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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Meh, for me it came off as wayyy too strong. "I'm reunited with the group. The first thing I'm going to do is seduce the fire mage with food and take my clothes off if that doesn't work!" Especially since Katie really didn't show any mutual attraction towards Isotov in previous conversations (well actually just that one, before that it was just GTFO my sandwiches!), and his attitude was more just friendly than anything.

Perhaps I just don't like the pairing or this is my personal bias, but the character's thought processes seem to moving way too quickly for my tastes. I excused it for Damian/Aiya since they knew each other for like 20 years previous, but for essentially strangers it strikes me as very odd.

I won't bring up my last girlfriend story again though this is mirroring it exactly XD

I'm not all that thrilled about certain pairings myself, but I like this one. It's interesting because at some point, Iso has to confront Harold, and that will be EPIC.


Will address above posts in next post.

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It was an imaginary one :newyears:

Let me rephrase that

One that i made

Or it could have been the one you were at but what ever

Helios is at the TISME Building

Edited by Kai-Sama
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I think we should see other people: What? You mean you weren't seeing other people? I've been seeing this cute little girl for the last 14 years :/ *gasp* :o

Me neither but you haven't done much to stop him except for that one time: Believe me on this if nothing else, I want to, and I doubt anyone would doubt that for a second. However Ether covers his tracks up pretty well, or rather, he got a high status when making a character and isn't afraid to use it. "Halton this, Halton that" and if Damian has such power back in Halton then I can't exactly do much since we're not in Halton, and I don't have a grasp of what it's like there. I would have stolen soldiers during Viveka/Damian making peace terms. (Which didn't make sense, they're clearly out numbered and easy to force) But you, Lightning were already having a cow about how I'd screwed everything up and decided if I didn't let it slide, I'd have to deal with more idiocy then I could handle. *sigh* No comment.

Get help: They've tried that, it didn't work. Let me rephrase that. Get one of these: emot-quagmire.gif

Believe it or not, that batch was meant to last most of the story: Unfortunately I don't believe this, as you said earlier, all I have to do is grab what's lying around and build weapons of mass destruction. While your plots seem to require introducing new characters to address every segment of Isotov's past and current state. That's what family does, they reveal what folks won't normally be able to pry out of you. I'd lay off of NPC reveals, but only once the interactions start lasting longer.

While it would have led to different results I don't see why it couldn't have been Lev/Ivan in Ilyphina doing some mercenary research for Ivanko. Stephanie's a healer, and all but that's not really relevant barring healing Kiev and Isotov (which Tess could have done) and while Ixions fleshing out rather well, I wish it was Irina being fleshed out (Though you're making a good job with her at the moment, OMG Irina posts!) Thank you. Actually I was considering having Lev(Just Lev) show up at the capital for a funny and disturbing scene with Irina, but I can save that for a more appropriate time.

@Case Study XD

I can't provide solutions for a scenario which is that hopeless, if you objective was to swipe Iso/Chase it should have been done as soon as they Viveka arrived, instead of forming a protective shell around them. Bogged down in dialogue. My mistake.

The whole idea of only arresting two people should have been scrapped, call for reinforcements, or something and have the group lead away. But again that's likely going to lead to a scuffle. The problem there is you're trying to get Viveka to be on good terms with the group, by arresting them :/ If the cooperated the first time, they would have been led to Conrad. Working out a deal would have been easier in his mansion. If things didn't work out, well ... it's hard to get overpowered in a mansion with Ether's flying T90 around.

If you urgently wanted Viveka, I don't see why Ixion couldn't have done a Morgan and said "These are your friends." Because Ixion doesn't care. I'm not going to use Ixion to insta-recruit her just because I can.

Taking them to Conrad would do what? They'd be thrown in jail to lure the rest of the group, which will equate to a jail break which you've admitted is a ridiculous concept. They either had to go to jail or go to Conrad. She can't let them wander freely, unless soldiers poking them in the back with sharp things all the time while being led around is so much better.

