them.) I guess there's also the matter of whether you want the flying unit weaknesses or the ground unit terrain issues.

I might also lean towards horse because we have a wyvern rider (Irina) but we haven't got a cavalier yet, and they can be pretty useful.

(Though yes, I'm a bit biased and you should get other input as well :P)

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I actually enjoyed Phoenix's Isotov joining sequence.

Then again I generally enjoy his posts because the dialogue is pretty witty, they have pictures, and the style makes them easy to read.

I thought it was dangerously close to grandstanding for a bit there, but I do have to admit to skimming a bunch of it, mostly because his posting style gives me a serious headache and makes it difficult for me to focus on them. I wasn't going to bother mentioning it because he apologized in advance, but then was shocked when you said you enjoyed it that way, so had to chime in with my 2¢.

(Also is this the proper spelling for "Fimbulvetr"? I thought I saw a typo in my story somewhere.)

Fimbulvetr and fimbulvinter both appear to be acceptable, from the very brief checks I did.

Where'd you get that soldier pic?

The background makes me think it's from the face-mugs sheet compilation. That green color is a distinctive give-away. I

A query for y'all. As Aiya is a dismounted knight,she obviously has the ability to...mount.But I'm not quite sure which type of mount to choose.The only real differences are skills and the secondary weapon,I guess,but does anyone have any input?

She seems built far too sturdily for pegasi, IMHO.

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They all get swords post promo,Aiya is just a case of using swords pre promo instead of lances.

I'm pretty sure I've seen Karin (peg knight) using swords pre-promo. She just has to be dismounted. Just like Aiya is. But then again, Aiya has huge strength, which is very atypical PK behaviour.

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@Kai: Could you do Uther's face,Pent's hair,and Forde's armour?

@Bal: I plan to have her use swords mounted as well.

Edited by Ether
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@Kai: Could you do Uther's face,Pent's hair,and Forde's armour?

@Bal: I plan to have her use swords mounted as well.

Ahh, I see.

Also, I'll try Frankenstening something together too. I'll never improve if I don't practice.

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Can you choose someone else's armor.

Giving the angle Forde's head is it is quite difficult.

EDIT: Maybe Balcer can splice Aiya while i do Damian's

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