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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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The men were properly exhausted, but when their commander saw the pegasus knights fall, well, there was no disobeying orders. Many died senselessly as the knight called frantically for backup, but one of the archers got a lucky shot, and the druid who had slain so many of their men was taken out. The enemy mages threw their best attacks, taking out more men; arrows cut their attacks short, too. The other insurgents, all half dead already, were quickly surrounded as reinforcements arrived.

...No, I won't really have anyone react to Ixion, because we really don't need that; it would be realistic, but screw reality, I suppose

As for where next: Right now, we need to go back to TISME and heal and rest. Our characters could probably use at least another day's rest, likely more; we could just timeskip through to when they're all in good condition again. If we continue at our current pace, our characters will realistically just drop dead, more enemies or no.

After that: Meshes are an interesting lead. Conrad is strategically a terrible idea, and I'm pretty sure none of our characters knows what actually happened to Reika. (Actually, besides Nadeisco, do any of us know that?)

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XD I got Phoenix into angry mode :) (Aka, I don't give a f*** anymore mode) XD

Editted last post in regards to In/out of character.

If you stopped making implausible solutions I wouldn't have to? I mean getting the group cleared of arson if nice and all, but it doesn't change the fact that the group resisted arrest and killed soldiers. And you seemed more intent on clearing yourself of arson (Iso exclusive) then actually dealing with the entire situation of gettig rid of soldiers, Viveka arresting only Chase and Isotov are a clear indication of this.

Probably seems like I'm interfering with everything, and that's my intention XD Coming to Ilyphina in the first place was a ridiculous plot event IMO.


Reika complex? I get a complex named after my character? Yay! XD

Edited by Kanami
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Viveka has a Reika complex at the moment, in which she's actively hostile towards party members, which makes it kind of impossible for her to join the group until Conrad joins.

I don't think we even know where Conrad is, so we can't chase after him very well. Demon hunting it is, although resting would be logical.

Not quite on that point there.

Viveka's been anything but actively hostile to most in the group. Any other soldier under Conrad's command wouldn't have tried to end things peacefully, the first or second time. She thought that there might be a chance that they were innocent of their original crimes, and wanted to give them a chance to prove it. She also had to at least try to follow procedure while she did it though.

You guys are like the drunken redneck who won't listen and go back in the house, so the police have to arrest you instead.

@ Cuddles

The rest of the charges couldn't be cleared because they're guilty as f*ck :/

Why even focus on those. Like I said, Viv's plan was to capture the whole group. Chase and Iso are just insanely easy to capture so they were going to be bait. They've both got cws now so why not?

Edited by Phoenix
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Except that we can't really do that, because we don't want to wait around for a trial to process. I let it go when Harold had a trial for Katie within like a day, because it was a mock trial, but any logical justice system is going to take at least several months to process people. We can't comply with Viveka's demands, so she's essentially as bad as people wanting to kill us.

Did you think Isotov would just show up to court the next day, whip out a wind tome and have everyone declared innocent?

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Surrender or die is considered hostile. So is arresting someone when they don't want to. She's just doing her job, but from the groups perspective she's hostile. You can tell she's hostile cause no ones willing to befriend her at this point in time XD

As for the redneck, you're not much different Donald.

@Lacuna, To be honest I'm not sure what happened to Reika either XD Snowy wanted to abduct Reika steal her Crimson Daggers and kill Reika off by using the headmasters hocus pocus, but despite what I said yesterday I still haven't reached a conclusion.

@Why focus on those?

Because err.... even if we clear Isotov of Arsonist status, we're all still going to be wanted criminals?

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Except that we can't really do that, because we don't want to wait around for a trial to process. I let it go when Harold had a trial for Katie within like a day, because it was a mock trial, but any logical justice system is going to take at least several months to process people. We can't comply with Viveka's demands, so she's essentially as bad as people wanting to kill us.

Did you think Isotov would just show up to court the next day, whip out a wind tome and have everyone declared innocent?

No, I expected something to go wrong again. I'm always right :mellow:

The idea was mainly to get Viv off the group's back by proving that Shanice was behind Chase's crimes, and that Proxima is a thermite factory with no off switch to speak of. If we cleared them of the original crimes, then we could move along and be down with that part of the story. After killing so many people, that idea was scraped and she had to keep coming after them.

Surrender or die is considered hostile. So is arresting someone when they don't want to. She's just doing her job, but from the groups perspective she's hostile. You can tell she's hostile cause no ones willing to befriend her at this point in time XD

As for the redneck, you're not much different Donald.

@Why focus on those?

Because err.... even if we clear Isotov of Arsonist status, we're all still going to be wanted criminals?

Of course they are, that's why Viv was trying to take Chase and Iso. Even after they were going to get cleared, she still wanted to capture the whole group to put them on trial for murdering so many soldiers.

@ Snowy

Can we start over?


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Which was a really dumb plan on her part. If we would be willing to chase after them, we're not going to let her just take them in the first place when we can pretty easily just kill her and her troupe (much easier than breaking into a prison).

