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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Re Mage Knight: Well, we've got this horse that people don't usually ride...

Actually the point behind the packhorse was that it would, well, carry packs. And spare weapons. Problem is, there's more of us than it can carry for now. I'm nthing the motion of a Merlinus character; I'm just not sure who should do it. It shouldn't be very demanding as the character won't be involved in battle, but neither should someone with a full plate take it up.

@Stats for villains: I can only speak for Megae: She'll get stats in the chapter in which we fight her; til then, no stats. This is to ensure that she's the right level when we fight her. (We will only fight her once.)

@Secondary weapons: Some make more sense than others. Smaller weapons, you just have to get used to carrying; for example, when she promotes, Kelas could easily just clip on a sword belt. (Storywise it might need to be explained why Suddenly, Swordsmanship Skills! but that's a separate issue.) Something like a lance or an axe, though, would be more of a problem. (Wagon?)

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@Magic KnightsI'm not completely against the idea, but adding more horses to the group make me frown :(My issue isn't with promotions but secondary weapons, as I find them not very important. And the last thing I want to see is people getting confused with which weapon they're fighting against. (Though I guess that's just me and PvP)If people feels strongly about getting a second weapon I'm not completely against it, but as I said before, I don't want to see a General holding a spear, sword and axe in his/her inventory. And even a mage walking around constantly with two books and a staff is ridiculous. So secondary weapons, I'd prefer not to see, but don't mind. Third weapons though.... will have to deal with Nady wrath.


Throw them on the ground while fighting?

But then other then raising caps, we're basically the same class with a new skill.

Oh idea! Get the pie sales man! He seems like Merlinus. Delicious weapon pies..

Edited by psychout50
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@Snike: You deserve it! I was expecting Eric to do a bit more then say "violence=bad" after we travelled back and forth from Istample to Ilyphina :P

Yes, I did. Not getting mind-wiped was also a sin I had yet to atone for, so getting slapped is a start.

Regarding secondary weapons, it could be that they simply have been honing their skill with the secondary(ies) so that, by promotion, they can handle it well enough to fight in combat.

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I know. That's part of my point. However, Esphyr does have the backstory to be one (she even fights like a Rune Knight TBH), so following story, Esphyr should promote to one. Honestly, it's less of a stretch than having someone who's never touched a axe in her life suddenly become good enough to use one in combat.

Either way, not looking for a fight. Branching tiers are a lot of work, and while I DID try to have them, I had to remove them when I couldn't balance them. Make you guys a deal though. If you can make properly balanced promotions, I will put them in.

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Of course, I debate anything I don't agree with. QUESTION TIME! XD

I'm not concerned about the RP as much as I am about screwing around with the battle system. For people to be switching between two weapons anyway. And I most certainly don't give two cents about FE's sytem, as alot of it does not match with an RP type system.

I don't agree that a mage who has been studying magic all his life, suddenly discovers the art of healing. Or that a general who has been swinging spears all his life, suddenly becoming just as proficient in sword and axes.

That's why they throw in weapon levels. It's not like you can start off swinging a silver sword though it's not much different from swinging an iron sword.

In the rp, mages can simply study healing until they're ready to do so after promotion, and fighters that learn to use bows have been practicing it with plot weapons beforehand. That's not unreasonable. Now if they don't take the time to learn beforehand, they should miss out, cause that would be funny.

For instance. If Iso doesn't study healing to a significant degree before becoming second tier, he shouldn't be able to use staves. What's good enough in study I would recommend be decided by group consensus. This isn't an idea I'm promoting, I'm just offering it as an example of balancing things and making it more realistic in the rp itself.

@ Snowy's deal

You're on B)

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Right, <_< Are you telling me you want to throw in weapon levels now? Since I'm pretty sure we don't use them yet. Yay, more exp to keep track of?

And you want to create more conflict by making "Did you study your second weapon enough?" into a OoC debate, I get the feeling you actually like arguing XD

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Some people can get away with secondaries, like Derek, if I make him a PC. His primary's an axe, secondary's a sword. Secondary's reasonable, due to his father being a Swordmaster. Others, like Kelas, would have to have someone train them, in order to use secondaries. Point is, make it reasonable, and you should be good.

