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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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RED ... cause I just woke up :facepalm:

Not really, I've come across people who are alot friendlier then you The people you came across were bullsh*ting you., and you just throw a hissy fit when things don't go your way :P Actually I bring it up in chat/feedback to discuss it. I don't mind being excluded, and I can kind of guess your intentions by trying to form some sort of subplot with others. (If you plan in a group, you'll have more allies when arguing with meIf I plan in a group, I could put arguments to rest altogether) I can't speak on their behalf, but in my opinion, Cynthia/Bal seem to have issues with quite alot of stuff that comes before the group. The only difference between me and them is, they try to resolve itI don't recall them trying to resolve very much, just mention that something is impossible, and then wait to see if anyone else does something about it, while I opt to destroy it and start new. Again that's just my opinion, and they could be as pissed off at me as you are :/ You haven't pissed me off yet, Cuddles. I don't know where you're getting that idea from.

Depends really, as far as I can recall I haven't plot planned with you at all if we exclude that one PM where you told me the three possibilities of Conrad/Harold/Headmaster. That's because you're useless. You're like one of those team killers on Xbox Live. Consequently, we're probably going to lose the game. And they were all pretty similar overall (Iso gets smashed) And I can't cooperate with what I don't know.Then ask next time. As for forcing things along, I agree that alot of the RP'ers seem to be content with what's happening at the time. Players like Lacuna seem to be happy where-ever She's a stronger woman than I. (other then inside burning forests XD) and Bal/Snike seem to have something to do whereever they are. If I had to point the finger it'd be at Snowy for not being around to move the plot along alot of the timeHe could make someone who actually cares about moving things along "third" though I'm already disqualified for bringing it up(jokingly or otherwise :lol: ). (Yes I know he has a life outside this RP, and I'm not saying he's incompetentMeh ...)

You could say this is a group RPI thought I did. What the f*ck is it, then? A support building competition. If that's the case I'm quitting right now., but the essential core plot is determined by SnowyAgreed., Subplots are nice and all but in my opinion subplots should be things that are created as branches from the main plotWhat main plot?, not some little special story forced in on the side.You can force it, or you can tell it to people with their ears closed. You know what that's like, right? If people want to develop their characters back stories that's fine, Helios does it all the time and no one cares. Likewise, a good portion of the players don't care about Isotovs past, which in turn makes the RP'ers not care.And I could fix this by trying to get everyone to like him? Iso has enough support options already. It might be an interesting quick read, but it's not something people can interact withLiar., and your.... revelations of character tend to be long boring dialogues where you just have two of your own characters interacting.Sh*t happens. If no one else is going to do something, then I may as well. Whereas I personally would have found it more interesting if Katie of Kelas had asked Isotov about his past and the arsonist reluctantly told them.Snowy's MIA, and Kiryn and I don't have good timing just yet. This leads to new character emotions and possibly plot.Nope. It leads to you flapping about something else. You're ... that ... f*cking ... pro, Cuddles. Not throwing in an all-mighty shaman who seems to be able to bend everything to his will.General from Megaman X4: My fate is sealed I have no choice.

I don't know what your own opinion of your NPC's areIrina keeps Iso anchored to the group ... npcs keep me anchored to the rp., but they're boring, and Irina and Viveka disagree with you when you say you can manage that many characters.I am utterly convinced that you guys determine managing skill soely based on how often their included in a post and what they're doing. Remind me to include their heartbeat rate, when posting so you know they're still alive from now on. Even Isotov tends to drop out of the main picture sometimes.Sometimes I don't want you guys to know where they are. There's 99% chance that any interaction with other rpers is going to be out of character in some way(because we just CAN'T character separate). I'd rather scout for Cuddle traps before proceeding. And surprisingly enough, no one seems to be willing to start up conversations with Ixion or Stephanie, or Ivanko, Lev, Ivan and whoever else exists.I never talked with anyone about it before. No one cares if a 3rd and 2nd tier couple shows up to save Iso from Shanice and Viveka. Half he group can't even establish decent communication with more then one character without having to worry about all these NPC's. I think you're the one that's worried. No one else cares. It might be a support thing, but I'm pretty sure most people would agree that you don't need anymore NPC's. I don't need even one npc. I do it for many reasons. Do most people agree with you trying to destroy us at every turn? No, but you do it for many reasons.


I know I probably shouldn't do this but I've never been one to care about what I should and shouldn't do.


What does everyone think about making a Merlinus for the group? Someone who can carry the groups stuff around in a caravan like thing? He'd be like Katie, an NPC that follows the group around. I said that was already canceled. Then again, the group's thoughts are appreciated, especially if it furthers our individual goals ... *sigh* I f*cking hate politics.


