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Iso's tired of Morgan so knocking her out isn't an option anymore.

Irina's on Morgan's side now, and knocking them both out is going to take some doing.

Let's go with cart is faster option.

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Couple ways to stop Morgan from leaving

1. Don't use the cart

2. Convince that the cart is obviously faster+better

3. Have Helen be trustworthy (unlikely to happen, Morgan doesn't trust most people)

4. Knock her out and tie her up

Unfortunately, the one carrying the rope left about 3 hours ago, so that's out.

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Couple ways to stop Morgan from leaving

1. Don't use the cart

Only real option you people have IMO

2. Convince that the cart is obviously faster+better

Easy to say, not very easy to do

3. Have Helen be trustworthy (unlikely to happen, Morgan doesn't trust most people)

Impossible, not unless we spend another 10 pages at least debating this

4. Knock her out and tie her up

I do not recommend this, it will not end well XD

Night Snike

~Meanwhile Nady's soldiers keep crawling closer and closer!~

"That's the thing about a cart. It's almost always faster than going on foot. Well, so long as the roads are clear. Besides, bandits shy away from armed passenger carts. Not worth the trouble and the cart can have extra weapons and be used defensively."

Carts are also more likely to be targeted for holding weapons and other goodies :/

Ah well Cynthia gave in, :/ ~Boring~

Doesn't care either way, now Nady soldiers are more legitimate! XD

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Had 2 work.

Morgan didn't actually want to leave the group anyway, it was mostly a ploy to get people not to use the cart. Considering how she goes on about reuniting the CW wielders she wouldn't split up.

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@ Cuddles

I've seen your warnings ... I'm aware ... just so you know ahead of time that I'm not ignoring you anymore.

@ Cynthia

Katie vs Morgan would be epic. Want to give it a go?

@ Snike


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Could have picked a better argument to accept though, you don't trust the woman, but you're willing to trust her that you'll get there 4 times quicker, still haven't got any reasons why it's effective in a swamp and the only reason Morgan gave in from what I can see is secret info being passed through PM's.


I figured that that might be the case when Isotov actually reacted to Kamilla, since everyone so far has decided that when I give off warnings they'll ignore it and then complain later once it's too late. Hopefully by actually reading Nady's warnings you'll save yourself from some hell :/

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Morgan also doesn't have much knowledge of mechanical things or the area, so she's willing to trust the "expert" on how fast it goes.

Probably accepted a little quickly partially due to wanting to move things along, but I didn't want to spend 3 posts debating relative speed of carts

@Phoenix Y'know I'm not really understanding the animosity towards Morgan over Katie, when Morgan's just pointing out that Katie's likelihood of dying increases significantly while in the group. It's the people that 'like' Katie that are actually being crueler to her.

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@Phoenix Y'know I'm not really understanding the animosity towards Morgan over Katie, when Morgan's just pointing out that Katie's likelihood of dying increases significantly while in the group. It's the people that 'like' Katie that are actually being crueler to her.

They're men.

Besides it's cause Katie's hot. If you'd like, I could do an FE10 version of Morgan to even the odds a bit. Wider hips?

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Animosity is simple, she thinks she can handle herself and Morgan doesn't. I guess it's a bit like being treated like a child. There's so much wrong with Katie's involvement to the point where even I can't be bothered arguing her validity. For one, Harold letting her go where'ever the hell she wants, rejoining the group that had her labeled as criminals (and are still labeled as criminals). Never mind her sudden clinginess over Isotov, and everything else... Guess I can be bothered XD

Either way, it's easier to just accept that she doesn't like sense.

Everyone seems to hate logic, and while I agree that people don't always think logically, the amount of logic in this RP is running on low due to people using "My character is stupid doesn't comprehend common sense" being thrown out every few seconds.


I know you love Katie, but shut up :facepalm: For your own good.

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RP-wise Morgan has more guys interested in her than Katie does. It's just that Isotov's way of showing he cares apparently involves tossing Katie into danger, which Morgan likes to point out is illogical.