~If you wanted a jail scenario~

If she didn't want a confrontation, then she should have left quietly and brought back reinforcements at the gate. Even Nady can't stop the military in Ilyphina if the group get cornered. Best I could do is a coup'de'tat, and we all know making that plausible at this stage is near impossible. My choice would have been that. Viveka and I are not on the same wavelength. She's thinking like a determined officer. How many times have our enemies been outnumbered and still fought? How many times in FE have the bosses been completely surrounded and not back down? Her actions weren't stupid, as much as typical.

~If you wanted an escape scenario~

Well that's not what you seemed to want to do, but letting the group slip past the gates and away wouldn't be too hard. Nady could spring soldiers on you, but my only Ilyphinan figure is Upson and he's dead. I suppose I could conjure up another platoon, but having just finished a battle with bandits I really doubt Cynthia/Snowy would have allowed another battle right after. You've got more NPCs than I do ... hypocrite.


@Headmaster: Really not happy with the way the Headmaster is acting, he wants to keep it secret but reveals it to a complete stranger? He doesn't even know Ixions intentions :/ *Shakes head* *snickers*

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*Sigh* Well the long "Dear Phoenix" letters are reaching an end :(

Only thing I can say that actually have any relevance in the last one are

-Nady's NPC's: Yeah, but 99% of the time they end up dead by the end of the chapter, while named characters that keep coming back are expected to be more developed and interesting. Something I think you can't accomplish too well, not because of skill but attention restraints. I think the only NPC's I have still alive are the innkeeper/Matron from the border town and Sabla if she counts (She's not coming back)

-In character/Out of character.

You're going to have to give up "In character" for "Makes sense" since there's no way you're convincing me to not cause trouble when you're acting out your characters to be idiots (Military hardhead or whatever). I'm not saying make Isotov round around giving people free hugs like Cess seems to be doing but at least acknowledge characters he doesn't like (Eg Kamilla stating a bandit is alive I know he was in no position to react but as an example) Since I think we're in agreement when I echo your comment earlier and say "I don't want this turning into a support whoring competition" Kamilla and Helios might be extreme examples but whatever, if Helios warned you that Irina was injured you wouldn't just ignore him outright, surely

Edit: As for Viveka, I thought she was supposed to be able to keep a leveled head and assess the situation calmly, being a tactician and all :/

@Cynthia: Not very specific on Reika's position myself, but she'll most likely reappear once you leave the capitol. (Cause I'm not breaking into Ilyphina after a bandit raid <_< I'm not stupid enough to try and break through alert guards by myself, just to get to a group who's most likely going to relocate soon.

Edited by Kanami
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I would say Helios underwent character development: kindly loner noble--->arrogance--->complete jerkass, but that would be giving Kai too much credit.

If you're running out of things to bitch about Nady, there's always Iso/Katie.

I think Phoenix has issues making levelheaded characters. Well, Ixion is, but he also just OP magics his way through everything so he never undergoes much stress.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Also I have no idea what you're planning on doing with those pies, but it worries me greatly.

Selling them, of course. Unless you want to start a pie fight or something, or choke yourself while eating pie, etc.

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Permission to burn the illogical pie man to a pile of ash? :/

Can we establish what time it is? I was under the impression it was still like 2~3AM and if there's a pieman carelessly walking around offering pies with dead bandits everywhere he's either some evil dude, or the work of some idiot.

(Serious about the time though, I still have Kamilla up in a room sleeping, and Reika's not arriving anytime soon.

Katie/Iso I'll leave alone for now, their being overly clingy but I can sort of deal with it.... sort of. As long as he keeps paying Irina attention I'll turn a blind eye to possessed evil Katie and her magical way of escaping Harold.

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I was under the same impression about the time. Suspicious pie salesman is suspicious.

I'm kind of hoping Katie is possessed and luring Isotov into a trap. That would be pretty cool. If she's just suddenly being clingy, that's less cool, more vomit inducing.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Clearly you have not read enough Girl Genius, then.

Never heard of it, but sounds sorta interesting (this better not be some lame vampire thing cough cough twilight) Steampunk? I'll look into it if I remember :D

I was under the impression that not everyone had timeskipped, and that it was somewhere closer to 11ish since Katie was offering food. Whatever. Take the pieman as you will.

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