Nady's right, you should really consider trying to have your characters talk to the characters of other RPers rather than your own. I will, when they're not busy outrunning firestorms. Yes, chances of being interrupted are higher and it takes more posts 45% more excluding times where interruptions cancel convos altogether, which more than half of them do., but it's more interesting. When it works. Morgan and Tessa aren't worth interrupting. Your character's interactions with the group as a whole are very limited As are times we are not in extreme danger or arguing., you've forced some talks between Isotov and Katie, once in a while Irina has a non sequitor with someone, everyone called Iso an idiot that one time and that's about it. What can I say? Iso's used to nice people, and Irina is a tomboy mercenary with way too many frends back home. Looking at other characters, most of them have at least talked to several members of the group and have several plausible friendship paths, yours...don't. Is Iso supposed to know and try to get along with the whole group? Cause ... that would include Helios. Somethings aren't meant to be, and he's got enough supports. Yeah three's enough until futher notice. Irina could support with almost anyone but I still can't decide which rper I should work with on that. Things are just going to get worse when Viveka joins the team I imagine. Here's what'll happen, just so you know ahead of time. When she joins the team in like ... chapter 58 or something, she'll pretty much mirror Kamilla's responses to the group's activities except she has a javelin instead of faith. I don't know how many fights could get started, but that's the direction it looks like it's headed in.

I'm usually content just doing whatever it is we're doing at the time I'm not content with being pushed around by Cuddles and adapting to something that can be fixed. If I can't fix it, role with it, if I can, I'll try., but I could try and force the plot along more if you want, though I don't enjoy doing so. There's very little I enjoy about this rp myself. Every post I make is an attempt to defend myself(and sometimes the group) from Cuddles. That's it. I enjoyed Susann chewing on Chase, but that is all I can remember doing inside the actual rp that I actually enjoyed in recent memory. I recommend you not do something like help with the main plot advancement if you wouldn't enjoy doing so.

If you can get agreement from one of the "doubters", the plan is probably fine Getting agreement from you is too hard, and not always necessary since you roll with everything anyway. Bal is negotiatable most of the time, but Tessa is only semi-relevant(keeps us alive, and keeps Arrin happy, but not much else), or at least make the other doubters concede. Cuddles DOES NOT CONCEDE >_< Big 2 things when making a plan is A. It has to be logical That's where you don't come in., make sense in regards to characters/setting etc. B. Cannot end in total group death, permanent incarceration etc. for obvious reasons. That's when Cuddles goes and turns a serious problem for the group into an impossible one that we have to god mod our way out of.

Consideing the whole point of the CWs is to seal the LoAF, that would be rather backwards. I guess it could be a "good job breaking it heroes" sort of moment, but that would make Damian's dad a liar, everything Morgan's learned a lie etc. etc. It would be a huge conspiracy. A better turn of events then anything that's happened so far.

Post note: Cynthia I had a weird ass dream about you last night just before I woke up :/

Something about the Yuktobanians from Ace Combat 5. Umm ... no idea what that white dress and those sandles/slippers you were wearing were about though. Anyway, that's better than dreaming about Cuddles burning the world down, or Kiryn turning me into a fire duck.

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No clue. Don't the fliers need to leave, first?

Edit: Phoenix, is Viveka partially blind, or does she just have tunnel-vision?

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Because it's still the middle of the night (Early morning) and Lacuna wants to rest? I dunno, I just figured that everyone would head back to sleep soon, and if no one's doing anything figured it was because they didn't have anything to do.


Intentionally made hard to read, just for Phoenix

The people you came across were bullsh*ting you: They weren't neccessarily being nice to me :/

Actually I bring it up in chat/feedback to discuss it: And whine that "Cuddles" is screwing you over :/

If I plan in a group, I could put arguments to rest altogether: Ha, A group without me will get no rest, and a group with me in it will also get no rest XD

I don't recall them trying to resolve very much: When they're providing their input that's usually when they're trying to resolve the issue, by supporting one side.

You haven't pissed me off yet, Cuddles: I get it from posts like his which consist of "Cause Cuddles this, cause Cuddles that" XD

That's because you're useless: I'm sorry, for someone that's useless I sure am giving you a run for your money :/ Nice of you to label me useless without even trying though.

Then ask next time: It's not my duty to ask and check that everyone's happy, I'm not the one whining about someone screwing up my subplots, and have no issues with continuing to "screw things over"

He could make someone who actually cares about moving things along "third": Unneccessary, and if we do appoint someone I'm only willing to follow their instructions if they make sense, and in your plots that doesn't happen very often.

If that's the case I'm quitting right now: Bye bye XD Cause that's what it feels like to me atm.

What main plot?: The one you just agreed that Snowy determines <_<

Iso has enough support options already: Get out of here, or retract your comment two points up.

Liar: They're unneccessary characters, as proof, no ones really taken an interest in interacting with them

Sh*t happens. If no one else is going to do something, then I may as well: Good for you, now how about you "cooperate" and make things interesting for the group by interacting with someone?

Nope. It leads to you flapping about something else. You're ... that ... f*cking ... pro, Cuddles: Thank you, I got my license 20 years ago. Interesting how you complain about my actions when you can only predict them though, I didn't know you knew me that well.

Irina keeps Iso anchored to the group ... npcs keep me anchored to the rp: And screwing you over keeps me anchored to the RP, any other crappy excuses you want to make?

You guys determine managing skill soely based on how often their included in a post and what they're doing: Sort of, having their location kept secret doesn't make any sense and if you can't disclose their location they either just vanished from the face of the earth, and if you can't do that then you have too many characters.

