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@ Phoenix: That would be awesome, if only because of the excuse we'd have to make for it.

@ Snowy: >.>

I expect a pretty powerful Light tome in return.

Also,couldn't it be like pure hellfire, as a light element?

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But if Helemos is driving the cart with like 6 CW wielders, she can't do anything to Morgan. Unless she's also psychic (knowing Morgan's location) in addition to being able to go multiple places at once, but if that's the case she could have tried this much earlier.

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@ Phoenix: That would be awesome, if only because of the excuse we'd have to make for it.

That reminds me of something! @ Cynthia Who's the guy who wields the Luce tome(FE7)? The atheist Bishop.

@ Helenos

She'll probably off Morgan later but have some tiny creature follow her in the meantime till she's done with the rest.

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That reminds me of something! @ Cynthia Who's the guy who wields the Luce tome(FE7)? The atheist Bishop.@ HelenosShe'll probably off Morgan later but have some tiny creature follow her in the meantime till she's done with the rest.


If I have to I'll give Morgan my other Spirit Doll.

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@Phoenix That makes sense I guess. Though again, characters have been alone a lot this RP (or in very small groups) and nothing has happened to them.

Crimson Weapons give off magic trails? I didn't know this.

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@Phoenix That makes sense I guess. Though again, characters have been alone a lot this RP (or in very small groups) and nothing has happened to them.

Crimson Weapons give off magic trails? I didn't know this.

Thx @ both. You'd think a guy like that couldn't wield light magic or something :/

That's like Esau calling down a plague of snakes.

That's because Helenos has been fapping to power fantasies in an underground cave this whole time.


Context ... we need more of it.

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I thought it was pretty obvious. I mean, you have concentrated hellfire in that tome. Technically, it's only because of the light temperament that you're not randomly setting things on fire with every step. I would expect it to give off a very powerful mana trail very similar to the one the headmaster followed a while back (does anyone read the OP's anyways?).

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Forged of Light magic and hellfire from the shards of crystal that formed when the emblem sealed away the dark god, the Crimson weapons are truly terrifying feats of arcane power and sheer ferocious might. Are they magical weapons capable of hiding their terrifying power under the guise of normal iron and steel? Or are they demonic entities of their own accord, bound to their masters soul? What is known is that each of these weapons has great power held within, but that power comes at a terrible cost, as they slowly eat away at their users life force. These weapons appear at their masters call, replacing whatever weapon or tome was in their hand and remain there until dismissed. Each weapon contained a distinctive red hue and coloration to it, setting it apart from other weapons and spells visually. Upon the creation of the final weapon, they were scattered and hidden by their creators, each taking it to a human that they felt could be trusted to either hide the blade, or use it well. Those who possess one often blame it as the source of all their problems, yet cannot discard the weapon (thought they can dismiss it) for it is bound to

I don't see anything about "powerful mana trails" which would indicate that demons can follow us wherever because they leak all over the ground. Don't accuse me of not reading the OP when you're making stuff up that's not in there.

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I disagree with Helenos logic, I don't know how far she plans to take them into the swamp, but Morgans weapon/everyone elses, it should be obvious which she attends to first. Especially since the latter is part of her plan. If she were to just suddenly up and disappear it might cause suspicion and most likely ruin her plan.

If CW's do give of magical trails, she could just as easily kill Morgan after defeating the rest. And the only reason she'd do otherwise is if she's an Irina, or you're just trying to twist plot to suit your needs.

Under normal circumstances I'd argue that people were using OoC information to get out of the trap, but in this case, you people are using OoC stuff to fall into it. After the exchange Morgan and Helen have had, if Morgan nods her head and jumps in. That's the dread "not acting in character" Phoenix keep whining about.


@Bal, nighty night.

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@ Cuddles

Viveka is a vrigin. Shocking I know, but it's true.

@ Morgan Cynthia

Ah no one's perfect. If I was running this rp, I'd need a third and maybe a forth to keep all my sh*t in order.

