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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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.... Cess? Are you.... Chase, I'd suggest logging on soon, someone's trying to steal your woman XD

What? I didn't insinuate anything!

Okay too many guys are trying to screw Morgan, and not enough are trying to screw Aiya and Esphyr. Irina's a tomboy, Katie can't speak and is covered in Iso, and Kelas is sexual ambiguous so I understand there.

Well Aiya is with Damian, and Esphyr.... but I suppose that leaves Tessa?


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The question remains why Katie needs to come along for Isotov to avenge them. I suppose in this instance she said she was going to go anyway so it was averted, but in the future it's going to be hard to avoid that it's not really best for Katie's safety to be coming along. I guess Isotov could either value his pheremones over her well-being, or just be too dumb to realize it (probably #2, you do dumb characters pretty well).

Aran is ugly, but I'm not sure if it was intentional or his design was jsut poor. Considering how boring he is, maybe they just didn't take any time to give him a nice face either.

Not just tossing up another excuse, but Iso is aiming to get stronger so friends dying doesn't happen. He's not totally against encounters. If he had the option of carrying a spirit doll around and talking to her long distance, he'd be fine with letting her stay at TISME. He's got 10syndrome where you think you'll "never see this girl again". You know what that is right?

@ Aran

Hmm ... Aran versus Makalov ... who loses?(No one really wins, but who loses more?)

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Maky. He's stuck with Astrid.

Astrid was actually pretty cute in FE9 ... something about her FE10 appearance bugs the tar out of me. It's like she's not that interesting anymore :/

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Makalov looks like a clown, Aran looks like a devout office worker that's been doing the same thing for 40 years without.

In effect I'd say a clown loses more :/

@Psych: Tessa's taken :P Pony boy.

Not really sure where I should spring the soldiers on the group now :/ Obvious choice would be at the gates. :/

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@Iso Makes enough sense. Morgan will probably continue to point out the selfishness of it though.

Probably Mak. Aran has a weird green alfalfa thing going on with his hair, but Mak's pink curls take the cake.

Tessa is Arrin's. Nady said no romances, so Ericx Kamilla is out (Kamilla is probably dog meat sooner or later anyway), though Charlotte may be a reasonable partner.

FE10 Astrid looks stoned. Her stats suck and she spends her time fawning after Makalov. Her life sucked after FE9.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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@Iso Makes enough sense. Morgan will probably continue to point out the selfishness of it though.

Probably Mak. Aran has a weird green alfalfa thing going on with his hair, but Mak's pink curls take the cake.

Tessa is Arrin's. Nady said no romances, so Ericx Kamilla is out (Kamilla is probably dog meat sooner or later anyway), though Charlotte may be a reasonable partner.

FE10 Astrid looks stoned. Her stats suck and she spends her time fawning after Makalov. Her life sucked after FE9.

Wait til he realizes that he actually likes her in ----->O way :o

Pink hair ... yeaaah ... the lamest Russian Ukrainian :P FE character in history wins loses the day.

RIP (FE9)Astrid <_<

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Damian also has a thing going with Esphyr, though it's more like a permanent threesome than a love triangle.

I find the prospect of a Cess/Chase/Morgan love triangle pretty entertaining myself.

Cess/Morgan kind of has FE precedence, it's like a genderflipped Ray/Sophia in a way.

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Damian also has a thing going with Esphyr, though it's more like a permanent threesome than a love triangle.I find the prospect of a Cess/Chase/Morgan love triangle pretty entertaining myself.Cess/Morgan kind of has FE precedence, it's like a genderflipped Ray/Sophia in a way.


I'm......Sophia? ;_; :sob: ;_;

Anyone wanna join my emo corner?

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*Starts jumping up and down* Nady had idea, Nady got idea :D


*Does a little dance and then sits down again*

Nady soldiers will not be at the gate, Nady soldiers will encounter the group much later.

Hmm, Say eight men on horseback? (Cavaliers) If you do fight them, they'll be plot enemies, and won't intervene if/when you fight the Mesh. (If they haven't made contact with the group before the Mesh)

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*Starts jumping up and down* Nady had idea, Nady got idea :D Nyahahaha!*Does a little dance and then sits down again*



I'd say Ether needs to post next.

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I assume that everyone's just going to jump in the cart, so doesn't really matter.

You can keep having Cess talk to Morgan if you want. We're stuck in the cart for a few hours, so good time for small talk.

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What would I post? You all pretty much ignore Kamilla and she had every right to be upset and run off :/

Reika turning up now would be stupid

And I've already set a course for my soldiers.

Nothing for me to do for awhile. :/

And even if I did, it'd most likely be monologue

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@comments far prior: She's not that androgynous, for cryin' out loud. Or, to rephrase: She's non-curvy enough to pass as a girly dude, given the right clothes. Not manly. (Okay, manlier than Lucius, but let's face it... everyone is manlier than Lucius.)

(Meh, I just want to get to shoot down people who aren't Shanice or lecherous border guards.)

@Previous happenings: Wow, Damian really reacted to the conflict there. Not. (I'm assuming he did, "offscreen," but I'm at a loss as to how.)

@Current happenings: Oh joy conflict. Also, wagon: what could possibly go wrong?

A thought though: I wonder what would happen if the military saw us fighting monsters?

Also, IIRC Ketchup's pretty darn far away.

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@comments far prior: She's not that androgynous, for cryin' out loud. Or, to rephrase: She's non-curvy enough to pass as a girly dude, given the right clothes. Not manly. (Okay, manlier than Lucius, but let's face it... everyone is manlier than Lucius.)

(Meh, I just want to get to shoot down people who aren't Shanice or lecherous border guards.)

I actually imagine that Kelas would look pretty nice in something else ... a tank top and some short shorts would do wonders :P

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