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I hate all Wyvern Riders and Thieves with a burning passion! Any players that play them deserve their miserable caps!

Eh, +1 Wyvern HP +1 Thief Def

How can you be both a number cruncher, and incredibly bias and get away with it? Damn!

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I kind of just arranged them as I saw fit, I didn't count it up for every class.

The first part was sarcasm for those of you counting at home. I don't actually hate WK's or Thieves.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I kind of just arranged them as I saw fit, I didn't count it up for every class.

The first part was sarcasm for those of you counting at home. I don't actually hate WK's or Thieves.

Of course you don't hate Wyvern riders and thieves ... just Irina, Reika, and Viveka

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don't actually hate WK's or Thieves.The first part was sarcasm for those of you counting at home. I don't actually hate WK's or Thieves.

Just those who play them....

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Of course you don't hate Wyvern riders and thieves ... just Irina, Reika, and Viveka

Don't flatter yourself, I'm not that fond of Aiya either.

I do like Heinz though. Mmm, ketchup.

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Would make sense for Damian/Aiya to do it, since they were right near Esphyr. As for Katie, they're some of the only ones who know she's back. Ether's disappeared though.

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Fiddled around with stats again, this should be the final version unless someone can find an issue, all stat total range from 30~32.

The main reason for the change is some classes being rendered obsolete eg bandit/Fighter,where in the last one bandits just had less Def/Res then a fighter.

Old one


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Hmmm? You changed the invading nation to Septimus? :/ Hmm well I guess we'll need to find another nation for Halton to invade, since I'm pretty sure it said somewhere that they were invading others, and if not at I think that their military focus should be directed at something :/

Edited by Kanami
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Are you tossing Helios a bone?

Umm ... another palette swap ... well at least it's good. I think she'll be a statistically valuable member to the group, though a seemingly worthless social addition.

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The change to Septimus correlates with Eric's backstory. Halton should invade something though. Probably not Tora though, since yout hink Helios would have some resentment over that.

She's someone for Eric to talk to that's not 5 years old. Better than Viveka :P

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And that makes her a valuable social addition to the group...how? Unless you consider more opportunities to monologue with yourself valuable. :P

I kind of realized that, not exactly intentional but it happens.

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Char: Hello, Eric ... wonderful day out, isn't it?

Eric: Why yes it is.

Char: ... ... ...

Eric: ... ... ...

Char: ... ... ...

Eric: ... soooo ... do you ever miss Jerdiland?

Char: I sure do! I'm going to rebuild it and play queen until Septimus marches in and smashes the kingdom again.

Eric: Sounds fun. Let me help. I'm good at getting smashed.


Viveka: Keep that damn wyvern away from me!!

Aiya: Calm down, he won't bite.

Viveka: You've got til the count of three and then I'm shooting that thing on the spot!!

Aiya: Wait a second!

Viveka: ONE ... TWO ... THREE

*kills Ulfhrahn*

Aiya: ;_;

Viveka: That's one less cow eater to worry about ^_^

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I wanted to finish Kamilla's Character thingie before logging off today T_T

Ah well, need to go now, so I guess it's a bye bye from me.

@Morgans reaction: *Grins* All I needed.

Though I was hoping it'd take longer then this for her to start remembering things :/

@Black lady

Kamilla is racist?Morgan seems like one of those dark angsty girls who'll only wear black :/ And if she's wearing different colors, I'm pretty sure she had black hair.

Updated Reika's personality to actually be like Reika, *Notes to self, when starting an RP screw the personality part since you never stay loyal to it*

Anyway off I go then.

EDIT: Would also appreciate a definitive response on

"Support Pyramid"

"Max Stats"

"SPD Nerfing" and what's happening to that.

Edited by Kanami
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"Support Pyramid"

Undecided. It seems kind of silly that you must have another friend to become better friends with the first one, but it serves a practical purpose.

"Max Stats"

Works for me, though some people seem to still have reservations. I guess a valid complaint is they didn't know the caps to start with and are now stuck.

"SPD Nerfing" and what's happening to that.

Evd growing faster than Hit is just wrong, though I guess I can see the complaints that high Evd characters aren't as good. Unsure what to do here. Could increase Lck to 1 per level instead of 0.5, although 10-11 Evd characters running around still makes me uneasy. Maybe we could just say if Hit=Evd it's a miss instead of a hit? (effectively +1 Evd)

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Evd growing faster than Hit is just wrong, though I guess I can see the complaints that high Evd characters aren't as good. Unsure what to do here. Could increase Lck to 1 per level instead of 0.5, although 10-11 Evd characters running around still makes me uneasy. Maybe we could just say if Hit=Evd it's a miss instead of a hit? (effectively +1 Evd)

I can live with those -_-

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