@ Snowy

You might want to keep Cynthia(your second) well informed about stuff like this from now on.

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Yea... Naddy... The group really wants to get on the road and not have to deal with soldiers.

Cynthia, just because it doesn't list an effect doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That info in the sign-up is meant to give you an overview of the CW's and what they do. That doesn't change that you're carrying around a hellfire weapon, and that's gonna leave something distinct no matter how you divide it up.

Edit: I would have told her if I didn't think it was so obvious. Like I said, it's HELLFIRE! Not exactly something subtle.

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Yea... Naddy... The group really wants to get on the road and not have to deal with soldiers.

Just lock them in a room with Damian. Problem solved.

Edit: Do I smell a love triangle? Or a defrosting Ice queen one?

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I'm not saying that it can't exist, but don't act as if it's previously established. Being able to be tracked by any demon is kind of important.

But anyway, I'm not having Morgan take cart rides with strangers just because it suits plot. I like characters to act in-character, and as such that's what I do.

Magic is never really obvious. To me it seems like the hellfire would be locked in the weapons and not leaving a trail behind.

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Edit: I would have told her if I didn't think it was so obvious. Like I said, it's HELLFIRE! Not exactly something subtle.

I assume ignorance because I have little faith in humanity :sob:

Anyway ... is there even a remote chance that Irina can talk Morgan into staying? Sh*t's going to get complicated otherwise.

@ Snike


@ Cynthia

How come you get to use the in-character excuse but I don't? ;_;

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I think you've already told me that, but your soldiers have already commented that she promoted due to sleeping with the high-ups. And am not going to accept reasoning that you're soldiers knew, and that my one doesn't share such a view. (Either way, it's not too important, it's just the opinion of the soldier.

@Mana trail argument

I have to sort of agree with the SOaP here, Mainly cause you people made it so that CW's give off an aura in chapter 1 which allowed some of you god-modders to somehow notice every CW in town (bar Reika). And a magical demon being might be more attuned to it. However I disagree with Helenos throwing out her plan just for Morgan if the mana trail exists. In which case Helenos should take care of the ones she's caught and then go after Morgan later. (Not sneaking off and jeopardizing her own plan)

@Snowy comment.

Would help to keep everyone informed actually, it's not plot info, and nor should it be a secret. So mentioning it somewhere in Useful Notes or OP or anywhere really (other then in feedback) would be great. I don't agree with the defense "It should be obvious" since alot of the RP'ers actually are lacking in logic and can only counter the statement with "I don't care anymore" :/

@Phoenix In/Out character

Cause you're "IN character" is them not doing anything (Irina). Them being ridiculously clingy (Iso/Katie). And is often accompanied by "Nady screwed things up, I knew she would, I'm constantly trying to stop her, but I can't because my characters are stupid and I have to act in character"

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I think you've already told me that, but your soldiers have already commented that she promoted due to sleeping with the high-ups. And am not going to accept reasoning that you're soldiers knew, and that my one doesn't share such a view. (Either way, it's not too important, it's just the opinion of the soldier.

Yeah, it's gossip and opinion. I was just saying that it's not true. I actually approve of your post. They don't know she's a virgin, and she climbed the ranks fast. The soldiers from earlier think she's sleeping with Conrad, but they can't prove it because ... well ... they just can't :P

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@Current situation

I don't know how the group will split, but instead of assuming everyone goes with Helen and her wagon. It'd be nice if people could hold things up until the others post their opinions. Since I doubt Morgan is the only one with issues of trusting a magical wagon that just happened to arrive at perfect timing. If neccessary I'm springing Nady soldiers on you before you split up so that I can delay the actual "split up."

At present it seems it's pretty much Morgan/Eric against Isotov/Esphyr. And maybe Damian or someone else can think of a way to compromise the situation.

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Couple ways to stop Morgan from leaving

1. Don't use the cart

2. Convince that the cart is obviously faster+better

3. Have Helen be trustworthy (unlikely to happen, Morgan doesn't trust most people)

4. Knock her out and tie her up

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