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I've noticed some discussion on Big Bangs character and would really appreciate a definitive conclusion on stat caps, since I really see no point in prolonging the decision. And by prolonging, it's most likely going to end up like alot of other things "We never really came to a conclusion" type thing :/

As well as the speed edits, which I think should be left alone until we get solve the cap issue first.

Edited by Kanami
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@Kai: Where does he get the money for them?

@Alc: That's just mage arrogance.

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Speaking of money, I'd like to address the question of Helios and Damian along with everyone elses money stash (Except Eric and those that appeared after Selizara). Since I'm pretty sure the soldiers would have taken your gold, and whether you were greedy enough to grab it back when the 3mages (The Emtrio) attacked the convoy.

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Whistler, if you're not replying just to watch this, I salute you. Anyways...

Kai, he's been on the run for how many years now? Helios must've worn it out enough for it to not look noble. >.>

And Yay! Enter BBM!

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Events of this RP so far would have torn the nobility clothing up, anyways. My point still stands.

Side note: Retconning is really annoying at times. >.>

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I meant the uh- ahem ... other ... problems <.< >.>

>.> Well, uh, I guess he'd have to be nice to Kelas.

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I figured Heinz would probably think Kai was the noble, but I don't know the clothing of any of the characters well enough to know for sure. Heinz used to be a bodyguard at some point, I think he can see the arrogance of nobility pretty easily. But for extra hilariousness, Heinz is going to assume Morgan is the noble.

Actually, it took me awhile to respond because I was eating food and typing slowly. But because I read your post there, I think I'll hit preview a couple more times. :lol:

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@ Phoenix: Then have someone interact with Eric. Or try to.

@ Whistler's crossed out comment: Do it.

@ Whistler: It helps sometimes. If you have FireFox, just refresh.

Edit: Did I just read that? Really?

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@Phoenix, We did, Kai/Ether's unlimited cash stash however we didn't.

@Stat caps :/

Hmmm, fine. I suppose I'll go use the stat caps and you can all do whatever you want. They're on the sign up page, so I'm just going to say their official :/

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@Stat caps: I'm already using them. Thirded.

@ RP: Must... Have... Interaction...

Edited by Snike
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"I don't think you would want to be hired by my employer to be honest. He pays us with his lance." replied Esphyr, trying to dissuade the man. "Besides, a mercenary man like you he might not want to 'pay'. Though, I guess it's his choice in the end."

Am I to interpret this as a continuation of the Damian jokes or is Esphyr getting really.... improper and slutty?

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