Remind me to include their heartbeat rate, when posting so you know they're still alive from now on: If you're serious, I'm willing to do that.

I think you're the one that's worried. No one else cares: I'm fine with that, though change worried to interested.

I don't need even one npc. I do it for many reasons. Do most people agree with you trying to destroy us at every turn? No, but you do it for many reasons: Do you complain about me trying to destroy the group? That's why I complain about your many NPC's

I said that was already canceled: Just wanted an opinion of what others had thought.

I'll leave the rest to Cynthia, but this one

Cuddles DOES NOT CONCEDE: Cuddles will concede when you start making sense with your plots and procedures

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Edit: Phoenix, is Viveka partially blind, or does she just have tunnel-vision?

Neither ... she's unconscious.

@ Ixion

I'll get around to it I guess

@ Iso

He's walking his unconscious sister and her wyvern back to the aerie and stables with Kelly(finally got a nickname for Kelas :D )

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Hey anyone want to argue Tiers?

Im bored

If we're not going to have a timeskip that's fine, but would someone mind actually RP'ing? A good chunk (over 50%) of the Rp'ers are here and yet no one's posting in the RP thread :/

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The colored posts are hard to actually respond to properly.

Could you find a way to make Irina Isotov's motivation, yet have her...not tag along? That seems to be an easy solution.

Isotov doesn't necessarily have to talk to everyone, but the only character he interacts with that you don't control is Katie, which I don't really approve of. Again, this is probably a style issue. You enjoy having a lot of characters who talk to just a few people, while a lot of the rest of us prefer to have less characters with more interactions. I'll note that in the original post Snowy puts "Character over Saturation" as a point.

Some of your points seem a little contradictory. You won't tell us what your characters are doing, but you want us to have everything planned out over PMs?

Not sure what you mean about the logical thing. I usually question anythign that doesn't make much sense to me.

Nady might interrupt things a little too often, you might have a point.

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Where is Isotov at?

It's not like you've got anything better to do so how about checking the RP thread and figuring out yourself? Alternatively you could look six posts up and read Phoenix's post :/

*Seven, now that Cynthia's ninja'd me XD

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I suggested a timeskip if the group was just going to rest and then go somewhere else, I wasn't sure how long you were going to stay at TISME for. Guess I'll send Heinz after them for now, and see where they run into each other.

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If we're not going to have a timeskip that's fine, but would someone mind actually RP'ing? A good chunk (over 50%) of the Rp'ers are here and yet no one's posting in the RP thread :/

I just got here, and I'm still sorting out what happened while I was asleep. I thought I was over with Irina, about to heal her, but then Isotov showed up and took her somewhere? Or did I misread things?

And now there was also a magical duel, and Morgan needs buffing again too.

Hmm, how to manage.

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Nady might interrupt things a little too often, you might have a point.

I resent that :/ I jump out and grab every opportunity I get to screw things up so "a little" I feel is an understatement which is challenging me to cause more trouble XD

Nady wouldn't have to start so much trouble if people actually RP'ed (Like now,Are you people waiting for me to teleport Reika and a whole group of shady figures to attack you or something?) I can accept people being busy with life, but when you're all standing around (logged on) browsing the topics, and not posting anything for an hour, you're either not really online, or are as bored as I am.

When Nady gets bored she starts trouble

When Phoenix gets bored he starts long boring conversations with himself

When the rest of you get bored.... well I don't know what you're doing, but it's not Rp'ing XD

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@Group, How about leaving Tessa alone and resting/sleeping instead? You could even make a random NPC healer that's running around healing people XD Since there's about 500 injured people all wanting attention and Bal's trying to work out who Tessa should save first XD

This is where Stephanie could actually be useful, but her location and what she's doing is..... unknown XD

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@Group, How about leaving Tessa alone and resting/sleeping instead? You could even make a random NPC healer that's running around healing people XD Since there's about 500 injured people all wanting attention and Bal's trying to work out who Tessa should save first XD

This is where Stephanie could actually be useful, but her location and what she's doing is..... unknown XD

There was that civilian woman with the herbs that I left attending to Eric...

Okay, I think I know more or less what I'm doing.

Kelas seems bound and determined to try and hide her injuries from me. I don't know why, but I guess I'll just roll with it for now. :S

Oh, also

(@Bal, Might want to stop referring to Kamilla as a child, she is older then you XD I don't mind, but despite her actions, she wasn't a child before and Tessa technically doesn't understand what Morgan did)

Oops. I've tried to mix it up some, but yeah. I mean, I can't really call her a waitress, since that was long ago, and just using ex-waitress feels bad, so I abandoned it. She's not really a priestess (or is she?) so I didn't think that was appropriate. I like to have a range of synonyms I can swap in and out, because just using names or pronouns lacks flavor, and I find Kamilla's descriptors a bit harder than most others currently. If you've better suggestions, I'll listen.

And you're right, she still has no idea what's wrong. I thought I'd been trying to do a decent job at that, and am not sure I understand the criticism here?

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