Shanice behind Chase's crimes? Not sure how that would work.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Which was a really dumb plan on her part. If we would be willing to chase after them, we're not going to let her just take them in the first place when we can pretty easily just kill her and her troupe (much easier than breaking into a prison).

Shanice behind Chase's crimes? Not sure how that would work.

@ Plan

I didn't get to post this because Cuddles was moving too fast, but if the group hadn't let them leave with Chase and Iso, Viveka would have pulled an underhanded move. Since Iso and Helios were already pretty much caught, her wingmen wouldn't have had any trouble killing both of them on the spot(all it takes is one good stab). She's justified to do so since the group IS guilty anyway.

@ Shanice

Don't ask ... it's hardly important right now.

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After the group rests, where are you going to? Septimus? If so, I'll try to have Heinz run into them. Otherwise he'll probably be hired as a mercenary to steal/attack you guys or something. Probably not happening till the beginning of the new chapter though, or at least not until after they rest.

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Hmm, don't know if you had this ordeal Snowy approved, but it's got so many holes in it, I'm not sure where to start.

Shanice behind Chases crimes: You were going to try to prove in court that there was someone who looked just like Chase commiting the crimes? "It's a demon, he shapeshifts!"........And then escape jail and get to go to the insane peoples home. And even if they did convince them it was Shanice, I doubt the government wants to reveal demons are running rampant across the land anyway.

Thermite factory..... Again you'll probably be spared jailed, but place in an unstable persons home, if it goes off once then it'll go off again. "I can't control my weapon" doesn't exactly stand up in court, and saying Proxima has a mind/will of it's own is going to land you in the looney bin.

As Cynthia said, we wouldn't let Viveka take them in the first place, but Viveka really is an Irina if she actually expects us to still be here waiting for her to come collect us once she's dealth with Chase/Iso.

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After the group rests, where are you going to? Septimus? If so, I'll try to have Heinz run into them. Otherwise he'll probably be hired as a mercenary to steal/attack you guys or something. Probably not happening till the beginning of the new chapter though, or at least not until after they rest.

Possibly back to Vaorin, where the mesh monster is waiting for us. After that. Who knows? I'm just tagging along for the ride. Septimus is not impossible, but I don't know whether or not it is likely either. It depends how we think we need to work things so we can force a recruitment upon Conrad.

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She can't do that because you can't kill them. :P

This whole mess is actually due to Phoenix making a mistake (fire+wooden inn).

There's a ketchup character?

It would have been a threat to. Don't tell me they wouldn't take a threat seriously.

Never mind, that's over anyway.

That was Cuddles not me. I turned off the fire, and even sucked ALL of it back into the tome, and specifically posted that nothing burned down. She god modded me, and nobody cared at the time.


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Hmm, don't know if you had this ordeal Snowy approved, but it's got so many holes in it, I'm not sure where to start.

Shanice behind Chases crimes: You were going to try to prove in court that there was someone who looked just like Chase commiting the crimes? "It's a demon, he shapeshifts!"........And then escape jail and get to go to the insane peoples home. And even if they did convince them it was Shanice, I doubt the government wants to reveal demons are running rampant across the land anyway.

Thermite factory..... Again you'll probably be spared jailed, but place in an unstable persons home, if it goes off once then it'll go off again. "I can't control my weapon" doesn't exactly stand up in court, and saying Proxima has a mind/will of it's own is going to land you in the looney bin.

As Cynthia said, we wouldn't let Viveka take them in the first place, but Viveka really is an Irina if she actually expects us to still be here waiting for her to come collect us once she's dealth with Chase/Iso.

I never said that was actually going to be proven in court. Never even had a court scene planned out. Was going with the flow until someone set off a bomb in the river.

Proxima has no mind of its own. We've been over this. That's why Iso had to go the wind mage route.

She wasn't expecting you to do anything but try to stop her in the long run.

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That was Cuddles not me. I turned off the fire, and even sucked ALL of it back into the tome, and specifically posted that nothing burned down. She god modded me, and nobody cared at the time.

And that wouldn't have been god moding yourself? I'm sorry, but please. The magical fire? Maybe. The ordinary fire that got started by the magical fire? Huh-uh.

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And that wouldn't have been god moding yourself? I'm sorry, but please. The magical fire? Maybe. The ordinary fire that got started by the magical fire? Huh-uh.

That's what I don't get, Bal. Are we going to just say that red flames cause normal flames? Is that actually true, or is it a heat issue? Former doesn't make a lot of sense overall. One fire starting another is one thing, but I didn't give her enough time to cause that much damage, and she still did it.

@ Kai

Not in the end no. Remind me to never interact with Helios again -_-

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Nady was being logical, Phoenix was being illogical with sucking in fire and what not. If you cancelled out the fire that easily I'd be surprised and whining XD Isotov doesn't even have full control of Proxima so I seriously doubt such a move, nevermind Proxima was established as unstable even before Kamilla was introduced.

@Kai, Indeed there wasn't, it probably didn't make sense anyway, but you can thank me for screwing that up unless someone else wants to take the credit.

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