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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@Long posts

Yeah, but Bals post are interesting, cover the events so far. And perhaps most importantly is likeable XD Says me


Quick! Someone kill that bird!

There's a cockroach on the van! It's Shanice!

The cart itself is Shanice?

Clover..... I'm watching you. XD Amari Jerky complimented with Clover Jerky?

@ Bal

Bal already does update posts. Why would I do them too? That's pointless :/

@ Shanice

If I can instill that kind of paranoia, I've done my job :P

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:/ There is no way... you honestly aren't <_<

If Katie uses Proxima, I'm going to start lending people my Crimson weapon at basic rent price.

Reika: Heinz, I'll let you borrow the Crimson Dagger for a chapter if you pay me 5 gold.

I'd have less issues if it was say.... the headmaster, or maybe Ixion, but Katie? :/

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If Katie uses Proxima, I'm going to start lending people my Crimson weapon at basic rent price.

Reika: Heinz, I'll let you borrow the Crimson Dagger for a chapter if you pay me 5 gold.

Hey, Heinz has 15 gold on him according to the character info thread, does that mean I can borrow them for three chapters? :awesome:

The reason I don't like non stat based battles is because it's entirely based on trying not to god mod and still win fairly, which is easier said than done. Then again, I'll probably screw up damage the first time we run into something, so it's probably a good thing I'm not using stats here.

Edit: Due to plain laziness and wanting to keep this short, I'm gonna have Heinz hit Esphyr in two minutes if I don't see a post.

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Weapon-stealing competition between Reika and Heinz go go go

...@Shanice: Purple. Friggin. Cockroach.


In-story, Shanice probably hasn't got enough people paranoid. Kelas seems to be the only one who's really on the lookout... You should ph33r, with great ph33r. You do not ph33r enough. Watch me set my pants on fire.

References, references... ~is shot for the umpteenth time~

...It seems my characters have nothing useful to do right now. Ah joy.

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The reason I don't like non stat based battles is because it's entirely based on trying not to god mod and still win fairly, which is easier said than done. Then again, I'll probably screw up damage the first time we run into something, so it's probably a good thing I'm not using stats here.

Non stat-battles seem entirely arbitrary on who wins and loses and considering both player susually try to win it tends to lead to issues I would imagine.

I didn't think Crimson Weapons could be handed off to others.

I'm mostly just glad that it isn't tomebasher Katie vs. Ketchup, because then the only logical outcome would be Katie getting stabbed a lot and failing miserably, which probably wouldn't happen

@Shanice Morgan was already paranoid so her attitude didn't change much

Edited by -Cynthia-
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@ Kiryn's lack of things to do

I can fix that :)


@ Cynthia

We've traded weapons plenty of times, just not traded and used. We should probably tone that down a bit though. The CWs are getting impersonal :/

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Just so long as the solution isn't purple, even I have a limit on how much I'm willing to traumatize my characters.

Do not worry, Equivalent One, I have many ways to curve boredom and uselessness. Mainly, Irina!

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Technically, there's nothing saying it's impossible for someone else to take a degree of limited control over the weapon. After all, the bow shoots arrows, and if they vanished the moment they lost contact with the wielder, it would be useless. However, it's far from unlimited, and why Helenos is concerned. I don't wanna put a number on it, but I would think a weapon like the tome in the hands of another for about a minute is enough to make something go seriously bad.

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I just thought it was more something like the weapon can't be removed from its wielder.

Since some characters like to complain about their CWs, you think they would just hand it off. Or if they can hand it off, they can just...put it somewhere else.

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She's not removing it at all. I would wager anything more than a five yard radius distance from the wielder would cause it to disperse (bow and magic excepted) and return to it's wielder.

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Not sure how Isotov left Proxima back at the inn.

I've got no issue with others being able to hold it, it's been done plenty of times before. But actually drawing on Proxima's power or the ludicrous possibility of her actually using it seems just ridiculous, she was a circle four mage? :/

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I don't know what the distance is, but Proxima would return to Iso's hands if he threw it off a cliff or something. Anyone can hold it, but casting shouldn't work. The inn case was me exaggerating distance I think.

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She's gonna fail though. If she had a normal fire tome, she would be about to hex Morgan, but she's gonna fail.

Normally I wouldn't say anything further, but this is an exception.

How is that any different from it's actual wielder using it?.... Ah well a cart on fire makes me happy XD

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Normally I wouldn't say anything further, but this is an exception.

How is that any different from it's actual wielder using it?.... Ah well a cart on fire makes me happy XD

If Iso used it, the wagon wouldn't catch fire ... we'd all be in low orbit right now, propelled by a crimson red explosion :P

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@ Cuddles

Uh what? It's in her backstory. She wins battles for Conrad by using cheap tactics on the battlefield. She personally hasn't killed that many people. She's like the tactician from FE7 but with a class of her own and fighting potential.

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@ Cuddles

Uh what? It's in her backstory. She wins battles for Conrad by using cheap tactics on the battlefield. She personally hasn't killed that many people. She's like the tactician from FE7 but with a class of her own and fighting potential.

I know, :P Clearly you don't understand the comment, so I'll put it another way

Damian's Spear

Viveka's bucket

Helios's Virginity

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I was more of aiming for a cheap "Isotov is useless when it's raining" joke, but I should really stop with the references... >_<

If Katie pulls out two pistols and shoots Morgan then I'm fine with that :)

@ Cuddles

Bucket? Should've said buns or glazed donut holes if you wanted me to get the joke. Buckets are ... too big.

@ Bucket

It's not so much the bucket as it is what it's attached to. Rosie O'donnel has a bucket if you can believe that. Is she climbing the military ladder any time soon?

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