If you want to do a FE9/10 version of Morgan you can go ahead. She'll probably kind of look like Aimee.

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OOH Can you do me?

He's going to come across looking suspiciously like Canas and Rhys but sure. May need a few days though since I'm working on some other things as well and I don't work on saturdays, spriting included.

Either way, it's easier to just accept that she doesn't like sense.

Everyone seems to hate logic, and while I agree that people don't always think logically, the amount of logic in this RP is running on low due to people using "My character is stupid doesn't comprehend common sense" being thrown out every few seconds.


I know you love Katie, but shut up :facepalm: For your own good.

Yeah yeah, when are the soldiers coming anyway?

@ Cynthia

Yeah she probably will :/

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He's going to come across looking suspiciously like Canas and Rhys but sure. May need a few days though since I'm working on some other things as well and I don't work on saturdays, spriting included.Yeah yeah, when are the soldiers coming anyway?@ CynthiaYeah she probably will :/

No problem, and I kinda that he was more like Aran, only not as apathetic and more mage-y.

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@Phoenix: When Cuddles feels like it? Might be at the gate, might be once you're well and truly away from Ilyphina. (Kamilla will most likely be with them) Probably sooner then later.

I have to agree with Morgan on the Katie thing though, I don't know how much Irina is in Isotov, but you'd think being suspicious of assassins, he'd be well aware of the dangers of taking a mute mage against an unknown monster.

Speaking of unknown monsters, I'm assuming the headmaster has just conveniently turned his sensors off and hasn't realised a demon dragon thing on campus. Or perhaps she's just incompetent and can't sense a little Helenos trickery. Who knows, :/ Being spiritual and all I'd have though there'd be some things Helenos could mask from the HM.

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She's hiding. Remember, the HM is only half-spirit, and I would wager that demons could hide from full-spirits. While the HM is strong enough to see mana networks and stuff like that, it's not THAT strong at all.

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@Phoenix: When Cuddles feels like it? Might be at the gate, might be once you're well and truly away from Ilyphina. (Kamilla will most likely be with them) Probably sooner then later.

I have to agree with Morgan on the Katie thing though, I don't know how much Irina is in Isotov, but you'd think being suspicious of assassins, he'd be well aware of the dangers of taking a mute mage against an unknown monster.

Speaking of unknown monsters, I'm assuming the headmaster has just conveniently turned his sensors off and hasn't realised a demon dragon thing on campus. Or perhaps she's just incompetent and can't sense a little Helenos trickery. Who knows, :/ Being spiritual and all I'd have though there'd be some things Helenos could mask from the HM.

@ Katie

Iso is a male, subject to Katie's pheromones and such. He said he'd protect her, and he plans to, but he also wants to help her avenge her students. Gratitude, interest, etc. Whatever the reasons, he's going to do it.

@ Headmaster

Snowy said that Helenos disguised herself as a human and is keeping herself hidden from detection slightly or something like that.

@ Cynthia

Ugly is the word you're looking for, Cynthia.

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Okay too many guys are trying to screw Morgan, and not enough are trying to screw Aiya and Esphyr. Irina's a tomboy, Katie can't speak and is covered in Iso, and Kelas is sexual ambiguous so I understand there.

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The question remains why Katie needs to come along for Isotov to avenge them. I suppose in this instance she said she was going to go anyway so it was averted, but in the future it's going to be hard to avoid that it's not really best for Katie's safety to be coming along. I guess Isotov could either value his pheremones over her well-being, or just be too dumb to realize it (probably #2, you do dumb characters pretty well).

Aran is ugly, but I'm not sure if it was intentional or his design was just poor. Considering how boring he is, maybe they just didn't take any time to give him a nice face either.

Morgan has a dark and mysterious going for her kind of. Plus, some guys prefer a challenge rather than easy girls. Not to mention Aiya is Damian's parasite.

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