Weapon levels have no point, if all weapons except Crimsons are the same statistically..

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I don't think much needs to be done with "How I can has new weapon." Just a little story explanation and we're good.

Example: Kelas is in a battle. Kelas breaks her arm and can't shoot. Kelas realizes that if she injures one arm, she's completely useless, and decides to rectify that.

So she asks someone (Aiya, say) for sword lessons. Maybe even gets a support out of it, who knows. She knows that until she's gotten better at it, if she tries to use a sword in combat she'll just be a hindrance. Then, when she's had enough practice (promotion), she starts using it in battle.

Not a big deal, and no weapon levels plzkthxbai.

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Okay, now that I actually get what the sign-up thread says, I can start another argument XD

Characters and max stats. Is this necessary? I mean it was a nice idea when signing up, but what's the point in holding down certain characters from increasing certain stats? Or is the point to make near identical characters? While I understood that having all stats capped during signup would prevent ridiculous applications (EG 10 Str) We only get 3 extra points to spend before promoting right? So what exactly is this stat cap supposed to do, since I'm not going to agree with say, a myrmidon or thief having equal Spd as a Cleric or Knight.


Since everyone seems to want secondary weapons I guess I won't argue second weapons any further then, though it still makes little sense to me. How long did it take for your characters to become as proficient in their weapon? 1? 2? Since we'll most likely be fighting the demon lord in 3 more plot months. (Still on week 2 in the RP)

But yeah, if you think a few hours or a few quick session is enough to teach your character to use another weapon so well, sure. I guess.

Edited by Kanami
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I don't think much needs to be done with "How I can has new weapon." Just a little story explanation and we're good.

Example: Kelas is in a battle. Kelas breaks her arm and can't shoot. Kelas realizes that if she injures one arm, she's completely useless, and decides to rectify that.

So she asks someone (Aiya, say) for sword lessons. Maybe even gets a support out of it, who knows. She knows that until she's gotten better at it, if she tries to use a sword in combat she'll just be a hindrance. Then, when she's had enough practice (promotion), she starts using it in battle.

Not a big deal, and no weapon levels plzkthxbai.

Exactly what I was saying(better example though) ^_^

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Ehh, I foresee a lot of boring posts to support gameplay reasons

Morgan: Tessa, can you teach me staves?

Tessa: Sure big sis

Arrin: Tessa, can you teach me staves?

Tessa: OK :)

Isotov: Tessa can you teach me staves?

Tessa: *sigh* I guess

Helios: Tessa can you-



"Kelas practiced her sword" [long boring swordfighting description] "Aiya practiced the lance" [long boring lancefighting description] ad nauseum once the rule comes into effect.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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One or two training posts isn't so bad, but a flood of them one after another is going to get very boring. There's a reason many training scenes are montages set to catchy music.

@Snowy 'The lance' implies Damian's penis already.

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*tries to figure out what Eric's going to say*

Bets on how much Kamilla beats him up, ppl?

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All I can say to that last bit from Cynthia is "This is not the hammer."

(Usual cookie-for-the-reference deal.)

The training needn't even be a post unto itself; maybe just an offhand mention of "So-and-so was getting better with X weapon" or have another character comment on it.

Like, going with the Kelas example again, training would probably present itself in the following way:

-Part of one post: Kelas is worrying about things, thinks, "Shit, I need a melee weapon."

-Another post: "Hey Aiya, can you teach me how to use a sword?"

-Nother post: One training session, details likely glossed over.

-Small part of one post: Offhand mention of how practice is going. Maybe they're getting ready for a battle and Kelas thinks "Well, I can't use this well enough yet, may as well not bring it."

-Small part of one last post: Around promotime, probably heading into another battle: "Hey, I'm getting better at using the sword now. I'll bring it with."

And then the sword appears in relevant battle posts.

I don't think it'd be that bad.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Hmm, I don't agree with the idea (Eg Fire magic would have to go to Isotov, no other options, and would he anyone?)

But if you people think you can handle it, I agree not all training sessions need to be written out, but I'm not going to nod my head to, Helios went to the church and came back knowing how to heal an hour later. At least there's a church in most settlements.

If this is the case, I don't really see why Reika can't learn to heal, or even better cause learn fire magic.

Actually, what's the point in loyally following FE classes anyway? It's not like there's any actual difference between a General and Sage other then the weapons they use. If they're going to pick up a second weapon I can't see why it has to follow FE rules :/


Esphyr could call herself a Rune Knight

Reika could promote to Arsonist

Helios can promote to 40 year old virgin.


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Hmm, I don't agree with the idea (Eg Fire magic would have to go to Isotov, no other options, and would he anyone?)But if you people think you can handle it, I agree not all training sessions need to be written out, but I'm not going to nod my head to, Helios went to the church and came back knowing how to heal an hour later. At least there's a church in most settlements.If this is the case, I don't really see why Reika can't learn to heal, or even better cause learn fire magic.Actually, what's the point in loyally following FE classes anyway? It's not like there's any actual difference between a General and Sage other then the weapons they use. If they're going to pick up a second weapon I can't see why it has to follow FE rules :/ EG Esphyr could call herself a Rune KnightReika could promote to ArsonistHelios can promote to 40 year old virgin.etcetc.

It should at least be semi-beleiveable. Magicians can't use weapons, vice-versa. I say if your class has used it, you can too.

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@ Cuddles

Iso would teach people to use fire magic, though Reika wouldn't be as good at burning sh*t to the ground as he is.

Viveka is going to learn how to use bows if no one minds-*shot*

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I guess you can call yourself any class you want really. I would say that following original classes promtoes balance, except that the original classes aren't that balanced in the first place and we can take classes from any game.

For caps: here's an example for what I would think the tier 1 Spd caps should have been:

Cap 6: Myrmidons, Nomads, Rogues

Cap 5: Troubadours, Pegasus Knights, Mercenaries

Cap 4: Clerics, Wind Mages, Fire Mages, Thunder Mages, Shamans, Fighters, Bandits, Archers, Cavaliers, Soldiers, Wyvern Knights

Cap 3: Armor Knights

To compensate, Armor Knights have higher Str/Def caps than Myrmidons for example.

Persoanlly I think secodnary weapons are an unecessary complication. I bet some peopel would handle it well, but others are going to have issues IMO.

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That splits it between magic and physical

Morgan learning to use a staff is no more far-fetched then her learning anima, or even light magic.

Kelas learning how to use a sword, isn't much different then a spear, sword or even axe :/

Have tribal horsemen used axes? Yes,

Have they used spears? Yes

Does any type of class not use daggers?

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Persoanlly I think secodnary weapons are an unecessary complication. I bet some peopel would handle it well, but others are going to have issues IMO.

That's why as second, you should lead by example, Cynthia :)

If you're one of the people that can handle a secondary weapon properly, then you or whoever else should pioneer it. Or post an example in here(in rp we'd have to boost Morgan so she promotes first :lol: ).

I wouldn't have any major issues with a secondary weapon since I assumed up til now that it was allowed and I even made some suggestions about weapon equipping issues somewhere in the sign up topic, and since Lev is a wyvern lord now, he's already using axes anyway(and swords if no one cares XD ). I was actually going to give him and Morgan's fanboy 2nd tier stat sheets when I had the time just for kicks.

@ Snowy's montage

The Phoenix approves of that post B)

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Well, we could still do varying caps, (As you said only 3? people who have promoted) But are you willing to rank all the classes like that 8 times? (HP/STR/MAG/SKL/SPD/LCK/DEF/RES) I suppose I'd be willing to help with some.

And then we'd need to do promoted classes XD

@Viveka with Bow: A Pegasus Rider using a bow makes alot of sense to me :/


Kamilla's memory might be coming back alot quicker then I anticipated :/

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